RPGM RAGS DAZ renders + RPG maker

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The Final Fantasy games are the perfect example. Even Baldur's Gate had prerendered parts. The Diablo series, Starcraft, Warcraft (really any Blizzard game at the time).
How old where you the last time you played those games ? I don't remember enough for Final Fantasy, but for the others your memory is far to be as correct as you believe.
Except the opening, and probably ending I don't remember well enough, Baldur's Gate I and II have near to no cut scenes. And when there's one, it . Same for Diablo I where most cut scenes are also , except for , mostly the opening and endings.
For Warcraft I, shame on me I don't remember ; my wife would killed me, I bothered her so much with this game. But Warcraft II, have so really marvelous 3D cut scenes, , so different from the rest of the game, that I expect Warcraft I to not have better. As for Warcraft III, a mix between 3D pre-rendered videos and real time in game 3D sequences ; the later being used most of the time. Because yes, it's not because a game use the perspective common to real time strategic games of this time, that it isn't also full 3D.

From the nine games you named (since I don't count Final Fantasy), six aren't like you remember them. And those who have effective pre-rendered 3D outside of their opening and endings, still have less difference between their pre-rendered scenes and the rest of the game, than RPG maker tiled maps versus Daz Studio renders.
I guess that either you never played the games who effectively had such difference between their cut scenes and the rest of the game, or that, like almost everyone else, you totally forgot that they existed.

I wonder what you think about text based games including pictures then? Should text based games just not use graphical supplements to maintain consistency?
Why should have I something to say ?

Oh, of course, some of those games rely on CGs stolen here and there, and they end with an effective lack of visual consistency since there's near to no CG that is drawn in the same way. But... Hell, I don't even know how to say it, it's so obviously obvious... the text is not part of the visual aspect of a game.
Do the "deluxe" edition of a classical book become a comic book because it's illustrated ? Of course not. And it's the same for text based games. As long as the CGs are made by using the same style, whatever if they are 2D or 3D, the game is visually consistent. This whatever if it's a text based one or not.


Game Developer
Apr 7, 2022
How old where you the last time you played those games ? I don't remember enough for Final Fantasy, but for the others your memory is far to be as correct as you believe.
Except the opening, and probably ending I don't remember well enough, Baldur's Gate I and II have near to no cut scenes. And when there's one, it . Same for Diablo I where most cut scenes are also , except for , mostly the opening and endings.
For Warcraft I, shame on me I don't remember ; my wife would killed me, I bothered her so much with this game. But Warcraft II, have so really marvelous 3D cut scenes, , so different from the rest of the game, that I expect Warcraft I to not have better. As for Warcraft III, a mix between 3D pre-rendered videos and real time in game 3D sequences ; the later being used most of the time. Because yes, it's not because a game use the perspective common to real time strategic games of this time, that it isn't also full 3D.

From the nine games you named (since I don't count Final Fantasy), six aren't like you remember them. And those who have effective pre-rendered 3D outside of their opening and endings, still have less difference between their pre-rendered scenes and the rest of the game, than RPG maker tiled maps versus Daz Studio renders.
I guess that either you never played the games who effectively had such difference between their cut scenes and the rest of the game, or that, like almost everyone else, you totally forgot that they existed.

Why should have I something to say ?

Oh, of course, some of those games rely on CGs stolen here and there, and they end with an effective lack of visual consistency since there's near to no CG that is drawn in the same way. But... Hell, I don't even know how to say it, it's so obviously obvious... the text is not part of the visual aspect of a game.
Do the "deluxe" edition of a classical book become a comic book because it's illustrated ? Of course not. And it's the same for text based games. As long as the CGs are made by using the same style, whatever if they are 2D or 3D, the game is visually consistent. This whatever if it's a text based one or not.
Diablo II (and more recently III) had cutscenes after every act and WCIII had prerendered cutscenes during major events during campaigns and at the beginnings and ends of campaigns. Starcraft had even more of them. The point is, do these scenes detract from the overall experience for you just because the visual style is different from the rest of the game? Because it certainly doesn't for me.

I'm not saying you need to have an opinion on pictures in text based games, I was just trying to understand your viewpoint using an example. It just seems to me that if we want to remain consistent throughout the game then by your logic, text based games shouldn't have any supplemental visual material.

