I'm disappointed in the direction the development is taking. First the Hallowen update, mostly adding a one-time event that doesn't add anything to the game, and now an update that adds a once-in-a-blood-moon event and a job catering to a niche fetish that you can't get anyway without grinding a boring job for 3 months because you need the boss to love you, but there is almost no way to increase his love (and I say almost because I presume there are some, but it didn't happen once in several days of working there all day long).
We need more repeatable events and for the story to go forward instead. These one-of-a-kind events can interest some people but only once, and once we've played them there's no reason to continue the game anymore, we saw the rest a hundred times already.
Not sure what the amount of milk in the boobs or the ability to tan add to the game either if you've already seen all the events. Getting jumped by Rando #486 while walking the street doesn't feel very different if you're tanned or have milky boobs. It's fluff, the kind that should be added way later in the development cycle, once the story and most events are in place.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. I hope this game doesn't die on the root with the devs wanking about with the code and adding niche crap for years, I've seen that happen to other games and it isn't pretty.
Edit, bug reports:
1/ The dogs and other beasties are talking now. I assume that's not normal?
2/ And there seems to be no way to escape the new creature's lair, no matter how many times you add to the rope the message never changes, until the character drops of exhaustion.