Progress Report
Howdy! Here’s what’s up:
(You can download our latest update and read the changelog here (click me))
We do not want to talk about the war, because it feels like we’re using it as an excuse. However, we’re relatively fine and we want you to know that we will try harder to become more consistent with our updates, and we will prove that to you with our actions in the upcoming months.
We will also change our attitude and commit to monthly progress reports instead of the hermit mode that I love so much.
With that out of the way, let’s talk about the game
We’re still finishing up Kira’s character art, and we don’t want to rush it. We could just replace existing pictures with the new ones and call it a day, but we’d like to finish it completely and I need more time to redraw more things. Plus, we’ve added some new features that still need more of our dev time.
Meaning, that while the current update doesn’t have a new character art (but has a new backend), you won’t be left out without an update in September.
We’ve decided to make Kira “full sized”, to have an option of adding heels and shoes in the future. You’ll only see her upper half in dialogues, but it is now possible for us to lower the camera to showcase her legs. The pose itself has to be this way in order for all layers to work and not cause any visual bugs.
Next, we’ve made some changes to how her head works, so it will be possible for us to reuse her “head” character art in events that use this angle.
For example, our newest harassment event has 75 “head” pictures, the same ones that are used in Kira’s character art.
Not only will this move save a ton of space, but it will also make the addition of new expressions into existing and future events much easier.
The pose I’m showing in the picture above is an updated “cover” pose. I added more shadows, lights and hopefully made it look more natural. Of course this meant that we needed to change some other layers, like pregnancy and there are now alternative bellies for the “cover” pose among other things.
On top of that, we’re adding more variables to each part of Kira’s art in order to properly track her appearance and make npc’s react to it. Because while her outfit might show her breasts, they might still be covered by her bra, then a bra could be transparent, or revealing or normal and it all has to be accounted for.
We would also like to add in just regular stats, make all outfits give you some boost while you’re wearing them and we need more time to think it through.
On the topic of stats - I like how our “lust” and “int” work, but I think “charisma” and “fame” are severely underused and we’re currently thinking about charisma overhaul. I want you to be able to “spend” it on mental upgrades, like adding or removing fetishes to Kira, making them permanent etc. OR keeping all charisma to yourself in order to influence people. We might change its name to something like “control” or “resolve” (name is pending).
In that case we’ll have to add “bonus” charisma and not a regular one to some outfits, because their buff shouldn’t be “spendable”. It’s all work in progress is what I’m saying.
Now a bit about out “time” references:
Instead of making just two versions of an event (first time & repeatable), we’ve separated our newest events into stand-alone blocks and all individual blocks have “first time” and “repeatable” versions.
For example, previously, if you had “free use” fetish, you’d get extra “pink” dialogue in the “first time” event, and a short version of it in its repeatable version. And if you’ve acquired “free use” after the “first time” event, you’d only see the shortened repeatable version, missing out on content and potentially getting inconsistent text.
Now, our “time” references fix that issue, in the same situation you’d see the “first time” reference. And our newest “Boobjob” event has 17 of them, it pretty much completely consists of stand-alone blocks.
Meaning that, moving forward, whenever your Kira will change physically or mentally - events will have more new text for you. It will be worth checking on them again.
All in all, the September update is going to be a character art focused one and I’m not just talking about Kira. While Moana will be busy with Kira’s code, I’m going to finally update our older characters and I’m going to conduct some polls on their appearance (dorm girls breast sizes, etc.). We want to finally close this chapter of development and move forward with quests and events.
As for events, there’s an unlimited amount of options and we will use a different approach to them from now on, but will talk about that in a different post.
That’s pretty much it, we’re alive, we’re working and we’re really grateful that you are still here with us! Thank you all from the bottom of our pigeon brains and disney hearts! We sincerely hope that you will be pleased with our work moving forward!