I just started to learn DAZ. I kinda learn many features but I have problem with rendering. When I render with Iray it seems too real. It is not bad thing bad rendering time takes too long. I see games around here. They look like cartoonish. I assume they are using different methods. You can see my example render. I used scene and camera optimizer. Still rendering time took 33 minutes 3.83 seconds
Note: I did render with 3delight but result is horrible. I look at the setting and tinkered a bit but nothing changed.
I need to make faster render in order to develop my game. It does not have to be look real. It can look like games from here. I really appreciate it any recommendations or tricks about render.
Note: I did render with 3delight but result is horrible. I look at the setting and tinkered a bit but nothing changed.
I need to make faster render in order to develop my game. It does not have to be look real. It can look like games from here. I really appreciate it any recommendations or tricks about render.