And you can like whatever you like, I'm not admonishing you for your opinion. It sounds like you're saying the difference in visual style between various parts of the game or the use of higher fidelity during scenic events is objectively bad, which is what I disagree with.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The point is, do these scenes detract from the overall experience for you just because the visual style is different from the rest of the game?
No, the point is that the difference between the 3D interactive parts of a game and its 3D pre-rendered cut scenes, is absolutely not comparable to the difference between 2D tiled maps & sprites, and 3D renders.

It just seems to me that if we want to remain consistent throughout the game then by your logic, text based games shouldn't have any supplemental visual material.
Once again, "the text is not part of the visual aspect of a game". Therefore, why the hell should the text play a role in regard of the visual consistency ?

It sounds like you're saying the difference in visual style between various parts of the game or the use of higher fidelity during scenic events is objectively bad, which is what I disagree with.
You are the one who talked about higher fidelity, claiming that it's the same issue. Please, don't put your thoughts in my argumentation.
Plus, while I'm the one saying it here, the fact that different styles shouldn't be merged in a single entity, unless there's an effective intent behind, do not come from me. It's a constant that is followed since the early age of visual arts, whatever their form. Therefore it's something that is near to 45,000 years old.
What doesn't mean that the result will necessarily be bad. But this mix will inevitably lower the interest, and inherent qualities, of the said entity ; whatever this entity is.


Game Developer
Apr 7, 2022
No, the point is that the difference between the 3D interactive parts of a game and its 3D pre-rendered cut scenes, is absolutely not comparable to the difference between 2D tiled maps & sprites, and 3D renders.
I would disagree as that is a weird place to draw that line, but that's fine. Is it the difference between 2D or 3D? Or pixels vs renders? Or perspective?

Once again, "the text is not part of the visual aspect of a game". Therefore, why the hell should the text play a role in regard of the visual consistency ?
Of course the text is a visual part of the game, it is in fact the main way the player interacts with such a game visually. Just like how bold or italics or underlines or CAPITALS are visual alterations to text that convey meaning. The argument can be made that it IS worse to add pictures because the reader/player will have an imagined idea of what scenes or characters look like based on text descriptions. Upsetting that imagined vision is sometimes jarring for people if you outright show what this character or scene is supposed to look like with a picture. I'm not saying it's wrong, I was just wondering if you apply the same logic. Again, I'm just trying to understand the viewpoint.

Not that games who break the rule are necessarily bad, but they'll always stand at least a step below the place they would otherwise have.
These are your exact words, how am I putting words in your mouth? You're saying games that use scenes with a different style are inherently worse than they otherwise would be.
Last edited:

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I would disagree as that is a weird place to draw that line, but that's fine. Is it the difference between 2D or 3D? Or pixels vs renders? Or perspective?
The difference is the "visual style". But since you pass your time to voluntarily drop the last word, faking to be too idiot to understand what this basic, and really simple word, mean, I'll just address this particular point:

The difference between 2D and 3D is a question of method. Koikatu renders and drawn manga share the same style, but are created in two different way.
The difference in perspective is, by definition nothing more than a question of perspective. Therefore it's not a question of style.
The difference between pre-rendered 3D and real time 3D is a question of technology. It's the shaders that will determine the style of the result, not the fact that it's pre-rendered or real time.

As for the difference between pixels and renders, assuming you are talking about "pixels art", it's something that can't be answered in a global way.
You can perfectly use shaders that will generate pixels art-like renders. In this case, you're sent back to the lack of inherent style difference between 2D and 3D ; the method used differ, but the style is the same. But if you take it like it's generally perceived, then yes "pixels art" is obviously a different style than 3D. This in the same way than impressionism and classicism are two different styles.
But this doesn't mean that if you use 3D, everything have to be in 3D. You can perfectly give a 3D look to the bitmap elements of your User Interface. While the method used to create the CGs and the said UI will change, the style will stay the same.

Now, you do whatever you want with this, it's not like you'll bother many anymore. But don't worry, I'm sure that you'll soon found someone else to feed you.
  • Angry
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Deleted member 1121028

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
First I'm no RPGM expert, but few considerations after looking into it :

Obviously resolution is crap. Feel like 1920*1056 to works best for 16:9 ratio and keep black bar at minimum. There is a to deal with the blur.

