VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Deadlocked in Time [Final] [Neko-Hime]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Deadlocked in Time is a long visual novel by neko-hime designed around a weird sci-fi story as you can taste during the intro. It has one of the most convoluted and nonsensical stories I have ever seen. It is discordant in one of the most classic jumping the shark definitions. As the title suggests, it involves time, progressing steadily until it's suddenly thrust into your face in the most bizarre manner possible. And then, famous aliens start appearing just because. At this point, whatever story it clung to takes a nosedive, becoming a jumbled mess that still will need a part three to finish. Besides the crazy over the top storyline, the writing itself is bad and quite repetitive. Many lines give the same information or just feel unnecessary, especially the ones about how important and great the protagonist is to the many random girls he encounters for no apparent reason. The relationship path is poorly made and incredibly rushed, an extreme negative factor for long visual novels. Every female character simply throws herself at you almost immediately. And there are a lot of girls, each with very little content since this game decided to focus on quantity over quality. Having two or three girls with exceptionally focused writing, great relationship points and steady progress is always better than having twenty girls whose dialog is simply a short excuse to get a scene with them in less than two minutes. The dev decided to make some special graphic effects that seem to only lag the engine during transitions, loading, menus, and similarities. An unnecessary addition to an already problematic and mostly boring product. Besides those elements, this game has some very badly designed and plain ugly models. The majority of characters look uncanny in Deadlocked in Time. From man-jaw girls, nightmarish smiles, to baby heads in adult bodies. Truly a horrifying mixture of examples slightly mitigated in part two that presents dozens of random girls. Certainly it is simply a lack of talent from the developer. The points I can give to this game are related to the sheer amount of scenes neko-hime made. That effort in itself should be praised. Even though almost none of them feel earned or can give the player any hint of emotional attachment, some will, by sheer numbers, hit you in a positive way, beyond that, the game has very little to offer you. This game clearly was created with not enough care for quality or polishment. It feels like it was just thrown together and this is the result. A very poor game that can only offer a poor experience alongside a very weird story that is still not finished.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty good actually. thought the dialog was gonna be bad, but was actually suprised it was better than i thought it was gonna be. give it a try. the animations are not that good, but thats ok i played games that didn't have animations and were still pretty awesome to play. story is also interesting and easy to keep up. the girls are also easy on the eyes to be honest, didn't expect that. pretty well drawn
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, I have given this 3/5 perhaps, due to sheer amount of LIs and amount of kinks others mentioned (haven't seen much of them yet, but I am not going to force this play to the end). This will be a rather pointed review, because this is one of the rare games that's made me angry. But I will try to stay civil.

    So... let's go:

    * Graphics could be 3/5 -- as you can see from screenshots, not horrible, but not top notch.

    * Writing/plot 2/5 -- below average, but for a fap game not the worst.

    * Gameplay/UI: 0/5 -- this is where the sh*t goes down the drain.

    It is rare that one would fail a Renpy(!) game due to gameplay/UI, but here it is warranted.

    Look, the game has tons of choices, after every next wall of text, there are some. But the choices are loaded.

    You gain karma points for most choices, positive or negative. But, unlike what karma usually means in games, this game's karma system just means that positive karma lets you keep LI paths open. Negative karma actually means GAME OVER at some point. I've literally had the game tell me, you've got -5 karma, this is the bad ending. What? I just refused a couple of LIs out of more then 20!

    So, negative karma is not a playthrough for an evil character, as it should be. It is to cutoff unwanted paths and to force quit game if you accumulate it.

    This thing alone should make one throw the game out of the window, because, okay, that's a stupid mechanic, and even worse -- it's named in a misleading way.

    But that's not all. This is all aggravated by the sheer NUMBER of choices you have to make. Consequently if you think you're going low on karma, you should be the horny nice guy even if you don't like the particular choice.

    That is not all either. You frequently have NO IDEA which choices will give you karma and which will subtract. After you've come to realize that shunning LI will give you negative karma, you can somehow navigate this. But still it frequently is a gamble.

    But the crowning foolishness is the fact that you can't rollback and make a different choice!

