Feb 10, 2019
10 seconds per turn. 6 turns is a minute. If meditations and other jobs is shorten 50% i guess this time can be extended 50% too, as you lose a lot of time meditation and doing activities other than dancing.

I have a problem with the android version. When I uninstalled the old and and install the new version the games still says I don't care about my save file so any help would be nice
I didn't notice that really... too bad i can't confirm because i uninstall the game.

I gave up on new update, the game just keep crashing, and crashes seems to go worst and worst, now it crash on saving. or transitioning from map to stat page. after uninstall the game completely i re-install the version and hope this version don't crash, it never did actually, but because i run the new version who knows... also gave up all my saves except the one i could send through mail which has the inconvenience that when i copy and past it also past the header of the mail and cant edit so have to really tweak things down to copy and past in the recover box which is not editable once you past the wall of text.

As far as i can tell because this crashes, the game is ruined for the ANDROID version as far as i can tell on the new version.

I got this error shortly before one of the crashes. (see attachment) but it's the only error message i got, crashes don't show any signs till the program closes, i also notice that if i minimize the program and bring it up again the game resets as if i click the restart button. >.<;;;;
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Rycharde's Realm

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 17, 2018
When I get the Sweet, creamy milk fills your mouth. response during a rape wouldn't it be nice to get a -Stress. Just a thought.


Feb 16, 2018
When I get the Sweet, creamy milk fills your mouth. response during a rape wouldn't it be nice to get a -Stress. Just a thought.
Doubt that'll happen since you can be forced into the whole breastfeeding thing. Maybe if you have the milk addict perk, but even that's kinda iffy. Non-consensual stuff is supposed to be bad, increasing stress and trauma. Negating one of it's biggest drawbacks by latching onto a tit would be kinda broken gameplay wise.

Gotta agree with most of the points in your other posts. Adding 1 minute per 'round' of sex/combat/harassment would definitely make sense. Being able to choose targets for actions in group sex is definitely desirable, particularly in encounters with both genders. Not sure if it's doable without a major rework though, and that's not on the list of upcoming major changes. Collar detection could be better, but at least we have collars and scenes that use them.
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Adding 1 minute per 'round' of sex/combat/harassment would definitely make sense.
Not really, no. I could swear time advances to some extent already, probably not enough for the number of turns it takes to bring someone to orgasm unless supernatural influences are at play, but you definitely take closer to 1s than a full minute to punch or kick someone. 10s for a kiss with no tongue action would be awkwardly long too let alone a full minute.

From a gameplay perspective I fear this might make all sexual content feel too punishing because right now time management is the main constraint overall. You can't really "cheat" that design via sex as piling on the turns does not seem to affect your non-sexual stats nor is there a "pool" of NPC rapists which could be depleted by sucking them dry rather than spending time to avoid them.
Aug 14, 2019
find a game braking Bug with Morgan in the sewer, though i am not sure how it happen, i can only speculate, i can't replicate now because i thought something was wrong with the game and reinstall the game. BTW! a suggestion on save file in Android: please make the text box to import games editable on the start of the text as when copy pasting from mail it also gets the head and the bottom e-mail signatures, headers , status, dates and so on. I can edit the lower part of the text box but not the upper part, cant copy exactly from the start on e-mail unless i spend hours selecting the entire text file dragging the darn blue thingies... yeah, what ever, I may be incompetent to copy text in android -.-
Sorry if im wrong but you message is a little difficult to read and im hoping that ive been able to fix it. Ive added 3 things, a check box that disables the auto select, a button that scrolls the textarea to the very top and a button that scrolls the textarea to the very bottom. Does this sound like wat you were asking for?
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
I found a bug, if you read the book in the library then imagine you are the person in the book, during the sex part you can steal money from the other person... I don't think that's right :).

Also a suggestion, there needs to be a prison for criminal scum to be put in and punished.
Something very strange is going on with the PC's imagination.

