Has the item system been fixed yet? Last time I played the problem with weapon items is it could not recognizes which item was upgrade from which were not, if you held multiple. This became more clear when you placed them in storage because it doesn't show which one is upgraded. The other problem was in the combat system that doesn't take in account if your dual wielding pistols or just have one. Because the skill double shot still shows up if you have just one gun equipped and have another in inventory. It should be only if you have two guns equipped.
Has the english translation improved at all? I know english isn't the devs main language but last time I checked (about a year ago) there were still quite a few translation errors so I was wondering if anything has been done to fix them
Hi all. Been playing this game and quiet enjoying it. However, I'm now at a point where I can't beat any of the beasties/ zombies / bugs, who all suddently seem to have HP / life of 50 up to 78 . I on the other hand can't seem to get my HP above 23, Any help on how to increase health / Hp much appreciated.
Particualarly annoying as I cant save Bang as the two raiders are too strong