Futa perk? Do you mean the Hermaphrodite spawn? Have about 5 anal babies.How do i get the futa perk (female character)
It's in your stats tab.I think there should be a meter or counter for how many lewd buns you've created in total.
Exhibitionism fame is meant to increase when the character is seen in an exposed state, so I think it should increase if you're stripped during encounters. Particularly if there's an audience. That said, exhibitionism is by far the easiest fame to increase. Perhaps it should be toned down.This has probably been mentioned before in this thread, but does anyone else find it weird that you get exhibitionism fame when being raped? In fact, you get more "exhibitionism" fame than actual "rape" fame while being raped.
This feels like an oversight/bug, and should perhaps be fixed, or at maybe at least tweaked a little.
Side note: This is an incredibly absorbing game, and I want to thank the author for creating it and continuing its development. Lewdness aside, it's amazing to see how a simple format/interface can be used to create such a story and world.
Thanks!Also I think that it could be neat to be able to select the named NPCs' breast sizes like their penis sizes, and perhaps wether they're lactating or not. It also could be cool to see in the statistic which class of character ( ex: sailor, student, wolf ) took your character's virginities instead of 'Unknown' when it's an unnamed character. I bet the next transformation for the farm update is gonna be a rabbit girl. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your thoughts.Here are some thoughts.
When the MC wears school uniform in detention and Leighton is spanking them, he/she might notice that MC is still in school. While it makes sense for other NPCs, Leighton would have known it already. Not sure if it pops up when Leighton blackmails the MC and think it was there during some event with bullies, both the named one and some randoms. Did not test it with Robin and Kylar either.
At some point (2 exhibitionism and 4 or 5 promiscuity) the protagonist can already get a tattoo on the pubic area. However, if something is writting on their body, it is still impossible to turn it into a tattoo.
Not sure how pinging works here, but Vrelnir.
Thanks for the idea. I'd like to include something like that. Could interact with pregnancy, as you say.Also, i have ideas for transformations: for instance, the animal transformations have a "heat" or breeding cycle that increases arousal twice it normally would and increases pregnancy chance(when it's implemented) and for the supernatural transformations, it opens up magic types for use in combat
Feels strange, but good.Vrelnir
How do you feel about reaching over 200 pages here? I mean, granted like 50 of those pages are asking if pregnancy is here yet, still going strong though
Thanks for the feedback, and the bug reports.Athletics needs to raise faster. I spent the first three weeks ingame running like a dumbass every free time I had, instead of doing anything else, and I still haven't maxed it. It's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too slow, and basically puts everything else back three weeks ingame.
It should raise like Swimming or Dancing, slowly but not agonizingly so. It should probably benefit from the Athlete background, too, and be boostable by feats.
Tiny bug I found: when you wear a chastity belt, sometimes people wonder what you hide under it, a pussy or a tiny penis. It gives tiny penis insecurity.... even if you're playing a girl.
And an oversight: after Leighton decides the swimming class will be naked, there's still '+Delinquency' written after the line to enter the pool when you're naked (no actual Delinquency is added though).
Thanks for the reports.I noticed a few glitches in the Asylum. First, if you engage in sex when you have your straightjacket on and you straddle the penis with your pussy or ass ( or they bring it here ), it'll cause damage on the straightjacket bottom and it will break, and get repaired, and break, meaning it'll always be on your character but it's show the text 'Your straightjacket bottom has been destroyed' or something like this. When I check the clothes integrity, I see they're in the negatives for the bottom.
Other glitch being about when you wanna fuck with another asylum mate, at the end of the sex scene, it'll randomly show the background of the beach.
Last glitch I've seen involved being naked or having wet clothes in the residential alleyway, there is an event in which you can have a dog hump your fingers to shut them up as other persons are being heard in the background. It seems that if you get caught by the persons while the dog humps your fingers ( in my case, I stopped giving the dog a handjob ), it says that they eventually caught you but the next scene is like the one before except the char you're having sex with is refered as 'O', you can't interract with its genitals and it also says that the dog waits for its turn at the top. This scene also glitches out if you have your hands bound when you decide to stroke its genitals.
Thank you!I can't wait for the farm and more ways to get pregnant. Love this game so much, and glad it has come this far. Keep up with the awesome work.
Cheers! *lurks in the shadows........waiting*
The option to turn body-writing into tattoos allows this to an extent, but I agree there are fun ways it could be expanded further.How about the ability to lean into or encourage your fame. Like for the bestiality fame when random try to make fun of you for it you say stuff about enjoying it or asking if they have a animal fuck. Be a good way to get more beast fame by encourging people to let their pets loose on you. Also an idea for clothes that are animal themed like paw gloves, paw socks, tail butt plugs, etc for more deviancy/bestality reactions from people.
Body writing on parts other then crotch, breasts and butt is turnable into tattoos fine in that case.You should be able to turn any body-writing into a tattoo, so it sounds like a bug's afoot.
Cthulhu got bored of waiting under the sea and is looking for some action.Another dark creature roams the streets at night, and can be encountered rarely. Requires severe hallucinations and tentacles enabled.
Nice. Gonna reduce the number of clicks and mistakes.You can now choose default encounter actions in the attitudes menu.
Different defaults can be selected for different types of NPCs.
Mason can now be interacted with at the lake on rainy weekends and holidays.
The Hallucinations trait being active.Is there some requirement to the tentacles in the plinth room other than Deviancy, or did I just run into a bug?
I thought (and kinda hoped) for the same thing.I expected more the farm to run the PC, like a beasty brothel slash breeding operation using voodoo genetic manipulations courtesy of the totally-not-fucked-up-in-the-head good doctor Harper.
I mean, in a second time, sure, the PC can take a share. But how is an orphan still going to school going to set up and run a farm? That's full time work and it takes serious money to set up.