That's kinda the game though, people trying to constantly rape you. You can either avoid all things that have a high chance of trigger that (Staying in the woods too long, out after dark, allure/attractiveness too high, etc), or get better at dealing with it. Either learn to fight them off, or cooperate enough to reduce strain on your character.
My issue with the current system is it's like you either can't avoid being penetrated at all, or no encounter is dangerous, depending on your sex skills. You pretty quickly get to the point where you can always keep attackers away from your privates and every time you're grabbed it's like "Oh, another butt/footjob", lol. That and even with max physical stats and decent grades to reduce pain, it's pretty hard to physically fight off attackers. I still haven't managed to make a full "fight assailants" run work. I haven't even unlocked the defiant version of "Moan" yet. Often end up having to "go along" with most rape attempts to a certain degree to not get knocked out.
Game kinda forces you into a certain playstyle I guess. I wanna roleplay a delinquent or athlete that can fight off people/escape encounters, but it requires amazing grades to reduce pain. Kinda goes against that angle. I feel like there should be two physical stats, endurance/agility type stuff and strength. Get the pain reduction and fighting ability in all physical stats, you shouldn't need to study for that. The game is kinda designed right now just to cater to a meek/cooperation/bookworm playstyle even though it offers delinquent options like they're viable. I understand it being skewed towards meek/cooperative with people probably being older/larger than the player character, but meh. Still would be nice if more roleplay styles were a bit more viable.
Like the start that starts you off with physical prowess reduces your grades, so you'll be lacking too much in pain suppression to fight people off. It's actually probably better to start with Nerd or something to get the pain suppression up quicker. Having a separation between strength and stamina/speed would also allow for fleeing options. You could have a character that runs a lot so has high stamina but not much strength ability to flee/dodge attacks. Or you could have a character that's muscular from lifting weights that can't run easily but can fight people off. If you're willing to train in both physical stats, it opens up a lot of ways to deal physical threats without having to cooperate with sex most the time to not get raped/knocked out. You also wouldn't have as much time to study, so you'd have to balance them or choose between them, instead of being able to do everything.
I think dancing can allow you to dodge some encounters (The water balloon anyways), but it's not really the kind of activity certain personality types would train for. Thinking just about the stat boosts is fine but not so great for roleplaying if the only way to avoid encounters is something a delinquent/tomboy would avoid. Basicially every game I have to do the same shit, because it's needed for so much stuff. The only versatility in play style really is how you choose to make money atm.
Oh P.S: Diving in the ruins is so broken for making money that I have to actively avoid using it too or it makes the game far too easy, lol. Might need to tone that down a bit. Having thousands of dollars in week 2 is probably a bit much.