8 directional movement is annoying because collision are tied to tiles, and there is no "half" tile collision check in the engine (it's hard coded for 4 direction). In practice whatever your do, diagonal direction gonna "eat" every corner of a tile. There is few workaround : pixel or pseudo pixel based movement, custom collision movement (image based), reducing tiles sizes (like 16px instead of 48px). But all those workaround broke some part (likely pointer/mouse, followers..). And working on different tile size than the original mean making collision map with , which defeat RPGM simplicity purpose.

For Sideview Battler, I tried various thing, but it's seems there is 2 roads; spritesheet (JP) with YanFly action sequence pluging or Victor BattleMotion with BattlerGraphic setup. Lib's offer more freedom but Victor is really simple so I went with that. I run also with 8 frames/256px per motion to see where it goes.

My Battler spritesheet (6144*1536, 256*256px sprites, 6 motions per columns)


With rendered sprites :


It seems a bit of work but I lost more time looking for solutions than actually making small anims and redering it.
Few note Walk & Escape are mirrored. Dying (less than x% hp) and abnormal state use the same motion, as well as sleep and dead.

I'm not sure what chant is used for (I guess late spell like healing?). Damage is only 3 frames and don't know really why, either plugin bug or hard coded directly in rpg_sprites.js, since it's a an already very short motion it's not that annoying (you could force 8 frames via mob damage sequence I think).

Thrust/Swing/Missile/Skill/Spell/Item/Chant can be used for whatever we feel like it (damage/spell anim, taunt/tease...).

Victor's BattleMotion use pseudo language to make skill, here my hammer normal attact :

<action sequence: prepare>
</action sequence>

<action sequence: movement>
I had bugs with this sequence section so I never use it (motion skip randomly?), so I do everything in action sequence: execute
</action sequence>

<action sequence: execute>
motion: user, walk (<- actor use walk motion)
move: user, to target, 4, front (<- move in front of the target)
wait: user, move (<- wait move to finish)

pose: user, thrust, 1 (<- Freeze first frame of the thrust motion)
se: play, _sakura_35_1, 120, 100 (<-play sound effect)
action: user, effect1 (<- execute sequence effect1 on actor)
whiten: user (<- whiten actor)
wait: user, 60 (<-Wait 60 frames)
pose: user, clear (<- Unfreeze pose)

motion: user, thrust (<- Use thrust motion)
wait: all targets, 30 (Wait 30 frames)
shake: 1, 9, 60 (<- Shake the screen)
jump: all targets, 128, 30 (Ennemy projected in the air)

</action sequence>

<action sequence: effect1>
animation: user, 130 (<-  rpgm "animation" I call in my skill)
</action sequence>

<action sequence: effect>
</action sequence>

<action sequence: return>
direction: user, right (<- actor face to the right)
motion: user, walk (<- use motion walk)
move: user, to home, 4 (<- actor move to home position)
wait: user, move (<- wiat to finish move)
direction: user, left (<- actor face left)
wait: user (<-  wait to finish)
</action sequence>

<action sequence: finish>
kill: all targets (<- if target is dead then die)
kill: opponents (<- if actor is dead then die)
</action sequence>
Another downside of have 8 directional movement is that you want Ennemies or NPC to move randomly with diagonals which didn't exist in the engine.

Solution I found (thank you unknow guy!) is to run a parallel event that move the charset. You will have to create 2 random variable that give a number between 1 & 9 and 1 & 2.

◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = Random 1..9
◆If:Random = 1
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Lower Left
  :                  :◇Move Lower Left
◆If:Random = 2
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Down
  :                  :◇Move Down
◆If:Random = 3
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Lower Right
  :                  :◇Move Lower Right
◆If:Random = 4
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Left
  :                  :◇Move Left
◆If:Random = 6
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Right
  :                  :◇Move Right
◆If:Random = 7
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Upper Left
  :                  :◇Move Upper Left
◆If:Random = 8
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Up
  :                  :◇Move Up
◆If:Random = 9
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Upper Right
  :                  :◇Move Upper Right
◆Label:Next Move
◆Control Variables:#0009 New Random = Random 1..2
◆If:Random = 1
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Down
    :                  :◇Move Down
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 2
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Left
    :                  :◇Move Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 4
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 2
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 3
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 1
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 3
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Right
    :                  :◇Move Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 6
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Down
    :                  :◇Move Down
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 1
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 4
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 1
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 7
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 6
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 9
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 3
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 7
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Left
    :                  :◇Move Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 4
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Up
    :                  :◇Move Up
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 8
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 8
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 7
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 9
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 9
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Up
    :                  :◇Move Up
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 8
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Right
    :                  :◇Move Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 6
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
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Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
First I'm no RPGM expert, but few considerations after looking into it :

Obviously resolution is crap. Feel like 1920*1056 to works best for 16:9 ratio and keep black bar at minimum. There is a to deal with the blur.

