A Winter Morning Warmer Than A Thigh
Heyoo minna!
My beautiful Coral's here again!
She's been a little overwhelmed, lately.
Mama Xerrin is busy with her own business and could not spend enough time with
Coral, so I guess that's why
my daughter's feeling a bit lonely and lost. Well, this is the life, where there's always ups and downs to live and witness.
Maybe listening to music may help her freshen up a little, don't you think?
Do you mind suggesting a song for her to listen to, like, literally
(You can pm me if you don't wanna flood the thread)
Edit: I wanna make a playlist out of your suggestions!
as always:
- I'm open for all your comments and criticism
No postwork ~ a freaking raw render!
Love you all so much! <3
Thanks for your support.