- Jun 10, 2018
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You literally just described the concept of a game....problem with people nowadays is that they oftentimes insert themselves on games...
Sir this is a porn siteYou literally just described the concept of a game.
The characters you control ARE you.
This isn't a movie or book where you are explicitly an outsider, even if you get to know everything.
The moment you have agency, it is you.
Even if that agency is something as simple as having control of when the next voice line prints out.
That's the magical thing about a game.
It might be a different version of you.
It might be a different body.
You might have a different backstory or likes/dislikes.
But is IS you. It has to be, because that is how we as humans interact with our world.
Game = Agency = You.
Humans are incredibly, and reflexively, good at "tool use", and this is a particular aspect of that concept.
(Deep dive into Tool Use. It's fascinating, and at times will make you question what a person actually is. Our brains are weird.)
The quick version is, that thing we use/operate becomes us.
When you brush your teeth, the toothbrush is a part of you. You can even shift your point of view to the bristles just like you can shift it to your hand when feeling something.
When you are driving a car, you think...
You don't think...
- Slow down
- Turn left
- speed up
Sure, you might need to learn to operate a car, but once you do it IS you.
- Push foot forward to make this box slow down
- move arms left to turn wheel so box goes left
- open hands to let go of wheel so box goes straight again
- push other foot forward into other pedal to make box go faster
You even get reflexes like it is your body, the same way you might flinch away from something coming toward your face, you can brake or dodge with a car.
You even have Proprioception, which is a sense of movement and position of the body.
When you are used to a particular car, you will have a sense of how close to stuff you are without looking. Like knowing how far from the curb your tires are. That kind of thing.
Anyway, Tool Use is FASCINATING.
The character in games are us, whether Mario or a pong paddle, because that is how humans interact with EVERYTHING, and we created the concept of games to work the same way we use everything else.
Further, we have empathy. And the ability to suspend disbelief.
I'd say it is explicitly ABNORMAL (though not a bad thing) to dislike the idea of being cheated on IRL, yet have no problem with being cheated on in game. Especially if the character themself does not enjoy it.
If the character enjoys it, but the player does not, and the player is bothered, It just shows some level of empathy mismatch.
Too much IRL player. And that dissonance itself, where the you playing, and the you-character are out of sync, is itself something that people dislike. Though I'd bet most people aren't aware enough to see the 2 layers of dislike individually. They just know "This is a think I don't want. I don't like this."
Fascinating and weird.
This is a common issue with most Japanese visual novel games, where the highest resolution is only 720. It could be due to the limitations of the engine that the developer is using.Is it just me or is the resolution pretty bad, is there a way to fix this?
That is a strange comparison within the context of what was said, which is that people are self-inserting too often where they don't have to. You seem to be suggesting that, as a rule, humans by nature are all doing this, which simply isn't the case. You're diving a bit too far into the deep end of analyzing human nature to draw definitive conclusions on how billions of people all choose to consume media, tbh.You literally just described the concept of a game.
The characters you control ARE you.
This isn't a movie or book where you are explicitly an outsider, even if you get to know everything.
The moment you have agency, it is you.
Even if that agency is something as simple as having control of when the next voice line prints out.
That's the magical thing about a game.
It might be a different version of you.
It might be a different body.
You might have a different backstory or likes/dislikes.
But is IS you. It has to be, because that is how we as humans interact with our world.
Game = Agency = You.
Humans are incredibly, and reflexively, good at "tool use", and this is a particular aspect of that concept.
(Deep dive into Tool Use. It's fascinating, and at times will make you question what a person actually is. Our brains are weird.)
The quick version is, that thing we use/operate becomes us.
When you brush your teeth, the toothbrush is a part of you. You can even shift your point of view to the bristles just like you can shift it to your hand when feeling something.
When you are driving a car, you think...
You don't think...
- Slow down
- Turn left
- speed up
Sure, you might need to learn to operate a car, but once you do it IS you.
- Push foot forward to make this box slow down
- move arms left to turn wheel so box goes left
- open hands to let go of wheel so box goes straight again
- push other foot forward into other pedal to make box go faster
You even get reflexes like it is your body, the same way you might flinch away from something coming toward your face, you can brake or dodge with a car.
You even have Proprioception, which is a sense of movement and position of the body.
When you are used to a particular car, you will have a sense of how close to stuff you are without looking. Like knowing how far from the curb your tires are. That kind of thing.
Anyway, Tool Use is FASCINATING.
The character in games are us, whether Mario or a pong paddle, because that is how humans interact with EVERYTHING, and we created the concept of games to work the same way we use everything else.
Further, we have empathy. And the ability to suspend disbelief.
I'd say it is explicitly ABNORMAL (though not a bad thing) to dislike the idea of being cheated on IRL, yet have no problem with being cheated on in game. Especially if the character themself does not enjoy it.
If the character enjoys it, but the player does not, and the player is bothered, It just shows some level of empathy mismatch.
Too much IRL player. And that dissonance itself, where the you playing, and the you-character are out of sync, is itself something that people dislike. Though I'd bet most people aren't aware enough to see the 2 layers of dislike individually. They just know "This is a think I don't want. I don't like this."
Fascinating and weird.
Would.I was checking out the game CG and it got this :![]()
I never assigned a right or wrong to the situation.That is a strange comparison within the context of what was said, which is that people are self-inserting too often where they don't have to. You seem to be suggesting that, as a rule, humans by nature are all doing this, which simply isn't the case. You're diving a bit too far into the deep end of analyzing human nature to draw definitive conclusions on how billions of people all choose to consume media, tbh.
I certainly don't think "push the foot forward to make box slow down" when I'm driving a car, but I have absolutely thought, "This jackass MC isn't me, he's written terribly, but I want to see where this trainwreck takes me" while playing some random porn game on more than one occasion. Personally, I've never thought of characters in games as me. It's not a subconscious thing, either, because I've absolutely thought about how much they're not me while they're doing stupid shit.
There is a clear difference for me between "controlling something/someone using an extension of myself or a tool" and "self-inserting in what I believe to be a proxy for me in another world" — I have a clear separation of identity where I do not feel like they are a part of me nor representative of me in any way. If anything, they represent the person who created it, and I understand that even while I play it. I can enjoy media without pretending it's about me/involving me in any way.
It is ultimately an individual choice and/or preference on how one plays or interprets a game—you may feel like you become the main character in the games you play, while I only ever see myself as an external force looking into their world. I'm not Mario. I'm not Luigi. I can press a button and watch them jump around, but I've never slipped into thinking, "Yeah, that's me," and I've never thought, "Yeah, that's me," while playing some porn game, either.
It's also rather common (though maybe not openly talked about without anonymity) to have fantasy fetishes (cheating, power dynamics) that you enjoy exploring as a fantasy but would never want to with your partner, so I'm not sure why you'd bring that up as abnormal in any way.
tl;dr it's not that deep. if someone doesn't like a kink they don't like that kink—it's not really always about self-inserting at the end of the day, and not everyone is self-inserting. neither is it some weird idea of empathy mismatch or dissonance. sometimes timmy just doesn't like cheating and johnny does, end of story.
DoubtHas anyone had the issue of the game running incredibly slow. It definitely isn't a hardware issue as my PC is capable of running games at 4k in 144hz. Any notions on how to fix it?