    You can rollback on much of dialogues, but if you've pressed the wrong choice, and rollback, you are still locked on that choice!

    So you have to quicksave before every choice and frequently quickload. Thank goodness, those options are not closed.

    I mean, this is something that has been specifically and painstakingly coded by the dev. This is no omission. You want to make stuff harder for players, apparently because you want them to play YOUR WAY. And it looks like dev's weirdly supposed that locking the choice will make the choice more meaningful. Ha.

    All the dev's managed to do is piss off a number of people and make them lose interest. I read on the discussion board that the game was finished by Season 2, and the Season 3 was not in the works due to collapsed number of subscribers. I do wonder what kept people subscribed for Season 2, if this sh*t persisted. Sounds masochistic.

    Point in case. Remember me telling about choices which are totally unclear about what their effect will be?

    You have an option to visit a guy (Brian) at some point.

    If you choose to stay in his room, you can see some dick, and have some dialogues about that. There's also trans girl later on whom you can have as LI. And a multitude of places later one of the game's characters asks you a question "Are you also insterested in boys?"

    And, if you didn't want to deal with Brian (he's a big muscular guy, not everybody's cup of tea), then even if you had the trans girl ... your only option for the answer "if you like boys" is "No".

    Similar situation with Cindy. You have to KNOW you shouldn't comfort her, in order to keep her as LI. ... Okay. You get a +5 karma to make right choice. ... But in the next choice with her for "make up sex", if you "Just don't feel lke it", it's -10 karma and instant gameover. Whereas if you comforted her you just get -10 karma, but game continues....

    That's where I decided the game was too much.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Can you imagine a game where having sex with hundreds of females becomes as exciting as doing laundry or washing dishes? Monotony does not begin to describe how repetitive and boring the sex scenes are here.

    In addition the dev has a talent for creating the most horrendous looking 3D faces I have seen on this website. Story is also nonsensical.

    Giving it 2 stars because it knows that it's a porn game and it will at least deliver porn to you unlike others that take themselves way too seriously.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Man....i liked this game alot so much potential and it just droped the ball in part 2 so much that it ruined the game for me atleast....what was supposed to be the most fun and best part of the game aka all the virgins and deflowering shows out to be the worst part of the game as you can read below.

    The relationship story is fun and its a good read and well written and i like how its set up were you get the option to who you want to visit/talk to next, most LIs as diffrent personalities which makes it a nice read and you can enjoy building up relationships with those you want, they are all very much in love with MC from the start though so its not really building a relationship its more like pick who you want type of thing and learn a bit about each LI.

    But the main story seems a bit weird and i would say pretty bad in some cases, MC is a clone and has no memory of the past but for some reason he has fake memorys about hes fater abuseing him, and to fix this he needs to take some pills that makes hes body and dick bigger for whatever reason which feels pointless and stupid, then he has magic time stopping power which also dosent really fit with the story, its an attemt to make it into a sci-fi story but not sure that part will ever be good i enjoyed just building relationships and being with the LIs which had some good story to it but the sci-fi aspect i dont really care much about.
    Also dident really care much about having MCs dick out and showing a hard on constantly, it makes him feel like hes 12 year old with a constant hard on just from seeing a girl.

    In part 1 you meet all the LIs and pick who you want to be in a relationship with and it all seems to work perfectly fine.
    There is alot of lolis and there is alot of talk about the girls first time, how it will be and the deflowering of the girls, it builds it up really nice but.....

    Then you get to part 2 and it completely destroys all the build up about virgins and deflowering, all the girls are fucking like a 40 year old hooker whos had sex a million times before....

    Heres just a few exsambles on that part.
    First of all you hear alot about deflowering, like when MC licks a LIs pussy she thinks "oh i hope he dosent break my hymen by doing it like that"
    so it makes a pretty clear picutre that they should have a hymen but ignore that fact doing the first time sex scenes, and since its with so many LIs it just breaks the hole story you heard doing the play through when it comes to sex and being a AVN thats a really shitty thing to ignore.