8 directional movement is annoying because collision are tied to tiles, and there is no "half" tile collision check in the engine (it's hard coded for 4 direction). In practice whatever your do, diagonal direction gonna "eat" every corner of a tile. There is few workaround : pixel or pseudo pixel based movement, custom collision movement (image based), reducing tiles sizes (like 16px instead of 48px). But all those workaround broke some part (likely pointer/mouse, followers..). And working on different tile size than the original mean making collision map with , which defeat RPGM simplicity purpose.

For Sideview Battler, I tried various thing, but it's seems there is 2 roads; spritesheet (JP) with YanFly action sequence pluging or Victor BattleMotion with BattlerGraphic setup. Lib's offer more freedom but Victor is really simple so I went with that. I run also with 8 frames/256px per motion to see where it goes.

My Battler spritesheet (6144*1536, 256*256px sprites, 6 motions per columns)

View attachment 2163797

With rendered sprites :

View attachment 2163810

It seems a bit of work but I lost more time looking for solutions than actually making small anims and redering it.
Few note Walk & Escape are mirrored. Dying (less than x% hp) and abnormal state use the same motion, as well as sleep and dead.

I'm not sure what chant is used for (I guess late spell like healing?). Damage is only 3 frames and don't know really why, either plugin bug or hard coded directly in rpg_sprites.js, since it's a an already very short motion it's not that annoying (you could force 8 frames via mob damage sequence I think).

Thrust/Swing/Missile/Skill/Spell/Item/Chant can be used for whatever we feel like it (damage/spell anim, taunt/tease...).

Victor's BattleMotion use pseudo language to make skill, here my hammer normal attact :

<action sequence: prepare>
</action sequence>

<action sequence: movement>
I had bugs with this sequence section so I never use it (motion skip randomly?), so I do everything in action sequence: execute
</action sequence>

<action sequence: execute>
motion: user, walk (<- actor use walk motion)
move: user, to target, 4, front (<- move in front of the target)
wait: user, move (<- wait move to finish)

pose: user, thrust, 1 (<- Freeze first frame of the thrust motion)
se: play, _sakura_35_1, 120, 100 (<-play sound effect)
action: user, effect1 (<- execute sequence effect1 on actor)
whiten: user (<- whiten actor)
wait: user, 60 (<-Wait 60 frames)
pose: user, clear (<- Unfreeze pose)

motion: user, thrust (<- Use thrust motion)
wait: all targets, 30 (Wait 30 frames)
shake: 1, 9, 60 (<- Shake the screen)
jump: all targets, 128, 30 (Ennemy projected in the air)

</action sequence>

<action sequence: effect1>
animation: user, 130 (<-  rpgm "animation" I call in my skill)
</action sequence>

<action sequence: effect>
</action sequence>

<action sequence: return>
direction: user, right (<- actor face to the right)
motion: user, walk (<- use motion walk)
move: user, to home, 4 (<- actor move to home position)
wait: user, move (<- wiat to finish move)
direction: user, left (<- actor face left)
wait: user (<-  wait to finish)
</action sequence>

<action sequence: finish>
kill: all targets (<- if target is dead then die)
kill: opponents (<- if actor is dead then die)
</action sequence>
Another downside of have 8 directional movement is that you want Ennemies or NPC to move randomly with diagonals which didn't exist in the engine.

Solution I found (thank you unknow guy!) is to run a parallel event that move the charset. You will have to create 2 random variable that give a number between 1 & 9 and 1 & 2.

◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = Random 1..9
◆If:Random = 1
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Lower Left
  :                  :◇Move Lower Left
◆If:Random = 2
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Down
  :                  :◇Move Down
◆If:Random = 3
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Lower Right
  :                  :◇Move Lower Right
◆If:Random = 4
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Left
  :                  :◇Move Left
◆If:Random = 6
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Right
  :                  :◇Move Right
◆If:Random = 7
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Upper Left
  :                  :◇Move Upper Left
◆If:Random = 8
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Up
  :                  :◇Move Up
◆If:Random = 9
  ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
  :                  :◇Move Upper Right
  :                  :◇Move Upper Right
◆Label:Next Move
◆Control Variables:#0009 New Random = Random 1..2
◆If:Random = 1
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Down
    :                  :◇Move Down
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 2
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Left
    :                  :◇Move Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 4
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 2
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 3
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 1
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 3
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Right
    :                  :◇Move Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 6
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Down
    :                  :◇Move Down
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 1
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 4
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    :                  :◇Move Lower Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 1
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 7
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 6
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 9
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    :                  :◇Move Lower Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 3
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 7
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Left
    :                  :◇Move Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 4
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Up
    :                  :◇Move Up
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 8
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 8
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    :                  :◇Move Upper Left
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 7
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    :                  :◇Move Upper Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 9
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
◆If:Random = 9
  ◆If:New Random = 1
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Up
    :                  :◇Move Up
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 8
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
    ◆Set Movement Route:Enemy1 (Skip, Wait)
    :                  :◇Move Right
    :                  :◇Move Right
    ◆Control Variables:#0010 Random = 6
    ◆Jump to Label:Next Move
I also did costume SV but i use the basic 3 frames, 8 frames is interesting but it will need so much work especialy when you plan on making many enemies and allies and tbf 3 frames look good enough for 2d game.
Chant is spell ready, the motion the character is gonna use before casting spell, here a better example of what every motion do in RPG Maker:
SV Battler Example.png
Still you can choose any motion using YanFly action sequence pluging, like i can create any spell and use any motion i choose for it but it much simple and easier to use the engine motions.
Here what i did with my simple 3 frame SV's:
Amina SV.png

Deleted member 1121028

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
I also did costume SV but i use the basic 3 frames, 8 frames is interesting but it will need so much work especialy when you plan on making many enemies and allies and tbf 3 frames look good enough for 2d game.
Chant is spell ready, the motion the character is gonna use before casting spell, here a better example of what every motion do in RPG Maker:
View attachment 2163908
Still you can choose any motion using YanFly action sequence pluging, like i can create any spell and use any motion i choose for it but it much simple and easier to use the engine motions.
Here what i did with my simple 3 frame SV's:
View attachment 2163912
Looks neat :love:!

Yeah 8 frames may be a tad bit overkill, my plan is to make playable chars 8 frames and keep 3 frames for ennemies (8 for ennemies would increase scope way too much indeed). My beef with YanFly action sequence plugin is no/poor control over frames/motions (and especially speed/freezing frame if you deal with more than 3 frames).

I found Victor's Battler Graphic to be really handy in that aspect (and also having different frames setup for PC and ennemies), it's a trade tho, as Victor's Battler Graphic doesn't have good camera control, but ay! :



I zipped the backbone (MV 1.6.1) with all plugins used:

It's a single room with "parallax map", 8 directional movments, an enemy and NPC moving randomly in 8 direction, and few basic fonctions.
Charset use 8 frames
Sideview actor use 8 frames
Enemy use 3 frames

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Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
Looks neat :love:!

Yeah 8 frames may be a tad bit overkill, my plan is to make playable chars 8 frames and keep 3 frames for ennemies (8 for ennemies would increase scope way too much indeed). My beef with YanFly action sequence plugin is no/poor control over frames/motions (and especially speed/freezing frame if you deal with more than 3 frames).

I found Victor's Battler Graphic to be really handy in that aspect (and also having different frames setup for PC and ennemies), it's a trade tho, as Victor's Battler Graphic doesn't have good camera control, but ay! :

View attachment 2164008


I zipped the backbone (MV 1.6.1) with all plugins used:

It's a single room with "parallax map", 8 directional movments, an enemy and NPC moving randomly in 8 direction, and few basic fonctions.
Charset use 8 frames
Sideview actor use 8 frames
Enemy use 3 frames

View attachment 2164154
I downloaded your project and it look very clean so far,
Your Terrain View sprites look big and clear to see and the animations are great it make them feel alive.
The Side View also look very good, didn't see all animations because there is no abilities for sure but it sure you put alot of effort in it, one thing i didn't like and it could be just my opinion that the basic attack animation is little flashy and take some time to end for a simple attack, in my opinion i think it could be used for a special attack and keep the basic attack fast and simple because player will use it so much in combat and with time it will get boring especialy if combat take time, but other than that it look good and i love the voice effect you used.
The map look amazing, but the path is confusing to be honest, i see you put alot of effort in it with the art but the problem that the pathes is not clear enough, the map you shared before look more clear to navigate.
Overall everything so far in art look very good.

