Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Just found out bout this game last night, frigging awesome, hard to come by games with so much customization, also nice to finally have some dude x animal bestiality, that stuff is always girl x animal.
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
How long does event of Bailey and friend gonna to lock up for all time gonna to be?
Not sure yet.
Vrel, will we ever get to interact with Whitney outside of school? I don't really count the gates because it's a small window of interaction and it's still within the premises.

I think a good place for Whitney and their friends after school would be the Pub. It'd be a good use for that area, other than buying alcohol and Landry. If not, maybe they can hang around Connudatus Street in the evenings, similarly to how Kylar hangs around in the Park. Whitney's events are easily missed if you're not careful, so it would be nice if there was an alternative way of running into Whitney and triggering those after-school events.
I agree there should be a way to meet Whitney after school. I like the idea of the pub serving this role.
Just found out bout this game last night, frigging awesome, hard to come by games with so much customization, also nice to finally have some dude x animal bestiality, that stuff is always girl x animal.
I'm glad you like it!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Ok so total noob here as previously stated, any advice in how to:
1) increase physical prowress to better fight off would-be rapist? (not that i mind them but sometimes i'm trying to move and they just swarm ya lol).
2) where do you find Dolphins? is it somewhere specific on the beach? or just a game of chance? (also on a side-note where ya find spiders?)


Sep 17, 2018
Ok so total noob here as previously stated, any advice in how to:
1) increase physical prowress to better fight off would-be rapist? (not that i mind them but sometimes i'm trying to move and they just swarm ya lol).
2) where do you find Dolphins? is it somewhere specific on the beach? or just a game of chance? (also on a side-note where ya find spiders?)
Spiders are currently found when asking around houses for odd jobs. There's one where they will ask you to search the attic for something, and inside can be a web full of spiders.
As for dolphins, you can find them at random by swimming in the ocean.

Meanwhile, for fighting off others, your choices are usually reliant on Defiance skills. So pepper sprays, Dog transformation for the bite skill, focusing on things like that are your best bet for fighting at least. Otherwise, boost your English skills and make the enemy feel terrible about themselves in order to leave you alone.
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Jun 12, 2018
Ok so total noob here as previously stated, any advice in how to:
1) increase physical prowress to better fight off would-be rapist? (not that i mind them but sometimes i'm trying to move and they just swarm ya lol).
2) where do you find Dolphins? is it somewhere specific on the beach? or just a game of chance? (also on a side-note where ya find spiders?)
The post Above covers most of your questions but you can increase your physique, which in turn will help when fending of attackers with kicks and punches. You can increase it by simply doing exercise such as: Jogging, running, swimming and dancing ( I'm unsure whether swimming and dancing actually contributes to this stat but if the dont... they should). But you have to keep on top of it otherwise your physique will fade and it will tell you by saying something along the lines of "You didn't exercise enough yesterday" in red when you wake after sleeping.
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Ryan Waxx

Mar 5, 2018
Also, you can use bonuses from english class to persuade enemies to be satisfied with a lesser amount of sex, such as a handjob instead of full penetration. But with that strategy you want to avoid pissing them off with a fist to the face.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I've got some ideas and general future content questions. First the questions.
Any plans for a location at Starfish street? It seems like the only spot that hasn't got anything going on.
Also the bus station seems not to be used at all (except for releasing "Box girl" from the docks) i think you could add stealing opportunities here (for after robbing All the houses it becomes really grindy and hard to get skulldugery up) or more prostitution options here maybe?
What about more things to spend money on? You've knocked it out of the park on clothing options but some more utilitarian items would be good. Maybe an expensive bike or skateboard that can get you arcross town easier (all with nasty events that could pop up of course) something that can help move you through the forest quicker/easier (it's 20 clicks from end to end which is ruff with out the short cut from history class) little improvement (but expensive) items like that would be nice.
The ocean too i find abit lacking, underwater ruins and ships could make forsome fun oppotunities and provide more spots for lore and antiques, same for the forest. these two places (aswell as the alsylam) could be good spots for more weird stuff to happen (go full tilt on the alien/cthulhu suff here).
I don't have any questions here, i can see you are slowly giving the teachers out side jobs (Winter, Dorian and newly done River) and more school projects (Science and math fairs) Any chance for lewed teacher stuff? Also Masons Event could be a Beach Triathlon kind of thing based on a few events you have to practice for (like you do for the other class ones) Volleyball, running, swimming (all of which you have in the game already and give another reason to do them).
SAM i was thinking after he sees you doing lewed things with customers (the table dancing, undertable blowjobs, ally stuff etc) could try and blackmail/rape you in a storage room (Leighton style).
Anyway if ranted long enough i've got plenty of ideas but no coding skills but if you think any of these are any good let me know as i would like to discuss this kind of stuff with players/makers of the game which i should mention...
This game is the BEST. I've played it from about the start of this year and find my way back to do a new playthrough when ever a new update drops which is often (you have better support than most AAA developers) and i cannot thank or praise Vrelnir and the Crew enough! A "whats comming up next" or "what we're working on" page or something would be most welcome (i need then juciy spoilers) THANKYOU


