
Oct 9, 2017
Remember when this was a cool game about a retrofuture USSR and a main character who wasn't sure what side she was on?

I miss that game. I am utterly disinterested in the new game about freakshow mammary modifications. I wonder if there's a way to convince Mulan to let someone else continue the original game, while Mulan works on this one.
I havnt played any updates for a while, and I too thought it was cool the way the creator poked fun at the former USSR (and current Russia?) and the way the MC was a victim and had to keep dealing with idiots. I like her as she is, with not too many wierd looking body mods, unless they are temporary, and can be reversed of course.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
It was a big part of Russian culture, but Soviet culture tried to make rural life as much like city life as possible (reorganizing farming into industry-like production units, replacing family huts with communal living, etc). The farm in the game is pretty much a Soviet-style farm, however.
You are correct, to some degree.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
I happen to be that i currently reading a book by russian writer Maxim Gorky "The childhood", where he talks about his childhood with his grandparents and his elusive mother. the point is that his grandparents lived through the age of servants, and were eventually freed. It is a very sad book really, where the child is raised and beaten by his grandfather, who also systematically mistreats the grandmother to the point of trampling her on the ground.
the grandfather was an old pawn who climb in his hierarchy and managed to have considerable wealth, while the grandmother was the daughter of a servant who had been injured due to the cruel treatment of her feudal lords. therefore, the grandfather always had contempt for her origin since she did not possess the dowry to compensate for her social status
just a comment aside
Yeah, Gorky loudly hated Imperial Russia with its existing social segregation. He supported Bolsheviks by his money, after october revolution had some second thoughts but eventually returned and was widely published, praised and had become officially the "head writer"


Oct 15, 2019
I happen to be that i currently reading a book by russian writer Maxim Gorky "The childhood", where he talks about his childhood with his grandparents and his elusive mother. the point is that his grandparents lived through the age of servants, and were eventually freed. It is a very sad book really, where the child is raised and beaten by his grandfather, who also systematically mistreats the grandmother to the point of trampling her on the ground.
the grandfather was an old pawn who climb in his hierarchy and managed to have considerable wealth, while the grandmother was the daughter of a servant who had been injured due to the cruel treatment of her feudal lords. therefore, the grandfather always had contempt for her origin since she did not possess the dowry to compensate for her social status
just a comment aside
Yeah, many Russian writers have that incredibly rare gift to write life as realistic as possible yet almost unbearable to read. The extent of emotions, of emotional violence and truthfulness in Dostoievski's work, for example, is astonishing. The first time I tried to read The Idiot, I couldn't get past a few pages at a time. But that's what makes him a great authour. Same for Chekhov or Solzhenitsyn.
Personally, I find this incredible. The only current authour I've heard doing a similar job today is the French Houellebecq. He is quite popular in Germany, I've heard.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
Yeah, many Russian writers have that incredibly rare gift to write life as realistic as possible yet almost unbearable to read. The extent of emotions, of emotional violence and truthfulness in Dostoievski's work, for example, is astonishing. The first time I tried to read The Idiot, I couldn't get past a few pages at a time. But that's what makes him a great authour. Same for Chekhov or Solzhenitsyn.
Personally, I find this incredible. The only current authour I've heard doing a similar job today is the French Houellebecq. He is quite popular in Germany, I've heard.
Dostoevsky was very hard reading to me and to many people I discussed it, I dropped everything but C&P mostly because his religious overzealously is very poorly supported even by his own characters, not mentioning real life, in Demons (shittiest content he created) and Karamazov brothers.
Chekhov is much more well accepted overall, since his stance never was openly shown, you dont see openly ugly persons in cherry garden, he shows that former lords, young bourgeoisie and working class while have strong antagonization, can be nice persons. Also out of these three his writing language is clearly best.
Solzhenitsyn, well. He is loved by "anti-Soviet" intelligentsia including Putin himself, but by wide public he is completely forgotten and only forced upon teens in school. Mostly because he had a shitty written language, clear political agenda (guy lived in CIA apartment ffs), his gulag is full of blatant lies to make more horror and he himself was called snitch by people who was imprisoned with him.
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May 15, 2017
Story and the setting are alright, the sex systems being setup and farm are better. It's taking a while but good luck on the project. I definitely prefer current plan with cutting corners and having 3 basic models instead of many variations that slow the development to a crawl, but also have you considered releasing some content with no art? Some games pull it off really well, if you write the scene well enough you can add art later. God bless you people who wanted something else, just different tastes, but this is actually what I was hoping a game would go for.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
looks like you are right. So here it is.

