First time player in this game and... it feels kinda rough. I found very few quests, no orientation of what to do and it required quite an effort and the wiki to even know where I could go to sleep and take a shower.
So here I'm going to give a few recommendations that I feel could help a lot new players:
-When asking NPC's where to live, please just let them comment possible apartments and that the thule people can help you with that, my quality of life in this game improved so hard after getting the free bed in thule.
-Add some hints about how to continue a quest, I get stuck so many times in everything... can't seem to be able to rescue Kila, can't find the origin of sounds in apartment 2 east street, don't even know how to meet most of the NPC's people talk about.
Overall it could also be solved by having a much more complete wiki, it's just insane for new player's to find most of the games potential and current stuff.
-For the love of democracy, give some special colour to non generic NPC's so that we can identify them more easily, just with this tiny change many players will tend to interact more with important NPC's and most probably unlock more quests.