3D-Daz Daz3d Art - Show Us Your DazSkill

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Mar 9, 2019
Caught in the libary

Mrs Jones
: What on earth are you boys up to this late at night?
Eric: Shit!!
Billy: I...
Peter:....practising spells?
Mrs Jones: Hmm.. i see, and im assuming this young lady volunteered to help?
Eric: Of-course
Billy: She's one of the new students
Mrs Jones: I'm well aware of that Billy
Billy: Sorry mistress
Mrs Jones: Well since you've been gracious enough to help these young men miss Collins, i might as well take a looks at there work and tell them how to improve.
Billy,Eric and Peter: Thank you mistress.
Mrs Jones: Lets see, a basic and somewhat sloppy levitation spell, but functional non the less, but that's what's to be expected with your impure bloodline.
Billy: Sorry mistress
Mrs Jones: And i see 2 modified ghost-hand spells not the easiest spells to reshape.
Mrs Jones: First off Eric, i see you gotten a few of the modifying syllables wrong you need to practise your pronunciations, but over all good work.
Eric: Thank you mistress.
Mrs.Jones: Peter.. Hmm well executed spell and the modification of the spell have some interesting design choices, but i would expect nothing less from someone with your family tree.
Peter: Thank you mistress
Mrs Jones: As for improvements, well if you can keep her in place that's all we can really expect from you isn't it?
Billy: Yes mistress, sorry mistress
Mrs Jones: Lets see, Peter..and this goes for you as well Eric, with the right intonation on certain syllable you can make it pulse and change size with a certain frequency. Its a bit advanced but im sure you'll be able to get the hang of it.
Peter,Eric: Yes mistress.
Mrs Jones: I assume one of you brought the means to wipe her memory?
Peter,Eric: No mistress
Billy: I..
Mrs Jones: For the love of the gods, you really need to prepare better for this kind of activity your embarrassing me and our house.
Billy: Excuse me mistress, i brought this potion.
Mrs Jones: Well, guess your not completely useless, but a real wizard wouldn't have to rely on potions.
Billy: Yes mistress, sorry mistress.
Mrs Jones: Well carry on boys.

Featuring from left to right

Mrs Jones

Any constructive critique of the render, characters or text is welcome.
If anybody have any situations they would like to see my OC's in let know, im always looking for new ideas and inspiration.
5.00 star(s) 13 Votes