Previous progress report from SEP 27, 2021.

Howdy! Here’s what’s up:
Moana is still working on the update and I’m continuing to write farm continuation.

Character art upgrade unfortunately takes a lot of time, especially with the rest of the breast sizes that we’re implementing in advance. Moana is doing her best to finish testing and fixing it and we will upload our new version as soon as possible.
I can’t give you a specific date, but I can say this - one more “progress report” and then the new version will finally arrive.
Since we ran out of things to say about the upcoming version and are working on making them a reality, this post is primarily focused on the “Farm” update that I’m currently writing.

Above you can see an edited version of our newest “Boobjob” event. I edited it because I didn’t want to spoil it too much and because it was fun:)
The red haired girl is called “Rosie” and just like in the case of our “Sugartits” NPC (the blond-pink one), her face was generated by an AI and edited by me.

In the event itself, the background is “Farm” instead of the “red square” and there's dicks instead of Lenins between the breasts. Plus, everyone except for Kira, is wearing either black gloves and stockings or cow patterned ones (based on content preference). Pregnancy, lactations and stockings will be shown in this event and it’s not limited to Kira.
It’s also worth mentioning that later down the line it will be possible to enlarge the breasts of the other girls and the event was already drawn and coded with that possibility in mind.
In order to enlarge their breasts, you’ll need to allow Red Kira to save you from Snowball at the Farm and this leads me to the next major change:

I created a quick graph above, hoping that it manages to convey the message - I changed the “Barn” intro and restructured the routes.
It won’t be implemented in the next update, it will be added in the one that comes after it. I’m still writing “Red Kira” path.
Currently accessible route won’t be changed at all, except for the intro. Now, instead of “the bet”, Kira will be straight up kidnapped. As for the “Sharon” route, it will be integrated into the new “Red Kira” path.
In the new intro, Kira will have to either accept her “training” or allow her Red counterpart to take control.
However, this time it will be different and instead of waking up later on and figuring out what the “red one” did, Kira will be watching from the backseat - they will literally switch places and you will play as Red Kira for a couple of days.
I’m adding this route because it’s significantly easier to do this than to write for a regular Kira. Because red Kira has no “lust” or “intelligence”, her dialogue lines are the same in all cases.
Plus, so far I had a ton of fun writing for her and I hope you all will enjoy this alternative path.
The events that this path will feature are primarily focused on other characters, again, because it’s significantly easier to draw other characters. A good example of that is what I already mentioned - you will be able to enlarge the breasts of other girls, because why not?
I’m hoping that this addition will allow us to produce more content in a shorter period of time and I also hope that you will enjoy this alternative to the submissive Kira.

That’s all I wanted to say today.
Moana is still figuring out what’s wrong with our systems and I’m writing the continuation of the Farm whenever my services are not needed.

There really are a lot of changes in code this time around. Due to the increased amount of pictures and layers Moana added a loading screen that preloads everything every time you enter the location. The title screen was altered, the interface, the “squat boy”, the logic behind breasts, outfits and fetishes.
She went through a colossal amount of work, we both did, and not surprisingly, there’s a lot of bugs. We do not aim for a bugless release, but we are hoping to fix everything that we can.
It’s been a long time since we started this expansion and this truly is a finish line, thank you all for your patience and support, I assure you - the end is near!
Latest progress report (OCT 31, 2021)

Howdy! Here’s what’s up:
This is the last progress report before an update. I’ve dragged this moment for as long as I could, to be certain that we'll stay true to our word.
As a side effect of that, this post has a lot of new information for both the upcoming version and the next one that’s already in the works.

