Played build 2.3 till the end of the main quest, while it is obviously a fairly early build (at least compare to other text based Patreon game like Strive for Power or Throne of Lilith) I do have some thought on the current build. Please, do take my feedback with a grain of thought because they are just my personal taste, and I have no idea how to program so some of my suggestion might not be realistic.
First of all, I like the writing for most of the main quest. There is a sufficient number of branches for different choices, and the most choices feel enough to account for different kind of choices one would make. The only quest I feel a bit more response option is needed is the choice where the player get to choose to hire professional servant or sex workers on the street. Mainly, the sex worker branch where the player has a line of thought about trying to give job to the homeless even if they aren't professionals. I don't feel there's enough choice to account for this particular line of thinking since the only choice that related to it is to encourage Helena to discipline them, or scold Helena for stepping out of the line. That choice feel like more impact on Helena's character rather than how I want my servants to behave.
The characters are largely likeable even if most doesn't really feel like very unique character due to the relative shortness of the story yet. So far Abaddon is easily my favorite of the main cast, as the struggle Abaddon has to balance his individuality with family tradition is something I can relate to a lot growing up in a culture that put higher emphasis on tradition than western culture (I'm Chinese by the way). One minor critic for his questline I have so far is his dilema feel resolved a bit too fast. Only one questline to focus on rebuild either the theater or coliseum, and then one dialogue choice to determine if he should change the family tradition or not doesn't feel like enough interactivity for a big decision like this. Maybe in the future as more story is written for him, this could be changed to something like a 'point' based system where player have different chances to affect Abaddon's decision in the process of rebuilding the entire cultural sector and the choice he makes in the end would be determined through the total number of points instead of one dialogue choice.
So far, the biggest problem I have with the current build is the pacing feel a bit off. Mainly on how the main quests would jump forward a huge number of days (to put in context, I finished the main questline in day 130, and only maybe a dozen days where spend freeform fighting monsters to earn money). I like this idea of forward the days in current build since there's not much to do, and having player wait for around 100 days just to fight monsters in the wild to unlock something like the retainer option is a bit unrealistic, but it feel equally unrealistic my character would sit around doing nothing as the castle is being rebuild for a few weeks (and how castle supply doesn't decrease in the time frame).
One possible solution I suggest is to have the quest wait for the X number of days to get to the next stage while player doing freeform activity and update when it hits the timer to progress to the next stage when there's more content in the game. I think the retainer option can get individually unlocked as soon as the player meet each individual character instead of unlock all of them after the festival quest. This would give player more choice for the freeform section rather than just a monotonous fighting the monster in the wild or interacting with characters in the barrack.
Also related to the pacing is how unfinished a lots of game mechanic feel, which is very understandable considering the game is still in very early build compared to the other 2 big patreon backed text game Strive for Power and Throne of Lilith (even if the version number is higher than Throne of Lilith). Both Strive and Throne feel they have complete cycle of gameplay mechanic (even if I also have issue with Throne's current pacing), and Debauchery in Caelia Kingdom doesn't. The character management screen in barrack still has large chunk of the UI that aren't serving any purpose yet, and the reward/punishment option has a bug where a different name would show up instead of the correct name for the randomly generated character that actually populate my barrack (Mainly Abaddon, and I think something like Vergil?). I think the focus for this stage of development would better spend on completing these already exist mechanic rather than adding new ones like city management since adding new mechanic into the game without complete pre-existing one can feel like different mechanic could come off as feeling like a mesh of different mechanics that doesn't form cohesively, but once again that's just my personal taste.
There's also some minor bugs in the later quest after the festival. The choice where player stand back and try to make their nanny regain her sense doesn't give follow up choices so the only way to continue the quest is to pick fight branch. The quest for Abaddon where one choose to influence him through friendship or force his opinion has both version of text show up which I don't think is intended since it has the obvious coding language of 'If Relation > 40' and 'ELSE' (Well... I know that part about programming).
Overall, the game shows great promise even if it is still obvious in early stage of development. I am eagerly waiting to see what the final product would look like since the player being the lord of a city does set it apart from the other two text games where the player is mainly an individual.