Well, you gotta suck it up. This game is a fair bit long-term in how long things take, and you won't become master seductress in a week.
It's not about mastering a skill in a week, and even if it was, the game clearly was designed around multiple playthroughs, so there shouldn't be a free-to-play MMO-esc grind philosophy slapped on. The progression and effort to master some skills like Seduction is absolutely ridiculous. I could understand it taking +1% per attempt at Rank A, since I assume your working towards the last Rank, but to do that from the beginning is just a chore and bad design, especially at least half the dialog in the game asks you to make a Skill Check for it; a Skill Check that you probably can't even pass until Rank C or higher, which would require at least a focused literal real world hour of mashing pointless dialog just to earn the bare minimum. In an erotic game it's certainly the last thing I would expect there to be grind for.
you can literally 0 to max seduction w/o cheats, mods or reloads by the end of second game day, and that's without skipping the school. just dress like potato and spam flirt and seduction at the bar, and refuse the drinks (unless you're low on promiscuity, then take a couple until seduction option appears). if you're too pretty and have a risk actually passing the seduction check - be sure to only seduce annoyed and married people, and demand lots of money so you don't have to go through the actual encounter.
Again, that only gives you about +2% per attempt (+1% if you take the Anime main character option, although I don't think that really adds anything to the game). You would have to sit through hundreds of mundane worthless conversations to do that, which isn't exactly engaging gameplay. Even with the sexy clothes, I found that accidental successes still only net you +5% per attempt, which isn't better for training a brand new skill.
Also, that wastes a shitload of in-game time. Even if it is two days, that only leaves you 5 days to resolve Bailey's situation, not to mention the sheer amount of Fatigue that will stack up, because even though you barely putting a dent into skill training, the game treats almost every action in the game like you just ran a marathon. There's so many action in the game that take up a half hour or a full hour, which use significantly less Fatigue stacking up a dozen or so of the one-minute to 5 minute actions, which makes
zero sense. So then you're not paying two days of time, you're paying two days + plus the lengthy recovering time; it eats up an unnecessary chunk of the game.
No you don't? You only have to go to detention if you gain deliquency that day. Unless DoLP changes something about that, you are doing something wrong, every day.
Almost anything you do while in school earns you Deliquency though. There was a situation where I was ordered by the Science teacher to strip naked in front of the class, and because I didn't I earned it; how exactly is that fair? That's something that should Exhibition,
NOT Deliquency. There are a ton of other issues of this. Real life schools generally don't give out Detention over super minor crap, because if they did, half the school would spend their time in Detention, and generally speaking, the teachers who preside over Detention are just normal teachers who were asked to do it, and they usually don't want to be there either. I could understand giving Detention for a stupid being late, but there's usually leeway there or the student just gets scolded or something.
There first time I played DoL, I thought going to Detention was a plot point, because I didn't do anything that would be considered traditionally "bad". I've been through 3 small playthroughs now, and in
EVERY one of them I always have to go to detention, because the Delinquency thing is
never explained; maybe in one or two dialogs the teachers will say "go to do Detention", and the game will say "+ Delinquency", but that doesn't intrinsically link the two together as a gameplay mechanic. It eventually got the point where I just ignored it completely and snuck out the school through the back every day, because the entire Detention scenario itself is sickening and you have
ZERO control over it.
Leighten or whatever their name was automatically strips you down without a skill check or even an interaction. Even if you somehow manage to defy god and beat them in some way, you still lose because they keep your clothes, which would be fine if you could just return to the Detention room after the school clothes and get them back, but anytime your clothes is gone in any situation they instantly vanish from existence, even though the damn game has code for persistence for things like clothing and the bike.
The entire Detention system is really,
really fucking dumb. There's no polite way to say that. It's bad, especially when the game tries to strong arm you into attending school every day.
Somewhat annoying? Sure, but rage? That's way out of proportion. Perhaps your experience was also negatively altered by playing it modded before you were familiar with the vanilla game.
Grab one of those all feat saves and make a character with all the boosts you want. That is also an option.
I did play the base game first shortly, but it's lacking a ton of character options and according to the descriptions on the mods is woefully more grindy, citing Dancing as being worthless in the base game.
wear a monocle to school and always prio the lessons. add the monocle to your pyjamas set, sleep with it. rent a book in the library, steal another one. even with grade A skills, you'll have ~33% chance to pass the exam within a week, and that's without extracurricular studies.
The library books have almost no impact on Rank A, sometimes literally giving you +0%. I did learn about school boosting clothes after posting, but I can't imagine having a +15% bonus to education or whatever having a huge impact on a +1% increase to begin with; +1.15 is what any RPG community would call an incremental bonus, which doesn't really help, it's just the illusion of it doing so.
You definitely don't need Rank S education to play the game, but seeing as how pain is directed tied to your Science stat for some dumb reason, it is mandatory to have, otherwise you have zero chance to succeed at fights (assuming your going to brawl or survive punishment, anyway), considering a filled pain bar is basically an automatic loss due to it taking like 10+ turns to recover from. I would also argue that Math is mandatory too, since it directly affects your tips from every job, in a game where items are constantly permanently stolen from you, which is a financial issue until you've suffered like months into the game and forced to cheese certain parts of it.
The education stats should have just used a "+" system like the other Skills do, or even a "-" on top of it for realism, then toned down the grind a bit. I don't like how they have a nice steady progression at first that's actually worth your time... and then suddenly you hit a brick wall. That's just frustrating.
that's game's subtle way of getting the player to engage in sudden exhibitionist activity. don't want that - buy sturdier and less slutty clothes, and either don't piss off the assaulters, git gud at fighting them off, or avoid the areas where screaming will not auto-end the encounter. enable auto-rebuy, clothes are cheap. stealing clothes is a thing if you're bad at money. get handout school uniforms from head teacher if you're bad at stealing.
I literally just made a new character, went through the obligatory rape tutorial, immediately went back into the house, and slept until the second day so I could attempt to test the Delinquency thing previously mentioned. Then I left the house and took a bus to the school, only to be immediately raped on the bus, by just riding on it. That's wearing the default sundress (which isn't sexualized) with zero character option changes. Wearing less slutty clothes probably leans the game in your favor for being discreet, but it is a very, very slight lean that I would argue you don't really have control over.
The game's good, but it's definitely not a 10/10 like everyone is pretending or they're just aren't playing it enough, especially once you dig into it's mind boggling mechanics that need a ton of Quality of Life improvements, that apparently the mods aren't fully bringing.