    Elise one of the most shy lolis RAPES MC???????? i mean wtf is going on? and not only that she just takes MCs full dick stright in and just say "this feels really good" and when its all in "i think its inside" again wtf? no pain no blood (dont mind no blood but still) just pure pleasure? has she been an undercover hooker or something? it made 0 sense to me, and all the talk about virgins and deflowering goes stright out the window.

    And no rape tag, so let me explain that part, Elise finds MC sleeping and "deflower" her self on MCs hard dick, MC wakes up while shes fucking him and he loves it, but her fucking him while sleeping without hes concent is still rape, i dont really care about it but some might and i also found it very weird for the most shy LI to make that choice.

    Hes sister just takes it all in no pain no blood pure pleasure at the spa or where ever it was, then later in part 2, she tells you now its time to lose her virginity.....i mean wtf they already had sex once in the pussy so again wtf?

    Next Lucy, she also just slide MCs dick all the way in, 0 pain 0 blood, you could say she dont feel so much due to her wheelchair issue but then again she does have feelings down there....

    Audrey tells MC "please deflower me" and when he does she goes "ahh fuck this is so good".....dont really have to say dialog is piss poor and hole scene is shit when its supposed to be a deflower scene.

    On a side note, Audrey also rapes MC in hes sleep a little later, it seems to be an ongoing thing, really should have the tag for that, MC dident even wake up when she did it.

    By now you should get the picture, all the deflowering talk is 0 pain and barely any blood other then 1 or 2 LIs, everyone else is just a normal sex scene like any other that has 0 virgin feel and 0 deflowering, even though it was a pretty big deal in the story.
    The missing blood is ok since its not in everyones taste but the no pain part is a huge mistake and all the girls cums doing their first time which is also a very rare thing, also the dialogs are really shitty for virgin/deflower scenes its like girl mouns and mc say now no more a virgin and thats about it.

    They did manage 1 or 2 LIs to be a bit more real when it comes to deflower scene where it shows a little blood like with Penelope, but it just makes you wonder why they fucked it up with in many other scenes with the other LIs, like Audrey that asked to be deflowered and it showed nothing....same with Lucy that was worried about her hymen when she got licked by MC.

    Game also make pregnancy a huge thing in the game, but it has no pregnancy tag, so it might end out being like the deflowering issue, in other words might never be in the game but time will tell.

    One good thing is the number of LIs its kinda crazy really, you simply just keep on adding LIs to your harem, its fun and rare to see so many and its one of the best things about the game.
    I am pretty sure there is atleast one whos forced on MC, the friend of hes mother, diane or something like that or maybe i just dont recall ever getting the option to turn her down, but hope thats a one time thing since all other LIs has had a choice which has been great.

    Story 3/5
    I liked it and it has a nice way to build up relationships but it got ruined by the worst virgin/deflower scenes ive seen in a very long time if not ever, the story shouldent build up a vibe about something to then just forget about it, its just bad taste doing that and leaves the player wondring wtf is going on.

    Girls 3/5
    They have a bit of everything for all tastes and they look really nice with mostly good personalities as well, not a fan of how most of the lolis goes from small tits to big tits when they grow up though, i just really dislike big tits so a bit of a disapointment to see considering how small they are to start with.

    Animations 3/5
    They are decent but no where near great by to days standards, but still good enough to enjoy.

    Choices 5/5
    For what ive seen it works perfectly and your free to pick who you want a relationship with, a few are tied together so you have to pick both or none which is fine point is it works perfectly.

    Music 0/5
    Well doing the game it has none, when your in UI/Options it plays some heavy metal music, but it does nothing for the game while playing

    Game had huge potential and its so rare to see a loli game now a days with all that has been going on, most will know what i am talking about so wont go into that, it really annoys me i cant do more then 2 stars since it could so easily have been a 4 or 5 star game, but it just had to mess up one of the most importen part of a AVN the virgin/deflower sex scenes and dialogs doin the scenes, which hurt it alot also the missing music and out of date and mostly very short animations took it down alot.

    If dev dident want to make deflower scenes then dont talk about it constantly in dialogs, it just killed the vibe and fun.

    And fix the story its so broken, MC fucks both Lisa and Lucy in the spa/pool thing they visit, then late in part 2, lisa tells MC its a good time to take her virginity......

