I've not work on the story for a while specifically to add content (dates, corruption, transformation, etc.) to already existing characters so they are more interesting. For that matter, I don't think I've introduced a character in like a year.
I am about to release a big update though, which does has a set of new characters, although they are all part of a single story, but the content we have released while we have been working on that has been to flesh these existing characters.
After that, though I'm going to focus on polishing the game: First to work on the transformations for the MC and equipment, then reworking the city and a little bit of management, and after polishing these aspects I might go and rework how combat works and these generic, capturable NPCs too.
Now, though, it'd be good if we had some good feedback about *how* you people like this content; new corruption content for the most part are just a few scenes without much mechanics to it, while in the past it was this grindy "give them potions /hypno them and raise stats until they slowly change" - was that more interesting or fun? idk, I'm always open to suggestions, specially before we start to work on that again.