A prison is planned. The current pillory punishment was intended for medium tier criminals. Community service is planned too, as a lighter punishment.
find a game braking Bug with Morgan in the sewer, though i am not sure how it happen, i can only speculate, i can't replicate now because i thought something was wrong with the game and reinstall the game. BTW! a suggestion on save file in Android: please make the text box to import games editable on the start of the text as when copy pasting from mail it also gets the head and the bottom e-mail signatures, headers , status, dates and so on. I can edit the lower part of the text box but not the upper part, cant copy exactly from the start on e-mail unless i spend hours selecting the entire text file dragging the darn blue thingies... yeah, what ever, I may be incompetent to copy text in android -.-

About the BUG: i think a way to replicate it is by disabling breast feeding (because i had breast feed disable) on the settings and enter combat with Morgan once you meet her, well she starts it anyway... Game crashes after some turns in the combat. IDK MAYBE game seems to try to over wright the ban of not breast feed and then crash? the game close down every time you enter combat with Morgan and Morgan alone (android version) I can't replicate because when i reinstall the game i lost the save file on that point. (though reinstalling the game will keep the saves, but they erase them ...Duh! my bad, now i know better.
I've spoken with lollipop scythe, and he's made some adjustments that should help in the future. Needing to manually drag through the whole thing is too cruel to consider.

Thanks for the Morgan bug as well.
The asylum content is a bit repetitive, it takes forever to grind status and reduce trauma.
Please increase the gains from relevant options there.

Maybe also reduce needed buttonpresses by doubling the time periods to 1 hours (and double gains too)
I plan to revisit the asylum and flesh it out. It should also be a bit more clear about what escape options there are.
Also we could really do with an option during encounters for "I want to do more than oral" to encourage people to move onto full penetration.
Oral kinda feels like foreplay
An option like that would make sense.
Disclaimer: I have not read through all 100+ pages of this thread, sorry if something has been mentioned before.

Bug: various "Get Dressed" options do not remove underwear if the target outfit has none but you are already wearing some. Most annoying (but possibly intentional?) when getting out of the forest lake after a swim but also applies to the school pool where you can use the Locker option to take off your swimsuit manually.


  • Could there be an option for swarm creatures to just stay inside you or slip out slowly? The water excuse kinda makes sense for fish but spiders or worms "squirming around in your intestines" shouldn't just vanish instantly and it feels weird having to buy a sex-restricting device to keep them in. Also could we get options to insert or even forage for critters by choice at high Deviancy? The ocean squid would be the obvious first candidate here.
  • Instead of adding another cookie-cutter Stockholm trait for being a good fuckdoll for Morgan how about we get the option to deliberately feed into their delusions? For example an option to look at old "Missing" posters or police reports to learn key marks, talk to old classmates of Charlee to learn what they liked to wear, and of course pick up on subtle hints in Morgan's crazed ramblings e.g. "you always greeted me with a hug"->pick "stroke" action with both hands on first turn of combat. Keep it up and you gain the "Charles/Charlene" trait and can essentially roleplay as the lost child, turning all encounters consensual unless you use violence/refuse/act out.
  • "Painslut" trait or "Masochism" characteristic: "you have learned to associate pain with pleasure, a fraction (max 25%?) of all pain you receive is converted into Arousal" - mainly as a hook for masochist dialogue or unlocking incitement options ("spank me!"); leveled by orgasming under pain e.g. need 1000 points, get 1 for each 1/5 of pain bar per orgasm turn rounded down.
  • Can we get a temporary but renewable relief/reset on Bailey's extortion? Mainly to focus on lengthy "block" content without getting thrown in the dungeon. Maybe get them drunk and fudge the books to steal the demanded sum while making them believe they lost it to gambling, obviously with them noticing if we do it more than once a month or so? Or messing with their (likely illegal) cash flow to get them investigated/shadowed by mafia thus needing to "lie low" and reducing the sum they demand by a stage or two.
  • I know this isn't really meant to be that type of game, but in-universe staying at the orphanage doesn't make that much sense to me. Even ignoring the money itself for now, in order to get it we need a stable business relationship somewhere and the employer has a decent incentive to maintain our productivity. Add the fact we very likely have a "scanner-proof" 18+ fake ID and the skill to swipe credit/membership cards as needed and there's no obvious reason why we can't move into some kind of whore cohab, roach motel or gang hideout. Add the 2k/week each and even renting a shoddy apartment for Robin and yourself should be feasible (where I live student flats can be as low as 300 per MONTH including utilities, roach-free family apartments in the city are like 1500/month and yes clothes tend to be in the 50-150 range)
  • Can you please clean up ordering/numbering/hotkey assignments so that at the very least repeatable actions maintain their numbers? The main one I noticed is diving in the lake ruin where "Search the pots" is the first (1) option as you enter, but after picking a lock it's (1) "Swim out" and (2) "Search the pots" (also no "quitscreen" option to display the plinth room again) meaning if you mash (1) while watching the air bar you end up swimming outside. And the school pool/changing room has its "Leave" alternating between first and last position.
  • My vote for the town name goes to "Quimsmouth" or "Ah!nam" in Pen Island.
Thanks for the great game so far!
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm glad you like it, and you're welcome!

