I too think that devs should make pictures optional. Not because (or not only because) of my imagination, but to make it less obvious what kind of sick stuff i'm up to while other people of the household run around the room. Not everybody has the luxury of his or her own room, so text-only games can be a very good way to not make your perversions obvious. Others may, like me, just enjoy having their significant other nearby, without making the smut too obvious. And others still might just like to play on their tablet or smartphone while in the park or on the train without getting taken in for public indecency.
Gladly, by just renaming some folders, this game is pretty easily convertable to "just some tame pictures please, so i know when it rains and how much people want to make me their bitch".
Also - and this is a compliment, of course - I find DoL pretty entertaining from a game-standpoint. Its literally playable for hours without touching oneself. (shocking!)
Last but not least I noticed, that when the character loses his/her 'oral virginity', the game just states "It tastes strange."
And I highly enjoy that, because not only is it a very different reaction than to the losing of other 'virginities', its also so, so true.