What I’m doing in order to fight you orcs is limited to my abilities, but I assure you - I’m neither hiding nor running from any buses. No idea where you’ve got that.
Ukraine is not perfect, it has plenty of problems, but they are OURS, not yours. Leave.
And dude, are you serious? You’re seriously calling our elected president a dictator, when you are eternally ruled over by a gremlin? Remind me, how many “presidents” did you have since the fall of the Union? One and a half? Two and a half? Don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical (asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information).
And I literally told you what I meant by “identity”. There is no point in arguing over history and the existence of Ukrainians, because even though I completely disagree with putler’s little piece of fanfiction, you made sure that Ukrainians exist now - you’re creating more and more of us every day. Ironically, by killing us.
After the war ends (congrats on being able to call it a “war” and not going to prison btw, lol), you’ll pay for it. I mean, you’re already paying, but things will only get worse for you. After all, your little baby Putler has no successor and he is well above Ruzzian average life expectancy.
As for this little point of yours:
Then LEAVE! That’s all you have to do! Leave us alone and continue beating your wifes (but just 3 times, over 3 would be illegal), drinking vodka and pretending that you all are “martyrs” and not just some little bi*ches that serve a demented gimp.
You deserve a special place in hell, and maybe I was too soft on you. Maybe I should just base my character on you - write them as angry, pathetic, submissive and extra-moronic as you seem to be.
Just tell me, are you considered to be an average Ruzzian amongst your herd? Or are you like an extra-smart one by your standards?