I'm all for tormenting the players, for entertainment value, but there comes a point where, when that's the only thing, and it is just tedious, it makes the game a lot less enjoyable.
Like a guy who stands next to you and is constantly tapping you on the far shoulder, then giggling like a school-girl, for hours on end, every day, in hopes that you actually look the other way, once.
This game could use a lot less rape, like 90% less, and shorter scenes, like 90% shorter, as well as something other than the same blatantly auto-generated dialogue. Dialogue which is about 50% of the game, and 90% ignored after the first dozen rapes.
That was the tough-love...
Here are the suggestions that I think would help this be worth revisiting, besides adjusting the things above.
1: The ability to mend clothing that you are NOT wearing. (Also fixing the bug that completely ignores the fact that you are wearing tattered clothing and can't repair it, until you remove it, at home, and put it back on again.) Heck, give us a changing room there, at least. Also, in the store. We can teleport new clothing home, but we can't see our available inventory of clothes or teleport tattered clothing to the tailor?) Oh, and realistic prices to repair. Costs me $30 to fix a tattered $5 shirt. Seriously... How about selecting the clothing to mend, or just replace.
2: Who are we being raped by again? "She", and "Her"... I know it was someone I knew... Oh Yeah, it was Whittney... Freaking use HER name. Or, at-least repeat that at the top. "You are being raped by ..." Whittney, 10 wolves, a he-she... Something.
3: Senseless identifiable words to describe levels, where a simple progress bar would have honestly been better. Am I successfully kicking her ass? It's almost damn near impossible to tell with the choice of "leveled" wording hierarchy that is being used. Plus, more damn text to read. For the billionth rape.
4: No-one likes a million choices. That is one of the things that killed block-buster, while gas-station movie-rentals sky-rocketed. It's called neural saturation, and it's a real bad design choice. Like entering a first-production Boeing-747 cockpit with a million buttons and only about a dozen are actually needed. A picture is worth a 1000 words. For the love of all things good, kill the words, show a foot kicking, a hand grasping, a mouth about to suck. And move the damn radio buttons to the front of the word, not the end. That is totally ass-backwards to logic and standards. Or kill the radio-buttons and just highlight the selection text. CSS and javascript was invented, partially, for that reason. Also, if there is only one choice, remove it from selection, or at-least select it for us.
5: This is horrible writing, even for generated text. I get it, it's generated text, but it's horrible in any language to write like this...
"She approaches you. She takes your hand. She licks your eyebrows. Her vagina thrusts onto your cock. She rides you like a banshee. She is driving you nuts with all her third-person, heartless dialogue. She, She, She, Her, Her, Her, if you are still reading."
Marry o/Fuck o/Kill o
Stroke o/ Punch o/ Grasp o/ Pull hair o/ Play tic-tac-toe o/ Do your nails o/ Play cats-cradle o/ Rest o
Contemplate suicide o/ Yell "Bingo!" o/ Scream for ice-cream o/ Suck her finger o/ Say "Who's your daddy!" o
Wiggle your toe o/ Crinkle your toe o/ Cross your toes o/ Dot your eyes o/ Read a novel o/ Rest forever o
Try this...
"Whittney approaches you AS she takes your hand. Your eyebrows get saturated AS her tongue slides across them. A warm and wet vagina envelops your cock AS she begins to ride you like a toy horse. Screaming like a banshee, you go crazy, AS there is little obvious micro-dialogue AND your heart actually races AS you read something with substance. We convulse, WHILE our juices flow AND her squirting pussy gushes lust, WITHOUT a million she and her pronouns used"
o Beg for more / o Demand more / o Neigh like a horse
6: How about... "There are 10 people here. Select someone to..." rape / molest / fight / rob / flirt with / seduce / talk to
Providing a list of random individuals, with characteristics you can choose from. As opposed to being limited to only random, bountiful, nearly endless, rapes. A perfect way to also "define a character", by the choices made.
7: Reminders of tasks, needing to be done, at the top of every normal page. Not nested in an odd sub-menu, at the bottom. Also, some sub-menu organization. A lot of things are just totally out of place and better suited together, not spread across multiple places.
8: Kill the horrible empty-lines, multiple empty lines that just push all the actions through a nasty scroll-zone. Which needs to be done every time, multiple times, per multiple interactions. Having to scroll and click and click and click and click, repeatedly, is a horrible design. I'm on a 4K screen and I still have to scroll because everything is double-line spaced and has tons of dead lines of nothing between random text that is undesirable to read.
I literally edit the page, live, using F12, and killing the double-line spacing, and odd width-limit, just to stay sane. However, I can't kill all the empty lines, which are hard-coded for some reason. At-least it fits on, almost, a 1080p area. Thankfully, I have a 4K screen to make it all fit, after editing it. Less of an eye-strain that way too. Easier to read, if I hadn't already read it all, within the first 10 min of game-play. While I was being raped in the endless forest by endless wolves and random groups of people.
9: Needs more "unique" encounters... Love the ones that are there, a LOT... Individually, as twisted as they are.
- At-least three neighbors, for each of the three neighborhoods. Some kind of progressive, random, but specific, encounters of various forms. In both consensual and non-consensual flavors. Maybe a peeping-tom task, a pantie collector task, a person just wanting to watch you jerk while wearing various girls clothing.
- An alien abduction, with a return, obviously... after being probed and given a gift or burden, temporarily.
- An alternative to Robin's Domination, or removal of the mention, if it can't be done. (Seems I missed it... Became her protector, but the option is still there, doing nothing. Not sure it did anything before.) Also, is it HER dominating me, or ME dominating her? Those options are real unclear, every time they are used.
- etc... Just more "flavor" to the stew. So there is more to do, than just continue the endless rape.
10: Taking the bus... Please, just show the damn map. Another pointless wall of text that could be simplified with just more existing pictures. A 2-click solution with a hover-over description is sufficient to get to any sub-location, within the existing locations. Also, identify which places can be walked to, if you are going to restrict movement. Still not sure why that is even restricted. Could be like the buss, but simply stopping at each point along the way, checking for events to happen. As it is, you can make one move and end-up, back, half way across the map in the other direction, just because something happened and an event left you there. No where near where you were, or were headed. Map stepping-traversal isn't that hard to code, and it's just annoying when stepping is simply forced on you, for no honestly logical reason, that is needed.
11: My poor little guy STILL has a vagina when his pants or shorts get wet, instead of his cock. Reminding me that it would be nice if you actually used some of the assets to represent some of these people we are interacting with. Don't ask how THAT reminded me of that... Guess it was just nice to see someone other than myself up in that corner for once... My twin sister stand-in, um, standing in... the corner... with transparent wet pants... Now I feel dirty!