Jan 16, 2018
One thing: the options let you togle "wathersport" content, but i'm yet to find any. I think Vrelnir has said somewhere that there is only one scene at the moment, but where is it?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
One thing: the options let you togle "wathersport" content, but i'm yet to find any. I think Vrelnir has said somewhere that there is only one scene at the moment, but where is it?
It's after you run away from the police too many times they taze you and you wet your self. Not really "watersports" but eh.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Thanks allot for the help! currently looking for more weird things that are into "wrestling" so question: is the bear in the forest implemented? since i've found some bear tracks every now and then, also any info where other beasts are will be apreciated, i've already found the wolves, a few lizards, dolphins and tentacles.


Sep 17, 2018
Thanks allot for the help! currently looking for more weird things that are into "wrestling" so question: is the bear in the forest implemented? since i've found some bear tracks every now and then, also any info where other beasts are will be apreciated, i've already found the wolves, a few lizards, dolphins and tentacles.
The bear is indeed in-game. You can find them in the deep forest or during hunting events. Other than that, there's also dogs and cats in town that can be encountered through different events. If you want a full list of all the beasties you can do the dirty with, this wiki page is actually very helpful for that!


Aug 19, 2019
Okay, so two things about the wiki:

Miraheze moved over to the UK, and may probably change their TOS. I'm fairly sure the content of the game is.. risky, to say the least in the UK. So we may have a problem, but then again maybe not. We might just be able to get away with it.
I think we should be okay for the time being, but if we do get kicked off again we definitely need to self-host.

Two: At some point, I'm going to revamp the entire wiki. I've been doing this on-and-off already with a few pages already. I've been looking at Summertime Saga's wiki and I really like the layout of it. I think it'd be good to do something similar. I'm also going to include extra stuff liike event transcripts. Obviously most characters are left to imagination by the player, but there are some NPCs that do have character descriptions like Doren, Whitney and Leighton, just to name a couple.

Now for the FAQ:
I have two things I want to do for this. I want to make a condensed version, basically a "TL;DR" version. Kinda like the one we had before. Basic questions like how to date Robin, how to get Stockholm Syndrome, how to earn money, et cetera. I'll only include the ones marked as (FA) in the Mega-FAQ. If a question is not marked as that, it won't go to the Condensed/Spoiler-free FAQ.

Another thing I wanted to do is create a community FAQ. I brought it up to Vrel and he said it was a great idea. To sum things up, it'll stamp out the community FAQ questions, like "is futa planned", "when is pregnancy happening", "is X going to be added," "what fetishes are rejected", you get the idea.
Last edited:
Oct 6, 2019
I was typing this just as a quick reply but it got really long and complicated, so I'm organizing it. These are just my thoughts/theories on the current story and what I think is coming in the future. Worth noting that I haven't done all of the content and the wiki isn't entirely comprehensive, so there's some gaps here and some clues I'm not taking into consideration, particularly anything from the dungeon that Bailey sends you to or the things that doctor harper does with you, because I haven't played either of those things.

The old town

The history teacher, Winter, talks a lot about how the town is built on an old fortress, and that there's secret passages connecting everything. We find this and make use of it as the player, too. Particularly, the sewer is filled with relics of the old town and seemingly even whatever was before the old town.

The old town seems to have been wealthy and important people that had all kinds of magical sex voodoo shit. We find an old horn in the sewers that's on an altar surrounded by a pit. When you give it to Winter (this is just from memory, the quote isn't repeatable and it's not on the wiki) they say it was an actual horn from an animal turned into an instrument, but that's not what they would have done with it. Interacting with the horn makes your arousal go way up, and I think even just being near it does the same.

