HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.1.3] [Vrelnir]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I held off on reviewing this game for a little while. But then I realized that after playing it off and on for a few days, I really needed to put my thoughts down. Some games I download, try out, and am done with in 20 minutes... not this one.

    First off the biggest complaint is barely one, and that's that the game is in development. So as to be expected there's some rough patches and a general lack of content when you feel like there should be something there. Secondly the other minor complaint I have is that there's a little bit of grindyness that goes on that feels a little repetitive, but honestly, that could also be chalked up to it being in development or just that it changes as you progress through the game. I don't know.

    Now that the cons are out of the way, the pros are pretty much everything else. I actually found the story sparse which lets you fill in a lot of your own backstory where you want mentally. But what's there is nice and consistent and well done. The game play is solid, and the only thing I wasn't huge on in terms of game play mechanics were the whole traveling through the woods situation. But otherwise the map and movement feels really solid once you get it and you actually start to get a feel for moving around the city.

    The character interactions are generally very interesting, and feel well done in their situations. School kids act like school kids for the most part, adults act the way you'd hope..... assuming you're living in a perverted lust fueled world. The option for automatic clothing replacement is a bit fantastic, but a GREAT addition to the game and well appreciated.

    At first I wasn't sure how I'd like the chibi style character profile but I quickly not only grew to accept it, but like it. It's simple and informative and the wear and tear on clothing is a great little perk.

    All told I look forward to future versions of this game and would suggest anyone check it out even if text based games aren't normally your thing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game format I don't like, these html primarly text base games, but this one is so well done and has so much potential, that it deserves credit for it: good character, unforgiving world, no apparent game-overs (it just keep going on) and interesting side quest/mechanics...all with good pixelart as icing.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd say this is one of my favourite games thusfar. There is a lot of monotony in the grinding, and I would prefer if it could be sped up. However that doesn't stop me from coming back, any trait you may want to acquire can be had if you know your way around the javascript console, as with most sugarcube games you can change the variables however you like.

    I love all of the events, even if they get repetitive, there is enough variation that I can keep coming back to the game.
  4. A
    5.00 star(s)


    If you ever played Girl Life, this is basically an HTML version of it, with less chores to worry about. But your character can be male. And you're a borderline underage orphan. And there's bestiality. A lot of it.

    This game is so good you don't expect it. There's a lot of content and, despite it being a text game, you truly feel being part of the world you play in. There are a lot of interesting characters to interact with and objectives to strive for: would you fight to retain your virginity and ascend to become an angelic being? Or would you rather become the whore that every rapist and stray dog likes to fuck? Why not become your bully's pet bitch at school, instead?
    Slavery, futa, vore... this game has it all, yet it retains flexibilty, because you can choose what you don't want to see.
    There's a good degree of grinding, but random events make it enjoyable enough.

    It's a project that allows some great roleplay, something that I would put in that very special and beloved niche in which Lilith's Throne and the aforementioned Girl Life lie. Can't wait to see how it matures.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Still playing this after a couple of days. A lot of detail already and I'm excited to see where it goes from here.

    It can get a little repetitive, but nothing compared to most 5-starred RPGM games already on here. The control of the PC's actions are really nice. The way different NPCs interact with the PC also has a lot of depth already and shows enormous potential.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I hope the dev doesn't mind waiting a few days to receive my donation. Finally a game where you can explore stuff, be free of doing what you want and have random sexual encounters, a love lore with your friend and whatever, I don't want to spoil stuff. If you liked CoC or TiTS, this one is even better because it doesn't have that useless text or images, straight to the point.
    I just hope the combat images will get updated as starting the fight almost prone is kind of weird
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Degrees of Lewdity is a sandbox text game made in Twine, where you play as an orphan, boy or girl, and are tasked with surviving by all means necessary in a town where 60% of the population are rapists. The game has basic graphics for your character and sex scenes, it also has some fetish content such as bestiality,vore,dickgirls & yuri. The dev updates frequently and takes it´s time to reply to it´s fans. Definitely one of the best text games of 2018.