There’s been some complications due to the change of layers and the amount of new body-mods Kira now has (plus personal life), but they are more or less resolved now.
As you may have noticed, we’re drowning under the sea of body-mods Kira has, but worry not comrades - I know how to swim:
The character art expansion doubled the size of Kira’s art, because I drew all planned (and unplanned) mods in advance to resolve this issue forever. We also did our best to write, code and draw new events with everything in mind, which significantly complicated an already complex situation.
That said, we had two ideas on how we could cut some corners and release content faster.
First idea is to have more events that don't feature Kira and the second one is to utilize her “Red” version a bit differently and more often.
We also decided to let you customize Farm NPCs (to some extent) and we changed the artwork in the upcoming “harassment” event (previously it reused assets).
New additions to the next version (
We’ll temporarily add the ability to customize the appearance of Kira’s Farm “colleagues”.
- New pose for the “harassment system” (I previously re-used existing ones from gym etc.)
- New character art for male Vivarium NPCs.
New additions to the future versions (most likely in
Three new NPCs with their own stories and events (technically they will be added in, but they will have a placeholder dialogue.
- Random voyeuristic events with said NPCs

Once the next version will drop, our development cycle will become easier, but it will still be difficult due to the body-mods and mental changes.
The easiest solution would be to cut out half of everything.
Merge Lust and Intelligence into one stat and remove half of our body-mods (at least a half). However, this was a “body-mod” game from day 1 and that’s the game we want to make. So, let’s talk about the alternative.
Our first idea is to utilize “Red” Kira more and give her more H-events, but... She will always look the same (one outfit and no body-mods).
I intend to make her unique in her own way, but she will always temporarily transform Kira into her “prefered” shape whenever she takes over her body. It’s also worth mentioning that “Red” Kira has no alternative dialogue, intelligence and lust doesn’t work on her, so it’s easier to write for her. But, most importantly - I really do like writing her lines.
Since she will become a more prominent character, I think it’s about time we properly neme her.
From now on,“Red Kira” wil be known as Killer Queen, and we’ll alter her initial dialogue in
If you don’t mind this, we’ll conduct some polls to pick her default appearance and move on with the plan. (with her events on the table - we will be able to breathe a bit easier).
Now, for the next solution:

We want to start writing events that don't feature Kira at all and I also want to reuse our Art. In this particular case, I’ve decided to give the girls some customisation, effectively they are “mini-Kiras” when it comes to their art (they have ~12 layers, Kira has 100).
I did this because the art is reused and I’m afraid they might become dull rather quickly.
In ( you will be able to customize the ladies from the options above, but there’s a few things that you need to know:
Their appearance will be reset to Default in (cows for players with lactation or pregnancy content enabled, black latex for players without it)
-There will be a vendor that sells all these items (including items for Kira) later on
-All of that is shown in events
-Because you’re not meant to leave the Farm or customize them for free, the text might not make sense in some cases (only when it comes to pregnancy)
-Their dialogue is a placeholder for now and we’re only including this in the next version because we want to test it.
I also want to make them a bit more unique for the players that have lactation/pregnancy disabled, so we will add different tails and headbands in
So please do tell me what animals you want to see the girls cosplaying as (dog? horse? pig? bunny? This is an “Animal Farm” after all).
When Vivarium’s vendor will be added, all players will be able to dress them at will (if the necessary affection will be reached), don't worry.

Above you can see what I meant - I intend to reuse the artwork from the “boobjob” event and create individual events for Kira’s “colleagues”.
This move would cost us nothing and I believe it will further increase the immersion (even though the artwork is reused).
I also want to create the same events that Kira already experienced in Vivarium, but with the girls instead of her.
In other words, I plan to have a ton of events where the art is reused and Kira is an offscreen observer - to limit our workload.
Of course we’ll continue to work on events for Kira, but she’s grown to be quite difficult to manage and we need to upload new versions more regularly.

I’ve already mentioned that some dialogue won’t make sense because you’re not meant to leave the farm. Here’s why:
All girls will have their own storylines and “affection” levels (without any grind, as per usual). The piercing that “Rosie” rocks on the example above has a purpose, Rosie has an oral obsession and whenever she tries to go for someone's tit or dick - it hurts both her and her victim.
In her case, if or rather “when” Kira will remove her piercing - an event will immediately trigger. Cow Kiras will have to protect their breasts, while Kira’s without lactation or pregnancy enabled will have to protect their crotch.
So, in the boobjob event she has her piercing removed, while her character art might still have it. And Sugartits (blond one) can’t get pregnant without the quest.
The main point of this part is to show you an example of events without Kira and what Farm ladies will do in the future. Writing this was interesting to me and I hope you’ll also find their storylines to your liking.

