
Jul 29, 2017
I said it before and im gonna say it again, I hope there will be a mod where you can play as a heroine. Stuff like bdsm, blackmail, exposing (removing mask) the secret identity and stuff would be awesome. I dont know how to mod, but at least i hope to see some other people sharing my interests.
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New Member
Jun 18, 2022
Gotta say the Shining Reputation feat is broken atm. You cannot drop impregnation fame if your character is a herm. I spent a long time getting my fames all down from nearly 2,000 only to find that out... You can drop pregnancy fame but not impregnation. Hope they fix this :(


Jan 28, 2021
Its also pretty outdated thinking that guys are automatically the dominant presence by default. Gender roles and all that.
Well, they are way more aggressive and somewhat more strong. 'Gender roles' didn't emerge from wishful thinking. In the early days of humanity this wasn't as prominent, but as people established their way more into farming, this became more and more important due to hardships of the lifestyle. Of course, no one prohibited less strong women from tending the fields while more strong men tending to less strength-related work at the household -- but such a household will quickly fall behind its peers.
And as far as money goes, only production counts -- and one with the money gets the power. The last hundred years or so this becomes less of a factor -- and this tendency will probably increase (unless our technosphere cracks). But this is not a proper reason to reject facts.
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Apr 29, 2020
Well, they are way more aggressive and somewhat more strong. 'Gender roles' didn't emerge from wishful thinking. In the early days of humanity this wasn't as prominent, but as people established their way more into farming, this became more and more important due to hardships of the lifestyle. Of course, no one prohibited less strong women from tending the fields while more strong men tending to less strength-related work at the household -- but such a household will quickly fall behind its peers.
And as far as money goes, only production counts -- and one with the money gets the power. The last hundred years or so this becomes less of a factor -- and this tendency will probably increase (unless our technosphere cracks). But this is not a proper reason to reject facts.
Its almost as if saying that something is an "outdated" way of thinking is an acknowledgement that it was that way in the past and that things are changing. Weird.


Mar 22, 2022
This reminds me of that person that took issue to the fact that girls aren't automatically weaker than boys in this game. Which ignores that someone who wants to play a weaker girl could just choose to do so at character creation if that's really what they're interested in. You can just do that if you want to, no-one is going to stop you: that's why the option is there.

Wait a fucking second, I'm pretty sure shade555 is literally that exact person. Let me check their post history... Oh yeah, well, I'm not going down that particular rabbit hole again.


Apr 29, 2020
You know its really telling when someone says something like people should be treated equal that the first thought a lot of people have is "thats so communist". Like somehow the crazy concept that people shouldnt be oppressed and put down is some kind of insane political stance. Especially since a lot of people will hear shit like gay people shouldnt exist or trans people need to be hunted down and just nod like it makes total sense.

Not an attack or calling out anyone just a random thought that came to mind.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
You know its really telling when someone says something like people should be treated equal that the first thought a lot of people have is "thats so communist". Like somehow the crazy concept that people shouldnt be oppressed and put down is some kind of insane political stance. Especially since a lot of people will hear shit like gay people shouldnt exist or trans people need to be hunted down and just nod like it makes total sense.

Not an attack or calling out anyone just a random thought that came to mind.
Well, I don't see the idea of communism in a negative light. If it could be pulled off successfully, I think it could be pretty cool. I said that they sounded like they were running as a communist president because they suggested complete equality, which is a very communist ideal.
Too bad I'm not sure communism could be pulled off. Most people don't actually want true equality, so I could see it devolving into corruption fairly quickly. Also, a successful communist system would have to be nuanced, cause frankly you can't actually be truly equal. Just try your best to get as close as possible without being unreasonable.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Well, I don't see the idea of communism in a negative light. If it could be pulled off successfully, I think it could be pretty cool. I said that they sounded like they were running as a communist president because they suggested complete equality, which is a very communist ideal.
Too bad I'm not sure communism could be pulled off. Most people don't actually want true equality, so I could see it devolving into corruption fairly quickly. Also, a successful communist system would have to be nuanced, cause frankly you can't actually be truly equal. Just try your best to get as close as possible without being unreasonable.
Let's all get our PCs equally fucked by wolves before mods swoop in and bomb this convo.
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