    Later Lucy tells MC she wants her first time to be with Tanya, first i never knew she was a lesbian? but thats fine dont mind that, but since MC fucked her in the pool she cant really lose her virginity again now can see?
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Where do I even start with this one...

    This game has so much wasted potential that it saddens me, the writing ability is there, the characters are fun and attractive (mostly), and the genre and mix of tags definitely intrigued me going into this one. However what I got instead is a lazily written, convoluted, and non-sensical mess, with the only somewhat redeeming qualities being the characters and SOME of the writing/humor.

    Firstly I'll go over some of the
    good I see in this game, and also the potential good/wasted potential

    The characters are for the most part attractive, and there's actually quite a variance in personalities, almost no two characters feel the same with the exception of the twins, who both look and act the same.

    I felt like the writing in some parts was
    really good, and there were some moments that gave me a good chuckle, however... a lot of the writing was very meh, and sometimes when I was reading through certain parts it felt very jarring like I'm having a fever dream.

    An example I'll give of this is... whenever you go to the therapist for the first time and meet the "nurse" who's the receptionist, she is really rude and disrespectful right off the bat until you tell her your name, and she thinks you are someone else. However, then you clarify that you're a different person, but she continues to be nice anyways and then you can instantly go on her path and she's just no longer a rude person all of a sudden... yeah.

    The art style and animations were both actually
    pretty damn good, nothing to write home about, but certainly acceptable and satisfying for the genre.

    Now let's go over the
    REALLY bad things about this game.

    Starting with the story, which is the most
    non-sensical and uninteresting stuff I've read in a while, this paired with the oftentimes MEH writing was just so off-putting and jarring and had me just wanting to skip to the h-scenes at times. You're apparently a clone, that retains memories, but apparently, an attack happened during the time of the cloning that ended up messing with the process and gave you false memories. For whatever reason you have "magic" powers to manipulate time, and you're taking these pills to help get rid of the false memories and for some reason, they make you stronger and make your dick bigger... alright then. (I could keep going but, I think you can see that the story is just bad, it's not worth explaining any further)

    The relationships and character interactions

    So basically, every girl you meet (not including those you're already close with) just instantly thinks you're the most amazing and handsome guy in the world and instantly wants to suck you off. On top of that, almost every girl is slutty and
    their clothes are skimpy and are constantly falling off or magically disappearing. (actually wtf) Also, the MC's dick is just out 90% of the time, I guess it's supposed to represent the fact that he's horny? I don't know :rolleyes:

    The relationships themselves are actually
    pretty cute and wholesome, and I love the dynamics between certain characters... but there's no actual buildup to any of it, it just kind of happens.

    "Oh hey there my name is blank and you're handsome and really nice, can I please suck your dick" BOOM now she's your girlfriend/lover and worships you after knowing you for less than an hour.

    Also the sandbox-ish kinda "dating/hangout" system where after each major scene you get to choose who to hang out with, is really weird because often times unless you choose in a certain order it doesn't even end up making sense in the dialogue. Also, it's just dumb that each of these interactions boil down to choosing someone, you call them or go to them, talk a bit or fuck (or both) then go back home and rinse and repeat... it's just
    very uninspiring stuff. (not many actual dates)

    Let's talk about the h-scenes now. As I said the animations are
    pretty good, not perfect but definitely acceptable; however the scenes lack variety and interaction. Occasionally you'll get the option to cum inside or outside, or which position to start in, but often times you don't even get that, and instead, you get 1 "option" prompts that dictate the scene for you, giving you no real choice in what happens. Also, most of them are pretty short, and with the lack of variance and choice get kind of boring with the exception of a few characters with certain kinks.

    Oh, and the "Karma" system is just bad, makes no sense.

    There are some other small things I could go over that were also not good, but I'll just leave this review at that, I think I've said enough.