You also find some other remnants of people who used to live in the town, most of which indicate that they were rich and important. There's a fancy candlestick, a fancy watch, rich people shit. There's also a 'cucumber statue', likely a dildo, but notably Winter seems unimpressed by it, like it's poor quality. Not something rich, important, sex crazed people would have.

Most importantly, you find a 'rough crystal' paired with a canister of pepper spray. The crystal isn't described by color and it has no effect on you, it says it's just washed up on the shore where you find it. I'll talk about the crystal more in a different section. It's also worth noting that the pepper spray is described as being the same as what you have, except it has a microchip on the bottom of it.


The other part of the old town is the forest/lake. This area seems more ancient, not like it was inhabited by the rich people, but by whoever was before them. You can find arrowheads, ancient daggers, and (according to the wiki, haven't seen it myself) a translucent green stone on the floor of the forest.

In the lake you find the ancient ruins underwater, which is filled with glowing purple lichen. When you search the pots, there's also a chance of them being filled with purple dust that increases your arousal when you touch it, similar to other lichens we find. You can also find various pieces of jewelery, but as far as I remember, none of the man-made things in the forest make you horny, only the natural things.

The corporations

When you sell the rough crystal you find in the sewers to Winter, they tell you that they don't know what it is, but a corporation who seemed to know what it was showed up and bought it.

When you get into the compound on Elk street, you can break into various buildings there.
The first building has storage tanks around it. When you go inside, there's a pink crystal surrounded by a pool of pink liquid. There's also a chance of tentacles coming out of the liquid and attacking you
The second building has smoke stacks. The inside is filled with a dense, sweet smelling smoke that gives you a hallucinogenic affect. In the center you find a purple crystal, which also gives you a hallucinogenic affect when you touch it.
The third building has a laptop and a canister of pepper spray, again, described as being the same as yours but with a microchip on it.

When you're working at the docks, you can find a shipping crate with a similar sweet smelling, hallucinogenic smoke coming out of it, one that you're instructed to ignore.
You're also told to ignore a crate that contains a human trafficking victim that's being shipped into the town and doesn't seem to speak english.

The crystals

The crystals obviously contain some form of power that the corporations are interested in. The (probably) first one you find is in the sewers, along with all of the discarded, but definitely not trash, things from the old town. It isn't described by color and it has no affect on you, so it seems like it's 'empty'

The other two have strong, obvious effects. One being purple and hallucinogenic, very similar to the glowing purple lichen in the lake ruins.
The other is pink and tied to the pool of tentacles, and there's a pink lichen at the temple for the science fair. The lichen doesn't have any tentacles, but you are threatened with rape when you collect it, similar to when you collect the pink crystal.

There's also a white lichen, where you meet Avery and get harassed by a cop, and a violet lichen in the drains, but I don't remember the effect it had.

So there's two logical reasons that one would be empty. Either the power in it has been used up, or it hasn't been filled with a power yet. Considering the immediate interest the corporations have in buying it, I would assume it's the latter and they want to fill it up with something for themselves. Maybe avoid letting them get their hands on this crystal in future updates when it becomes relevant.

The darkness

The affects of the town seem to be stronger in the dark. I would just pass this off as a trope, but there's a couple things that make me think it's significant.
Everyone in town gets more aggressive at night. This can easily be explained by it being easier to attack people at night and get away with it.

There's one place in town that's described as being very dark, though. "The sewers are very dark, encounters aren't affected by allure." Encounters not being affected by allure because of how dark it is makes it sound like it's too dark for anything to see what you actually look like.
Coincidentally, the craziest person we know lives in the darkest place we know. Morgan has been down here for a long time and is essentially insane with rape energy.
An interesting thing about Morgan is how we know their name, they wear a uniform with a name tag on it. To me that indicates that they were still doing work when they lost their mind. Now what do we know about a place of work that has a heavy interest in mind altering affects and places like the sewers, that are filled with old town artifacts and crystals? I think Morgan worked for the corporation that bought the crystal from Winter.