In my game i don't know how to make TV bigger without making them bigger than the grids they walk on for sure, i see you and many other games manage to do that, i will cheack your porject code and plugins more and see how you did that.
I could make SV look bigger but i wanted to keep them small so when i have big boss he can look bigger than the player character and his party and also wanted to have that retro feel in the game aswell.
my maps most of them are like the village map you showed, i render houses and props alone than mix them as anyway i want to build the map but that take alot if time especialy for the city i am building, here an example of a map i am working on:
New City 0.2.png

Deleted member 1121028

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Thanks for the kind word. But actually there is not lot of effort in it tbh, the rendering part is quite the easy part. I lost trendemous time trying to fix that collision problem with 8 directional movement, only to find dead ends or a way too convoluted fix to be effective. Another was to find the right plugins (who not clash each other) as MV is nearly 10yo; it's quite the jungle o_O. I didn't know the MV/MZ scene was so lively tho.

Small anims are not really hard to make, especially for SV, interpolation doing the heavy lifting. For walking/running loop I used way more larger animation and deciminated them ( or ), then clean it frame by frame.

Yeah the room is quite confusing as it's not finished, but that was the smallest map I got. You can see naked lady have slight different scale from PC, as I changed scale among further testing. SV spritez have no shadows, I'll make some generic (or realistic idk) later. Rats anims don't loop as I just croped from 8 to 3 frames. Nonetheless it should show how the sausage is made.

At first I wanted SV battler to be 512*512 with 3 max battler, but then I saw the spritesheet size :oops:.

i don't know how to make TV bigger without making them bigger than the grids they walk
I'm not sure what do you mean :unsure:

my maps most of them are like the village map you showed, i render houses and props alone than mix them as anyway i want to build the map but that take alot if time especialy for the city i am building
Yeah, I mean it gonna work, but it's huge amount of work on your shoulder. It's the first thing I tried to figure out : render all-in-one image instead of placing each asset separately. I'll try to make a post more detailed on how to 'one-shot' render your map.
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Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
I'm not sure what do you mean :unsure:
The grids is the squares in the rpg maker engine, usuly in MV at least a grid is 48x48 pixel,
my sprites in my game at lest for humans for now are Width:48 x Height:72.
so the character is walking screan placed on 2 grids, his legs are in the grid that he is in and the shoulders and head are in the top grid.
but i think you find a way to make grids bigger or something like that somehow so you can have 256*256px sprite,
i can make 256*256 pixel sprite but it would be bigger than the grids that it walk on.
here how big your sprite look compared to mine :LOL::
because you can do more pixels with your character it also made them look much better and clear to see.

Deleted member 1121028

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
The grids is the squares in the rpg maker engine, usuly in MV at least a grid is 48x48 pixel,
my sprites in my game at lest for humans for now are Width:48 x Height:72.
so the character is walking screan placed on 2 grids, his legs are in the grid that he is in and the shoulders and head are in the top grid.
but i think you find a way to make grids bigger or something like that somehow so you can have 256*256px sprite,
i can make 256*256 pixel sprite but it would be bigger than the grids that it walk on.
here how big your sprite look compared to mine :LOL::

because you can do more pixels with your character it also made them look much better and clear to see.
Oh ok I got what you mean now.

The grid is 48*48px and my charset 128*128px (I use 256px for SV). So a bit more tall than 2 tiles.

But it doesn't really matter as maps (top & bottom) are rendered and scaled on a 128px charset.
When I render map, I use a ground plane to represent (approximatively) my 48px grid, so I can place and make clear paths. That way making your collisions on a 48px grid with a 128px char don't really matter either.

You could indeed reduce this 48px grid for a more precise one (32/24/16/12...) or bigger but I don't think it's worth the hassle (making map editor quasi useless as it will still show 48px tiles but use different ones).

So far the problem I got was my ennemies (using also 128px charset) were too hard to trigger (as they trigger on a 48px tile) so I use a plugin to increase event size like this for enemy :

x x x
x E x
x x x

Other than that, I guess there can be edge cases tho, mostly using charset with bigger pixel size (enemy mostly I guess) than your top/bottom maps has been made for. But it's something you should design around while you create such case.
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