    + Attractive characters with varying personalities
    + Made me chuckle sometimes
    + Pretty good models with good animations
    - Story is a convoluted mess

    - Relationships have 0 build-up
    - Non-sensical and uninspired gameplay/"dating" mechanics
    - Characters are very slutty and have magical disappearing clothes

    - H-scenes have almost no interaction
    - "Karma" system

    +- H-scenes have almost no variance for most characters, but a good variety of kinks/fetishes overall at least
    +- Writing is good in certain aspects and pretty bad in others

    If it wasn't for the few things this game does have going for it, I would have given it a 1 star, but since there are a few things I can appreciate and do enjoy, I will give it the 2 stars I think it deserves. :giggle:
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    With the last update s2 pt11 its become almost impossible to play without the flowe patch bcs its doesnt make sense without it,too much loli content if you want the full story so is hard tp play only the adults part,was fine till this update now its just became another loli game nothing else
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I played Maou Sama and it was a convoluted mess but decided to try this one. I wasn't much better,

    First you have to get past the MC's goofy orange hair and weird looking bug eyes. Next you need a playbill to keep track of all the girls thrown at you, none of whom get fleshed out very well due to the sheer number of them. You don't really get to know characters or personalities.

    Some of the girls have a cartoonish faces with weird eyes, some look more realistic, Mom is pretty hot and older sister as well though they change a bit in season 2. Sis's hair gets shorter and both her and mom seem to have noticeably larger boobs, The MC seems to become more well endowed also. Altering models is generally a bad idea, it hurts continuity.

    The story lines reads like it was a couple different stories mashed together that don't really mesh well so there is no cohesion. It would have been better if the sci fi part had been made into a separate story.

    It tries to be too ambitious for it's own good at the expense of character development. It feels like the Dev didn't have a clear path for the story and is just winging it as he goes.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has the same problems that has Maou-Sama, the story feels kind of weird, is half real word settling and half fantasy, but they don't mix up well, the girls are sluts from the start, the lolis, mom, sisters, friends, every girl has transparent or sexy clothes, they don't care if the MC see them naked or with a see-through nightdress, they will give a handjob, blowjob to the MC and they won't care that he is their brother or son or whathever, they act like if that is normal the girls don't care if they are in a public place, they will get naked or use transparet clothes, the MC is pretty dumb or at least the things he say are dumb. All the girls are in love with him without a reason, looks like he is the only man in the world because his mom, sisters, aunt, cousins and friends want to be with him, like I said without a reason. The Karma system is weird, I don't understand why if you decide to not get revenge againt your bullies you will lose karma, when common sense will tell you that the right thing to do is not do it, like why you would lose karma if you decide to not have sex with your girlfriend? What does karma has to do with that??
    The story is pretty bland, the conversations are dumb, I think that the fault in the conversation are because the MC is dumb and he is in all of them. So combining the bland story, conversation and the MC, I don't feel really involved in the game and I can't play more than 15 minutes per day.
    For what I played I saw that there are a lot of sexy moments and thats a good thing, but is pretty obvious because like I say, the every girl wants to fuck the MC since the first moment, they are practically naked and begging to be fucked. There is not a evolution in any character, they are mindless sluts that will have sex with him since day 1.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I just started playing this because it's one of the few games that ticks all of my tags and it's not ntr but....
    1. Dialogue is incredibly schizophrenic, everyone's reactions go from 0 to 11 in the span of a frame and some of the exposition is blasted at you too fragmented to make any sense.
    2. Karma system makes 0 sense so far, the choice seems to be "do you want to see fap content? yes/no"
    3. Mom suffers from "looks like a early 20 something chick syndrome"
    4. Characters are just half nude or full on nude in public like it's not a big deal, only to be dressed up a couple minutes later.
    5. Mom sees naked abused son having a ptsd nightmare: "let's jump in half naked with magic lingerie that disappears when you french him" (see also 1.)
    6. I've no idea if models are supposed to have aerogel lingerie that can be seen through or if it's just bad rendering.
    7. Phone by MS Paint.
    8. UI transitions/animations that won't go away even if you disable them.
    Even so... I'll still play it because, gotta fap... but i'll do it in protest. Edit: I stopped playing shortly after, there's plenty of other projects that while don't have all my tags, they're at least not making me have a stroke while i stroke.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Models are great, tons of interesting and rare fetishes. But the story is one of the worst on this site. I played the game for some time but at some point the story doesn't make any sense. Girls are bland and they have almost identical personality.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game now on and off for a few months and quite enjoy it. Story has some flow issues but characters are well thought out, interesting and sexy. Love the mix of adult, teen and loli as well.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.4 reviewed

    + I do like the models/renders are different sizes and shapes.
    Ariana is a bit shorter, curvy, and bigger tits.
    Ashley is taller, and very slim, and smaller tits.
    Both shapes work and feel proportioned correctly.

