Squidbit This was great fun to read. Thanks for writing it up. I'm impressed you were able to pull so many disparate pieces together. I didn't think I'd included enough clues yet.
Thanks for the information!
It's a bug. I refer to them as herm portals. If you enable additional error messages the game will tell you where the portal is when you encounter one.
They're your pepper spray charges.
Bailey has friends in places high and low. They're unlikely to end up in the local prison for this reason.
No ETA for true futas yet, but it remains on my to-do list. It should come much sooner than ending Bailey's reign.
There are no plans to give the PC an orientation, but I think it could fit.
I agree the maths contest should prompt you at the start of the day it is held.
Only Robin and Whitney have halloween events. Whitney's simply requires you to enter Domus Street after 7:00 pm. They may tell you about it after school in the week or so leading up to it, but it's not required.
I'd like to fill out the school year with ten different projects eventually.
Not yet. It remains on the "maybe" pile.
There are no plans to remove the virginity-stealing impact of tentacles. Whether for penises or vaginas.
It isn't I'm afraid. Many events would need updating to take nudity into account. I do want to include willing daylight nudity for highly exhibitionist characters, but it will trigger a different set of events. NPCs won't be reacting to you the same way, after all.
lordcruxis is right that a crossdesser fame is on my radar. I think it could add a lot, particularly at school.