This game has potential. Or rather, the game idea has potential. A Star Wars based 'Trainer' game? That's a sure win. Hell, a Star Wars anything game should be able to make gangbuster numbers. Sadly, this game falls far short of any of that.
Without getting too much into it, this game has a muddy history. Feel free to read the thread if you want a fuller explanation, and to make your own impressions, but suffice to say this is a bad game. In fact, I'd go so far as to say this is a game which is bad at being a game.
There is, as of version 3.26, little to no content. What content there is, is spread out and piece meal at best. At worst, it is non-existent. This game acts more akin to a proof of concept than anything else, with place holder images as far as the eye can see. I'll say this for the game; what renders do exist are rather nice. Not amazing, but not terrible either. It's a pity that there are so few of them. In fact, of the three main girls - Princess Leia, Rey, and Queen Amidala - there are only a handful of renders each. I think I'm being generous with that assessment if I'm honest.
There is exactly one scene which you could refer to as 'sexual content', and it's right at the beginning. It's a single render of Darth Vader, with some nameless alien girls, getting a blowjob. It's not animated, and it doesn't change. That's all you'll get. After those first few moments, the next closest thing to sexual content is what amounts to a...very dubiously animated gif, of Vader spanking Princess Leia. So if you're playing this game in order to get off...well, you're out of luck.
Maybe you're here for the story? Shame, because you're out of luck on that front too. There is some lip service paid to the idea of a story; some time travel, reality bending shenanigans allow people who should be dead to be alive, people who should be old are young and new again, and people who shouldn't even be born are wondering why you're looking at them funny. It's nothing substantial, and aside from a few throw away lines, it's not important at all. It would almost be worth it, if the author lampshaded all this with a Jedi mind trick or two, but, alas.
Gameplay wise, it's your basic 'get girl, make girl dance, get money' system that you've seen elsewhere. You've probably seen it done much better elsewhere too. The grind in this game is unreal. Grinding is fine. It's a core mechanic of a lot of games. Sometimes it's needed to stop the game from being terribly short. Here however, the grind is there to be a grind.
Let's take the Emperor's Bordello upgrades - it's the only ones left at time of writing, but it's pointless at the moment - and compare it to how much you make a day. To upgrade EB to level 4, it costs 1000000 credits. With three fully broken slaves, alll performing specials at the Canteena, you make 30000 a day. With a fully upgraded Patreon Quarters, you make an additional 300 a day, so 30300 a day. In other words, unless I'm doing some fucky math here, it'll take you 34 in game days to get enough money to upgrade the Bordello to the final level. Oh, and that's not 34 days to upgrade it from the start. That's 34 days from Level 3 to Level 4.
But here's the thing. Remember that a core mechanic is that if your rebel threat level is too high, one of your slaves will be kidnapped. Which means you have to go recapture them. There is a way to prevent this, and it's to assign her to a cell, which is good! The bad news is, in the current version you can only unlock two cells. Meaning one of your girls will get kidnapped at some point, and you will have to retrieve her if you want to get back up to peak income. Know what costs credits? Retrieving your slave. Meaning it'll take you a lot longer than those 34 in game days.
Yes, you can collect tributes - 75000 credits - but that causes your rebel threat to increase by 2%, every seven to eight days. Your threat level will increase regardless of collecting tributes by the way. Which means at some point you will have to spend money on recapturing a slave. There's no two ways about it. It's not 'if' it's 'when'.
34 days to upgrade the BE to the final level. There are six sections of the Death Star you can upgrade from the Command Center. Security Office? Ehh, you can hire bigger, better Bounty Hunters, but there's no real point. Sure, they'll increase your chances of successfully capturing a girl, but I never had an issue with the Level 1's. Plus, it seems more cost effective to use Level 1's, since they're three times cheaper, and seem to be able to use level 3 capture devices. Emperor's Bordello? Currently worthless, since there's nothing there. You should only upgrade the Cantina, Torture Room and Patreon Quarters. Don't bother breaking your three slaves past the level that will allow you to set them to 'Special' in the Cantina either. There's nothing beyond that currently, though it is possible the text changes if they're a higher level. I forgot to test this.
In addition to all of that, there's something else that'll sap your time, and honestly? I couldn't tell you if this is the fault of the dev, or the engine they've chosen to use. Every single time you do anything, from talk to one of your officers, to just choosing to advance a day, you're hit with a loading screen. The loading screen takes...let's say, two seconds. Which is fine. It's fast even! Remember however, that loading screen will take place every time you do anything. Advance the day? Loading screen. Decide to check your quarters? Loading screen. Leave your screen? Loading screen. Want to visit the cells? Loading screen. Want to then check a specific cell?
There are just so many places where that loading screen is not needed, or places where it could be averted. Instead of say, choosing to check the cells, then choosing a cell, then having to confirm again that you want to check the could just check the cell. Simple little improvements like that could cut down on the time it takes to do anything. Here's the thing; I've played other games developed in Unity. They don't seem to have this problem, or if they do, they make sure to work around it, not plough right into it.
As always, this shows potential, but falls short of much else. It has original renders, has a good concept (albeit so far nothing you've not seen before),and the idea of breaking various Star Wars girls is appealing. It's just...not good enough for me to recommend, in its current state. The grind is too harsh, the rewards all but non-existent, no way to replay what very little NSFW content there is, and little to nothing to do but click, pause, click, pause, click, pause. You would get the same experience from playing a cookie clicker, while looking at a lingerie catalogue. It's not worth downloading, and I don't think it ever will be. Who knows? Maybe it'll prove me wrong, and become a top rated game on here. I won't be holding my breathe for it though.
Tl;dr - By the time you 'finish' this game, you could learned to make your own game of a similar structure, and it'd probably be a better calibre too. I cannot recommend this, unless you need to play any adult Star Wars game, and won't take no for an answer.