
New Member
Dec 6, 2018
I know there is supposed to be planned "herm" content in the future, but I kinda found a way around it on accident. You need the
degrees of Pedity mod (found here: [if anyone has an updated version, hook a brother up lol]), and make a new character. In the Cheats menu you can "grow" a penis or vagina (in my case I make my chick grow a dick), now save your game file to your PC. Load up the newest version of Degrees of Lewdity (I think it's still 2.4.2 as I post this) and load up your save from the mod. Boom. Now your character has both AND you're using the newest version of the game (I think the mod is based on a 1.24~ something build). Not sure why it works but it has for me thus far. Enjoy peps!


Aug 19, 2019
It seems that RobinGang does.

View attachment 432232

Also maybe this nice person who maintains the FAQ on Pastebin does have something saved. But who knows.
That I do. The entire wiki is backed up locally, although I've heard others have also backed it up on Thanks to whoever did that.

We have a new home on Miraheze, but I've requested an import, so hopefully that will go through and everything will be in tact.


Feb 10, 2019
According to the FAQ, incubation is a 3 step process.
At 4 weeks yourself, I think you need to go to the hospital, to trigger the birthing, or something like that.
You can give birth at home, in a fish tank which can be upgraded at the pet shop in the shopping.

And don't forget to feed him.
It can go only 3 days without or it'll die, best bet is to go straight to the pet shop and buy upgraded food (which lasts longer. The more expensive the food, the longer it lasts, so better spend some bucks there just in case you get stranded from home can't feed him), and alternatively buy upgraded tanks (which lets you keep more childs).

apparently there's something else in content, but is kind of secret.
To avodi spoilers, the clue is "keep having babies"
Thanks, where is the FAQ to go see? I still want to know if MC will breed a tentacle monster Junior, or else i wont keep it, i mean, too much trouble to raise a random parasite with no tentacles to play with later.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Thanks, where is the FAQ to go see? I still want to know if MC will breed a tentacle monster Junior, or else i wont keep it, i mean, too much trouble to raise a random parasite with no tentacles to play with later.
The FAQ is in the OP, but I gather the offspring isn't something you can play with. I could be wrong, though.
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Mar 25, 2018
An option to disable watersports scenes was added, so where are these new scene(s) ? Where do i find watersports content?


May 25, 2017
Вы можете начать бить меня, вот ссылка.
Можете начинать меня хейтить, вот ссыль на русский перевод.
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Mar 25, 2018
I feel like stress and fatigue are a bit too interchangeable. When one gets too high, its bedtime, and that basically fixes everything. Besides that i don't usually pay attention to them much, and it doesn't matter which (or both) of them is too high.

maybe they should be made more meaningful. Perhaps make stress gained much more slowly, but not lowered by sleeping so you have to do some leisure stuff?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
1. You said exactly:

Far from "I didn't like the lack of choices in some cases", ain't it?
Not at all. My lack of options was referring specifically to that segment, it never implied the game didn't have options. So stop trying to twist everything as negatively as you can.

2. You didn't commented. You criticized without a single hint of being constructive. Basically, you just ranted/bitched/whinned, whatever you like, while it all sounded like trying to ridiculize the dev (I'm not outright accusing you of it, I'm saying that it sounded like it). And you did it twice.
So basically, it seems that is you who overreacted, by ranting first because you don't like something is clearly not "your cup of tea", then making a bold assesment of the dev, and then keep arguing about... well anything. You're just twisting and finding ways to make replies to keep your "arguments", which in the end are about nothing except excuse you.

Whatever helps you sleep better tonight buddy.
Pointing out what's missing/lacking is valid and I'm done talking with you, since you clearly operate on the AdHominem here, intent on making this about me and my percieved crimes of sounding mean or whatever.

It is avoidable though, you can go through a game without ever getting raped, you aren't totally helpless, you have a few avenues to defend yourself or end encounters on your terms.
I don't see how. Unless you definition of rape is only loosing your virginity (chastity belt prevents that), then yes. Otherwise there's far too many rapist, far too many who are sttraonger than you and the money demands increase at such a rate that you pretty much HAVE TO whore yourself out.
Aug 27, 2018
Uterine pregnancy is still quite a spell off, but you do have the option to get anally pregnant through parasites or swarms at the moment.
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