Create breast squeeze morphs, butt squish butt poke, breast poke, etc
So you may wonder why I have a picture of a sphere, the answer is I am terrible at writing tutorials but I do know you need to start with the basics.
So this morph was created by overlapping to base sphere primitives.
The target of the morphs was set to SUB-D and had a smoothing modifier applied (Collision target was the second sphere)
It was then set back to base level of subdivision. (If you skip this step importing the obj file as a morph will fail.)
Select the target of the morph set to base level and export as an object. Then using the morph loader re import as a morph.
This can also be used to create clothing body morphs.
In the case of something like panties add a smoothing modifier decrease the scale until they match the body then use the steps above.
Or invert the process as demonstrated below:
You may wonder why in the hell you would want a diaper looking morph, but if you use this morph as a negative guess what, free clothing deformation morph.