Hi! i spot some weird things going on at school in the afternoon.
So i got uniform broken in class and had to ask principal for replacement, i use the cloth and it remove underwear, shoes, hat and sox, (WICH IS BAAAAAAAD!!!! >w<*)then swimming activity enter locker and there was no locker (
????) but a option to hide your cloth like in the lake,

/) i hide my cloth, was chase out because boys think your MC is a girl if has boobs; grab some towels enter pool , ask teacher for replacement because there was no locker in the locker room available, did the lesson. return to the lockers, boys again chase me out, wait for them to leave, enter locker, cloth gone, grab towels whet to the principal to ask for more cloth, but get spanked... return home in a towel... man, what a cruel life! I think the locker disappearing is a
BUG and your underwear and accessories getting remove is also a catastrophic bug as this may force you to skip entirely the swimming lessons and go to detention, which is bad if you like to play the nerdy type who love your teachers loving you)