what's "2883779" watermark all about is it from daval himself?
I would assume, yes. For what purpose? Anti-copyright infringement; anti-piracy; take your pick.
Do you have VIP MADNESS from chapter 45 onwards?
They've been provided somewhere in this thread; if you're asking whether I have them in the same quality as the images I just posted, then I'm not the one to ask.
*A cock appears* automatically Sarah:
View attachment 4477427
I can't even blame Aaron here, it was 100% Sarah's initiative, she had no hesitation at all to just suck another cock in that house, hell... if Alice had a cock Sarah would suck it too.
Sarah is the whore of all the men in the work, not even Silvia who showed herself to be more slutty than her will have this "participation in the story lol. Imagine what the two were like in college, must have fucked half the campus
Would you still maintain this sentiment had Uncle Peter never been introduced? Daval stated his intentions from the beginning that the incest wouldn't strictly be monogamous, i.e. it would be about "sharing." He also mentioned bringing in Sarah's father to the story at some point. So I ask, has Sarah's actions thus far made her a "whore," or is it Daval's convenient set up demonstrating that as far as it concerns her
male relatives (husband, son, nephew, and uncle) Sarah's boundaries are somewhat watered-down?
This only goes to show that a female character having multiple male partners by virtue of doesn't make a story more interesting; in fact, it polarizes the male audience. I shudder to see the day when the response devolves into some Twilight-like fan base beef, but instead of "Team Edward," and "Team Jacob," it'll be about "Team David," "Team Aaron," "Team Luke," and the hopeless "Team Peter."