Morgan was most likely sent down into the sewers to search for the crystals that you find down there. But, the sewers are a dangerous place, and it's easy to have your control meter drop to 0 down there. Unfortunately for Morgan, though, there's no extortionists or doctors to rescue them when they start to lose it, so they were left in the darkness to go insane. Morgan also suffers from the strongest hallucinations of anyone else, describing rats and other culinary horrors as "crumpets and tea," and mistaking the player for their own child.
The player also suffers from hallucinations when they start to lose control.

But again, being insane in a dark place doesn't necessarily mean the darkness is the cause, especially with the other shit going on down there. The main reason I think darkness is a factor is the dark pendant we can buy in the forest shop. It has an effect on it called "Profane - Absorbs all light"

The forest shop

When you first visit the forest shop, Gwylan tells you that not even they know what's in stock, because the stock only shows itself to people it wants to be bought by (if my memory is correct, this line isn't repeatable or on the wiki). Gwylan is also depicted as kind of magical, being able to obtain these seemingly magical items that nobody else knows about. They also briefly mention but try to hide that it's their grandmother's shop, but I don't know the significance of that.

I think the forest shop is actually the least magical thing in the town, though. I think the items in the shop are things that the corporation wouldn't want you to have, so your hallucinations prevent you from seeing what they don't want you to. At least until you do something that 'breaks the spell' over that blockage in your mind and lets you see the things for what they are.

I don't know how much Gwylan is aware of, but I suspect the grandmother knows what's going on

The Orphanage

The orphans are different than the rest of the town. They're by far the least crazed group of people we meet, and the orphanage is nearly a safe haven from the dangers of the town, and I think that's deliberate.

I think Bailey is keeping us from suffering the effects that the town is having on everyone else. Not out of the kindness of their heart, but because that's what the corporation wants. We know Bailey will sell you into slavery if you don't cooperate, a concept we're familiar with from our above-the-law shipping container friends at the corporation.

I don't know the motivation behind it, though. The orphans could just be rape fodder for the rest of the town, like rabbits for dogs to hunt. It could also be an experiment to see how an unaffected group interacts with an affected group.

Another important thing about Bailey is that they won't rape you (in the content that I've seen). They'll be the shit out of you and sell your body to rapists, but they won't do it themselves. Every encounter in the game begins with "The plump ____ exposes their _____" but not encounters with Bailey. Bailey is also the only character in the game that loses encounters by orgasming. Everyone else defeats the player by orgasming, but if Bailey cums, the player wins.

I think Bailey is almost or entirely unaffected by what's going on in the town, which is likely related to being able to keep the orphans more or less unaffected.

Bailey does have one fear, which is the attic/loft in the orphanage. They're crippled with fear at the thought of going in there, and tells you to stay out. When we go in there, though, there's nothing. Just a bunch of empty rooms and dust. Discovering this fear allows you to see the dark pendant in the forest shop.

I think there is something in there, something our hallucinations prevent us from seeing, but Bailey sees it.


Kylar is weird. We know Kylar is weird. Kylar is almost Morgan level crazy, but in a different way. Kylar doesn't want sex, Kylar wants you. Again, Kylar is absolutely batshit nuts, but in a violent and love-fueled way, rather than lust-fueled rape. Another thing that makes Kylar stand out is that they almost seem to have super powers, always knowing where the player is and being able to be anywhere the player is without being seen.

Kylar also isn't an orphan and doesn't live in the orphanage, they have parents. They also keep a really strict schedule, saying things like "I have to go, they're waiting for me" after looking at their watch. "They" could be referring to their parents, or it could be someone else.

I think Kylar's parents work for the corporation, and their relationship with Kylar is probably dictated by the corporation, very similar to Morgan and their kid. I think Kylar's parents keep them on that strict sch
Oct 6, 2019
How would those long-term residents who are seemingly unaffected by the sex madness--Doren, the teenager that you pick up at the bar, Charlie, Daryl, etc.--fit into that theory?


Aug 19, 2019
New update is out.

"This update includes different skin tones for the player character, visual representation for tanning, Whitney scenes at school, and gives the missionary sprite clothes. It also adds gloryholes to the school toilets, and adds an amusement arcade to Starfish Street. Kylar can be found there on rainy days."


Nov 29, 2017
The new version also has no options menu. It only opens the save folder and that is it. Is that supposed to happen? No cheats anymore?
Edit: Never mind found them. I have not played in a long time. My bad.
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