The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...
(01/19/2018 - Original Review - v0.0.1)
This game is riddled with bugs that keep you from getting very far... Plus it is yet another in a long line of overused Family Sex themed visual novel/games...
The visuals of the characters are pretty good for the few characters you meet... The backdrops appear to be unique... The user interface is different, but I'm not a fan of how it operates... The font is really small for both sides of the text box, with the right side being the choice selection box... You need to ensure you read the text on the right side, as you will only see immediate responses in the left side main text box... And with the font being so small, be careful to select the correct choice...
The script has a very minor amount of broken English, and the occasional spelling/grammar error... The plot revolves around a male protagonist, his mother, and his sister (which I'm not sure she is an adult or not because the warning in the beginning claims all characters have no age, yet the story line makes it appear she's younger then the protagonist yet still in high school, which runs the risk that she is not the proper age for this genre of VN/game, since the author/s did not clarify enough about her actual age)... The plot then revolves around the fact that all 3 of them are now homeless and living on a beach, where his sister has become ill... I chose to have the protagonist go look for work, but this is where the game breaking bug occurs... If you take him to High Street, after the squabble, during his conversation with the prostitute, the game gets a non-ignorable error and freezes at that point... If you restart the game and try to load a game save from the main menu, sometimes you get a similar error... Only if you load a save from a newly started game does it work correctly every time, but the High Street error is still there... Couldn't get to any content beyond that error...
Found another bug in the mother route at the motel, as once Laura (the prostitute) shows up and talks to the mother and protagonist, during her talking to the protagonist another in-ignorable error screen occurs... This game is just riddled with bugs...
I can already tell, based off previous developer warnings, and what you can actually experience in the game so far, that this game plans to have violence... There will probably be some other odd fetish's as well...
Overall, I'm not that impressed with this VN/Game so far, as I'm unsure if it will contain under-aged porn with the sister (which I find completely offensive if she's not 18 or older), there are hints at actual harmful violence, the bugs, the font choices, and I get a sinking feeling about what types of directions the plot might go with the family being homeless... I think the game takes place in Cuba possibly, based off some comments about the prostitutes shoes, but even then, are there not government run homeless shelters or hospitals they could go to in that country? I dunno...
In any case, I'm not sure I will re-visit this one or not... Have to wait and see if the bugs can get fixed, so we're able to get further into this introduction... Only time will tell...
(02/26/2018 - Review Update - v0.0.2)
Ok, definitely a big improvement over the first time I played this game in the prior version... I didn't run into any bugged out screens... Both story directions worked without a hitch... The script text has also improved... Several more locations have been added, some work and some don't for the moment... We also get a better idea of the game play style for this game... There isn't a whole lot of content, so don't go into this game expecting a lot of things to do, but it's still under construction...
The game system appears that it plans to go a grind route, with each day broken down into hours... The navigation system is pretty simple to use... The UI is minimalistic but very functional... I can see a lot more potential in this game then in it's first version... Unsure for the moment if it will be story driven type content, or porn driven, since there is really not much of either so far, beyond the introduction story content... We'll have to wait and see once more content is added, how this game will actually play out...
In the mean time, I've raised it from 1 star to 3, as most of the basic game play system seems to be in place and working correctly... Just need to wait and see how it goes after some actual content gets added... I'll probably wait for a few updates before revisiting, to give it some time to grow...