Parasites are kinda basic right now. I agree they should be able to stay inside you for longer periods, and get up to more mischief. A way for deviant characters to invite parasites is planned.

A masochist trait is planned as well, and will work similar to how you suggest.

Morgan's direction is still up in the air. I have considered allowing the PC to fuel Morgan's fantasies, or adopt them.

You can get a relief of sorts from Bailey's extortion by beating them off (one way or another) when they try to collect. They will bring help next time, but that should only last until they successfully extort or sell you.

A way to move out of the orphanage is asked for a lot. You can certainly make enough money to rent somewhere nice, and I do want to add more potential homes for the PC. They all need some drawback though.

More care could be taken regarding maintaining hotkeys between screens for sure. That said, this can be difficult in places that have lots of contextual options. Some locations, like the school changing rooms, make this difficult due to how the logic is structured.

I'll add those names to the list. Perhaps we'll have a grand vote one day.
I have a problem with the android version. When I uninstalled the old and and install the new version the games still says I don't care about my save file so any help would be nice
There was a problem with the download, but it should now be fixed.
Add one minute or so per 'page' of rape, etc. Always think it's strange someone could be raped in 0 minutes.
As DD2 says, 10 seconds pass per turn. It makes more sense for some acts than others though.
10 seconds per turn. 6 turns is a minute. If meditations and other jobs is shorten 50% i guess this time can be extended 50% too, as you lose a lot of time meditation and doing activities other than dancing.

I didn't notice that really... too bad i can't confirm because i uninstall the game.

I gave up on new update, the game just keep crashing, and crashes seems to go worst and worst, now it crash on saving. or transitioning from map to stat page. after uninstall the game completely i re-install the version and hope this version don't crash, it never did actually, but because i run the new version who knows... also gave up all my saves except the one i could send through mail which has the inconvenience that when i copy and past it also past the header of the mail and cant edit so have to really tweak things down to copy and past in the recover box which is not editable once you past the wall of text.

As far as i can tell because this crashes, the game is ruined for the ANDROID version as far as i can tell on the new version.

I got this error shortly before one of the crashes. (see attachment) but it's the only error message i got, crashes don't show any signs till the program closes, i also notice that if i minimize the program and bring it up again the game resets as if i click the restart button. >.<;;;;
This is the second time there have been big problems with the Android version. I think it's because I never signed the app properly, and the site I use to build the Android version updated its software. I need to wrap my head around how signing works, and solve the problem permanently. Sorry for the frustration.
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Rycharde's Realm

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 17, 2018
Found a small bug: you have the museum open times listed as 9:00-6:00, so the museum doesn't open. Tried at various tome just to make sure. I think you meant to list it as 9:00-18:00.


Jun 3, 2018
Found a small bug: you have the museum open times listed as 9:00-6:00, so the museum doesn't open. Tried at various tome just to make sure. I think you meant to list it as 9:00-18:00.
Were you visiting on weekend? The museum is only open on weekends.

Rycharde's Realm

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 17, 2018
Were you visiting on weekend? The museum is only open on weekends.
Hmm? Not sure. Checked so many times to see if I was not misreading/misunderstanding the time listed, not sure when I was checking. PROBABLY weekdays, since I was in the neighborhood, doin' the school thang. Be back when I verify.


Feb 10, 2019
About the android shut down, i uninstall the game and uninstall a older version and the game continues shutting down, I install a app called "clean master" or something that prevents other applications running on the back ground (possibly hogging memory or whatever) and optimizing the android, and the game still shuts down. I trafer the game from the android to a Sim card, still shuts down, so nothing i do prevents the game from shutting down. I guess my android just don't want to play it or it got damage for playing it too much...

