Someone was complaining above about not having access to proper weapons like knives or whatever, and I just want to say I hope they never get added. One thing about the game that I respect is that Vrelnir has said (iirc) there will never be any guro. You might end up in a pretty bad way mentally, but nobody's going to strangle or mangle you to death. The thing about deadly weapons is they raise the stakes of an encounter dramatically. I would totally expect an attacker who defeats the player wielding a knife to not only have their way with them, but then murder them.
Ditto about their complaints about not being a "proper delinquent." I picture the MC, even at their largest, still being smaller than Whitney. I just can't see an MC, no matter how badass they got, being able to demand anyone's respect through violence. What I can see, though, is the manipulation of their relationships with Whitney and Kylar, and maybe others, in order to gain their protection at the expense of having to make compromises sexually to keep their protectors happy.
Hard to say what Vrelnir thinks about adding straight out magic to the game - I mean, you can transform into a succubus and angel, yeah, but to add outright magical powers seems like crossing a more extreme line.
The game's premise is having you helpless, and if you'd be able to get WIZARD POWERS (or, sorry, mahou shoujou powers) the plausibility of you being rape bait for any common goon out there seems less viable.
That being said, I think adding some kind of witch/warlock character to the forest with some alchemy/herbalism options is fair enough. They could serve as an alternative to the hospital for practical purposes, and be a gateway to other cool features.
I think you underestimate the prevalence of "magical girl rape" doujinshi fans out there, one of the popular premises being that magical girls aren't allowed to use their powers against normal (non-magical) threats, so they have to endure molestation and even rape perpetuated against them by human "fans".

Yeah, I know. And of course then they're also too weak against the magical threats too, so they can't stand against them. I would be interested in seeing magical girls (including boys transformed into magical girls - a la The Magical Girl Raising Project) added via a mod, but I wouldn't burden Vrelnir with it if mahou shojo aren't his thing.
I do also like your idea about alchemy/herbalism, and I think the obvious choice for the character who has access to it is the forest shopkeeper. There are some interesting implications in her introduction dialog.
Been a while since I played so my memories aren't fresh and this likely won't be very well articulated or formatted. There's my disclaimer. I'm well versed in my porn games, I understand they're niche and often highly specific to the point of it being wise to just pass them up entirely if you won't engage on strict terms. That said I think many of these are be better as books for all the merit or agency their "mechanics" provide. I understand the narrative and niche fine. You're a vulnerable youth wherein 95% of authority figures and strangers and even animals are predators. That said the game doesn't demand or maybe even expect you to take it laying down. You can fight and even win, but this can be frustrating for how stacked the deck is and how much of a hassle it is to even go threw the motions to win, many encounters taking obscene amount of time and input to get threw some thing that's almost routine. If you "win" and all that you've won is a hassle with no change on the narrative than I feel it might as well not be an option. If the story is about how the world beats you down and uses you with nothing else than its a waste to play if you came to fight.
I feel like this is part of the story the game is telling though ludo-narrative consistency. In order to "win" in combat, one has to be careful with their actions and make compromises in order to prevent just being beaten into submission after choosing "punch, punch, kick, scream" every turn. Through careful use of apologizing, pleading and moaning to affect attackers' moods, as well as some stroking, especially with feet when possible in order to "hold them off", and "teasing the tip" until they're about to penetrate and then "pull away" to avoid it, I was usually able to save my character's virginity even against two attackers for a long time. I think I could have even won against a gang-bang if I'd managed her arousal more carefully or had higher willpower and not ended up getting chain-climaxed.