    -- The Karma systems is illogical and doesn't seem to work. Basically if you want the fap content...almost always, go with +Karma instead of -Karma.
    Example: Sister asks you to close your eyes. +Karma = see her nude and get teased by her; -Karma = blacked out screen until she gets dressed. How does that make sense? It should be +Deviance/Kink/Lust instead of calling it Karma.

    -- Why does Mila look like an older sister instead of a MILF/mom-aged person?

    -- I get the negative comments on the models. When I got to Brian's mom, Amari, her eyes are so freaky looking and ill proportioned, that it's just wrong.
    When getting to chapter III or IV (I think) and you have a grid to pick who to spend time with nearly everyone of the characters has close ups of their face in conversation and their eyes are way too big.

    -- Seems to be zero build-up/tease. Everyone is instant sex with MC. For example:
    Ariana = I'm interested in you. MC = and I in you. Result = instant BJ.
    Rilana = Are we friends? MC = How about more than friends? Result = instant BJ.
    Example of the writing being, meh.

    -- Speaking of meh writing.
    It seems this is a translation into English and for the most part I can follow. But the relationships and characters are so neurotic and in many ways unlikeable (especially the MC) that the 'story' is more the problem than any translation challenges.

    -- Uh...what is up with this game/VN?
    Mila's first scene comforting the MC from abuse and she is in a sheer lingerie and the MC happens to be nude and nobody cares or explains why it's so. Then immediately Mila is completely missing her panties. Why? Just to force a grinding/ejaculation scene? It's so disjointed that it makes it not fun and uninteresting. Basics of writing = establish a clear relationship and reasons why characters do what they do.

    > Nearly every female is named "...lia" or "..ana" or similar sounding name.
    mom = Mila
    older sister = Analia
    younger sister = Cherina
    ...and others are the same! (Rilana, Ariana, etc.)
    Really? It gets pretty confusing if I couldn't rename characters. There are free baby name lists to help you dev.

    + I can rename characters!
    Not rename all characters, but at least mom & sisters, which does help a little.

    + The RenPy UI has some visual bells & whistles versus the more common static UI screens.

    > On a related note, the added UI animations = additional lag between screens sometimes.

    A lot of potential here, but what we find is more lost opportunity when compared to other highly rated games/VN's on F95zone.
    I'm going to keep going for a bit longer and see if the story improves, but so far this is, 'good' for some reasons and 'pretty bad' for others.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good, hope we get more updates.
    the patches for the game (relations / age) is perfect, I cannot see how the game would play out without it (and I don't want to know)
    and hope the game never ends (just so I can keep playing it) :p

    Harem 10/10
    incest 10/10
    loli 10/10
    impregnation 10/10
    Story 7/10 (But it's good the way it is!)
    Style 3/10 (I like anime 2D more , however I don't mind the game as it is)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I've greatly enjoyed the story and characters so far and can't wait to see more. I like how each update also has a theme. The pacing is also done really well. I love how it ties in with Maou-Sama as a bigger grand story.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game. It has gorgeous girls with lovely personalities, good writing, decent story, MC who is not a wimp for a change, regular updates and a harem as the icing on the cake.

    Admittedly, it feels non-real at times, but if I want reality, I wouldn't play games in the first place.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I kind of hate to give a rating this low to a game that's had this much work put into it but...jesus christ. I've played a lot of harem games over the years of a lot of varying quality, but I've never played one where the characters are so instantly falling over for the MC like they are in this one. To be clear, the MC is a virtual high school dropout, with no skills, no job, who spends his days doing random pills in the park because if he goes to school he gets beat up for his lunch money every day. Fucker doesn't even know how to drive. And yet every single random woman he meets from students to secretaries to strangers on the subway is flashing their tits at him and trying to get knocked up the moment they see him. I've literally lost count of how big the harem is at this point.

