I didn't follow your previous Problems... but I have one question:
Do you go and install your downloaded DAZ Studio Models through the "DAZ Install Manager" or put everything in your "My DAZ 3D Library" User Folder? All "IM00xxxxxx.zip" Files should be installed through the DAZ Install Manager! Additional "Template" Files must be put manually in your User Files Folder - it should already contain a "Templates" Folder.
Only Downloaded Files without the "IMxxxxxxx.zip" Files must be all put manually in your My DAZ 3D Library Folder.
If you fail to put the necessary Files in the correct Folder, you'll end up with a mess you seem to have with your DAZ Studio and missing/failed loaded Files for Models.
Also it can be confusing because DAZ stores Files in different locations on your Drive... I put everything I need to install manually in my "C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library" Folder.
My guess is, if you mix up DAZ Files into to many different Folder, it fill mess up your loading up of DAZ Studio and you get these kind of errors you're facing.
View attachment 4360763
Oh, I forgot - the location for the DAZ Install Manager .zip files should be in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads" - there put your "IM000xxxxxxx.zip files in and run the DAZ Install Manager.