Call me paranoid but this behavior start happening after i try to install COCII, it didn't work because the text is so unbelievably small i couldn't read shit. So uninstall the darn COCII and after that: DOL shuts down start happening, specially in long combats, the game just starts lagging and it shuts down. I am now unable to play it anymore without it shutting down constantly T_T

Unless i determinate the cause why now the game shuts down all the time, this is the end for me playing it....too bad, this was a nice and entertaining game to play. thanks for everything. *playing small violin in the back ground*


Feb 16, 2018
Wondering. If I have the following stats would not my lewdness be high too?
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Lewdness tends to be determined by 3 stats, situation determining which one is used.
Exhibitionism: 2/6. Your character is fine with flashing their underwear occasionally. They're are not comfortable showing genitalia. Not particularly lewd.
Promiscuity: 4/6. Your character can be fairly flirty, and is willing to try a number of things. Fairly lewd.
Seduction: Rank D (max S). Your character is fairly lousy at seducing people. Not particularly lewd.

Stuff that isn't as much of a factor:
Deviency 4/6: Optional content. While your character is fairly open to having sex with animals, that that doesn't mean they're comfortable having sex with humans. Only determines lewdness in relation to animals.
Awareness: 3/6 : Mostly tied to Harper and the Asylum

Based on your sex skill stats, assuming you didn't cheat, your character is a victim and an animal lover. Being assaulted doesn't mean your character is going to be more open to sexual encounters (actually implies the opposite, but that's simulated via trauma and becoming 'broken' temporarily). Having sex with animals doesn't mean your character is comfortable having sex with anything/anyone, it just means they like animals.

I'd say your character is a fetishist (animals), but not particularly lewd otherwise.
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Rycharde's Realm

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 17, 2018
Lewdness tends to be determined by 3 stats, situation determining which one is used.
Exhibitionism: 2/6. Your character is fine with flashing their underwear occasionally. They're are not comfortable showing genitalia. Not particularly lewd.
Promiscuity: 4/6. Your character can be fairly flirty, and is willing to try a number of things. Fairly lewd.
Seduction: Rank D (max S). Your character is fairly lousy at seducing people. Not particularly lewd.

Yep, you got me. Bestiality is cool (you know, 2DCG, 3DCG, etc, don't go for RL at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As with incest, my family is VERY dysfunctional and I would never do the incest thang with them, but the 2D/3D realm of fantasy/fiction, yeah! :p ). I'm a super perv, easier to tell you what I don't like than the opposite. :cool:

Thanx for the rundown on ingame stats and such.

Doing the brothel bit, found (stole) card to get into the complex on Elk St. Working to pay 2x my 'rent' for me and Robin, etc, etc, whathaveyou.

Great game! btw.
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New Member
Jul 7, 2018
About the android shut down, i uninstall the game and uninstall a older version and the game continues shutting down, I install a app called "clean master" or something that prevents other applications running on the back ground (possibly hogging memory or whatever) and optimizing the android, and the game still shuts down. I trafer the game from the android to a Sim card, still shuts down, so nothing i do prevents the game from shutting down. I guess my android just don't want to play it or it got damage for playing it too much...

Call me paranoid but this behavior start happening after i try to install COCII, it didn't work because the text is so unbelievably small i couldn't read shit. So uninstall the darn COCII and after that: DOL shuts down start happening, specially in long combats, the game just starts lagging and it shuts down. I am now unable to play it anymore without it shutting down constantly T_T

Unless i determinate the cause why now the game shuts down all the time, this is the end for me playing it....too bad, this was a nice and entertaining game to play. thanks for everything. *playing small violin in the back ground*
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but have you tried booting your Android device? Also, have you tried running something like CCleaner (unless that Clean Master functions similarly...)? I have not used it myself for Android, but on PC it can fix some pesky underlying problems...


New Member
Nov 8, 2017
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but have you tried booting your Android device? Also, have you tried running something like CCleaner (unless that Clean Master functions similarly...)? I have not used it myself for Android, but on PC it can fix some pesky underlying problems...
in the end I rebooted the tablet to factory default and it fix the problem on my phone the fix version worked b ut not on my tablet.
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