    The worst is probably the 'Yakuza boss' (who is also the principal of a school for some reason) who meets him and then instantly offers her entire family to him as a harem. Just...what. The incredibly stereotypical asian accent the whole family uses makes that content a cringefest the whole time as well. Nothing about this subplot makes any sense whatsoever.

    As a counterpart to the incredible speed with which relationships happen, the advertised 'timestopping' plot is not yet actually in the game - it's only hinted at. And this is five chapters in...that's a long time to go without reaching what your game's main feature is supposed to be. All in all the story's pacing is such that I'd say you may as well ignore the story and just click through for the sex scenes.

    As for the sex scenes...well, the animation quality does seem to improve somewhat as it goes. It's still very basic though - closeup blowjobs look alright but anything with the full body being visible shows a lot of stiffness. For example, a missionary scene where the boobs are bouncing even though the rest of the woman's body is rock solid.

    Pretty much the only thing I can really give the game credit for is offering trans and gay content, although the main gay option is barely in the game at this stage and still has no sex scenes, so. While I respect the time that's gone into the game it could really use a writer who's not a 6th grader on a sugar high.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent if you're just looking for a quick fap. This game has no real story, no real relationships, and no character progression. Every woman you meet instantly wants to fuck you right there and right then. The renders aren't quite right as nobody looks particularly realistic.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good for what it is: A sex romp with some fantasy elements and catering to specific fetishes.

    This is not a heavy story driven game and there are glaring issues on that front, like how the mother goes from being cold towards the MC to "motivated" to jump him. But in all honesty after playing their first game I was not expecting an amazing story but to me it's still better than the previous game. I do hope the devs won't make the story as convoluted the other game's got. The models/characters are more to my liking as well, so that's a plus.

    All-in-all I'd say I got what I expected from this game and more and I had a fun time. Keep up the good work and I'll probably support this next paycheck. One thing people on here don't seem to realize is that not every game should be judged based on the same damb checklist of amazing/realistic story, catering to each individual's liking character models, eye opening dialogue and vertigo inducing choices. This is just not that kinda and I don't believe its trying be. As I said I enjoyed it for what it and found it fun. So yeah again all the best devs, keeping making what you want to and not what people expect. Have fun making it too.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The basic story idea is a good one if you can get it right but sadly it is not done well here.

    After months and months of abuse and neglect know one is going to make up as fast as they do here, the first talk is especially badly written as the MC just opens up with no worry at all when in reality he would have been scared to talk thinking she might go back to the dad or not believe him at all and even after then someone who has gone through that would first need to see that things would actually change before even thinking about reconnecting as most people in that type of situation don't change.

    Then even if change actually happens there would always be resentment to the people who didn't notice and anger that they had noticed but choose not to act, these feelings don't just go away so sitting down with those people after one single conversation and making party plans before anything has changed is incredibly bad writing especially as it would have been the perfect setup for letting the MC use guilt to get what he wants but instead we have the MC apologizing to them in less than a day and then being told who he can be angry with.

    The characters are not as bad as in most games but they still lack the emotions anger and guilt, apart from that there is a good mix of people and you get to spend time with them equally(no one woman is the focus), the MC apologizing to his mom and others makes him really seem like a simp(he has no reason to say sorry), also he is way too trusting(taking the family back right away, taking pills from random women just because she says she is a therapist).

    At the start the game says the choices will matter and that "with negative karma levels you are following a darker path" but when playing it you will quickly discover the only thing the negative choices do is stop you seeing sex scenes and reject women, they do nothing to direct the game at all.

    I like that sexual content is offered for those who want it and removed for those who don't(loli, futa, gay, incest).

    Story 2/5 (good idea but needs work)
    Sex 4/5 (could be longer)
    Characters 4/5 (missing some emotions but otherwise good)
    Art 4/5 (very nice)
    Choices 2/5 (don't direct the game but do let you choose which girls)
    Kinks 5/5 (loads and all skippable if you don't want them)