Can someone specify what "Teen-er" means?
I can somewhat guess that it has something to do with someone in their teens (Which can be anywhere from 13 to 19), but that's about it.
Edit: Never mind, got in-game, and there's a definition saying what each tag means (Pretty rare, so assumed it didn't).
If it existed, it'd be listed.
Probably an incomplete/experimental feature. Just going by the game version, this is basically the initial release, and not a lot of games even have a proper replay feature (Some just show it in CG form), and I think it's actually not something easily done, based on what I got as a reply from a dev when I asked about it.
Edit: Nope, never mind. You need to select the characters you want to see replay entries for.
(I might be wrong, I've not even played past the main menu yet, but that seems to be the case.)