Now, this is a new thing that I recently did. Initially, this event used the artwork that you already saw in Gym, AUGS shop and Imperator. But I’ve decided to draw yet another pose for our system given how much time has passed.
The best part of this is the fact that this is a part of our “harassment” system, meaning that Moana just has to follow a formula and we don’t even have to test it. This also means that adding new things to it (like a tattoo) will automatically upgrade other events that use this.
Ultimately, all our events have to become like this - automated. And we’re still figuring out how to properly do that.
Oh, and that’s a new random Vivarium NPC. will add character art to some Vivarium fellas and I think this addition will further increase the immersion.

I hope you can understand that sometimes we get too overwhelmed because of the amount of alternative dialogue and art, especially when things don't work out the way we envisioned them. But, I assure you, we’re not going anywhere and we’re dead set on finishing the game.
I also hope that this post conveys what I’ve been saying for the past couple of months - I’m already working on the new content, we’re delaying only because Kira’s character art doesn't work yet due to it growing twice the size of the previous version. (Plus, I couldn't help myself and there are some surprises)
With that out of they way, I really do want to know your opinion on everything I’ve mentioned in this post:
What alternative costumes should the girls have? (one each, so ideally they should be different).
- Are you okay with me reusing art?
- What do you think about the idea of giving “Killer Queen” one permanent appearance?
- Any ideas on how “Killer Queen” should look?
Thank you all for your patience and support, we’re doing our best and I’m certain that my next post will finally be a positive one! The end is near!
I wonder what and how they will develop. And the solutions are quite interesting. BUT I HOPE that whatever decisions they make. I hope that the Branch from Bimbo and the scene to the city will continue to develop.

Thank you for the news about the development of the game.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
Farm Barn.jpg

"Look at those veiny udders, Daisy, they have no reason to lie."

"They're producing milk. How is that possible?"

"And they will produce so much more when you become what you came here to be."

"You know I am here because of the collar!"

"The collar never made you come here a third or fourth time. You came here on your own volition."

"Because it would zap me the moment I try to go elsewhere."

"It only did so when it sensed a conflict. You leave this place anytime, if that is still your wish."

"This is a trick, isn't it? You're only saying this to keep me here."

"Why would it be? It's not a secret: a happy mammal gives better milk.
It still takes a lot of effort and care to reach that point, that's why we can only allow women with the right mindset to join. My job is it to cull the herd early on and let only those pass who are willing to embrace their fate."

"I am confused. Confused and horny. My breasts are swollen. Every orgasm pushes another wave of milk against my nipples. They're hot and sensitive. Milking them feels like a blissful, never ending fever dream. Fuck, when did I decide to become a cow?"

"The very moment you took on the collar."


Jun 30, 2018
The game is more than good, but it's such a mess without a walkthrough, hell, even a clear routes guide would be gold; i understand that there are 3 main approaches to this game, but it's such a chore trying to do the quests in some kind of order that does make sense


Dec 8, 2020
is red kira inspired by kid miracleman ? Far strech i know its not a uncommon trope but there is also the new you which is a thing in spiderman comics ...also i personally find rape scenes disturbing i like the idea of kira being a subconcious submissive who wants to be brainwashed hence why i like the high int stat and dont like kira being forced into anything i apreciate that we can resist the prison rape scene for example but i still dont like that your forced on the poll im into consensual degradation and submission so any scene of kira being forced into anything just makes me quit the game its not up for debate i was just giving my opinion on the game


Nov 26, 2020
okey, what is the best and easiest and fastest way to raise lust? it feels like what ever i do even though it something sexual it doesnt raise, wich is kinda weird. Im at start of prison quest and also made a peek at vivarium. Did take a peek on all major quests there. Also i did like 2 doctor quests and the one where you should choose but wasnt really keen on choosing anything at that point so loaded back. Did a fishing thingy and have unlocked waitress job at bar and some gym events. My lust is at 6 :D so how to raise it. :D
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