
Active Member
May 5, 2018
I'm kind of afraid to download this game, for legal reasons, if you know what I mean. :HideThePain:
Oh? Ain't all the characters at least 18, all the beasties just people in costume, and all acts actually consensual role play? It's fiction, too. The game says all that stuff, and gameplay is even mostly text. For legal reasons, are they gonna charge you for thought crimes or something? Lol, download and play away. There's nothing illegal here as far as I can see. ;)

Anita Deek

Feb 14, 2018
Found a typo when dancing in the brothel, Leighton offers me money, I go to the room and ask Leighton to join in and player character says ss+(2019-11-29+at+11.24.53).png .

Ayumi T

Sep 16, 2019
There's a typo and some gender confusion in with one of River's events at the Soup Kitchen:

She washes her face in the sink. "Thank you for telling me," she says to *blank* while rubbing himself dry with a cloth. "Some people have no decency."


Active Member
May 31, 2019
the game is cool, but i cant figure how fight withouth peper spray :(
just use the punch or kick or bite or resist options...if these options aren't available then your likely being restrained like arms behind back ...or your character may be in the midlle of an orgasm
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
the game is cool, but i cant figure how fight withouth peper spray :(
The most OP combo for winning fights the brutal way is becoming a wolf/cat-person. You grow fangs pretty early in the transformation.
Then all you gotta do is put yourself in a position that allows you to suck their dick/tits. Cue a gruesome FATALITY instakill with your bite skill. It pretty much ends any stranger danger encounter instantly.
I personally run a submissive apologize/moan build with maxed English skill, which has every enemy cream themselves before they can do anything severe. All while in the meantime I steal all their money, of course.

That was a riveting post to type.

Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
"Off to the camps you go" - China probably
it's... worst, a guy gets forced to apologize for liking some pokemon characters cause their bad guys [team rocket] and another taken in the night and bad things done to him and then forced to apologize while crying, all because he made a book. [i think it was a book about him not liking China and how bad it is, or something]

(Note: if it's not ok to have this comment on here then i'll delete it, can't tell if its ok or not)


Jan 3, 2018
I really liked the "dead eyes" that was added a couple updates ago. But now I have had a chance to play, it seems that is only text in a scene. So it's not a trait and there are no extra elements to it? Can anyone confirm?

Also I hope the masochist trait gets rebalanced. Even when trying to get it (to see what it's like), takes forever and endless amount of scenes to reach lvl 1. Also would be happy if someone can elaborate on how advanced masochism affects your game. Or is the only feature that a portion of the pain is converted into pleasure? Tried to cheat for it but that seems to be bugged
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
Thanks for the ideas everyone!
any plans on adding larger penis sizes?
I'm considering it.The current largest size is supposed to be pretty big.
I've got some ideas and general future content questions. First the questions.
Any plans for a location at Starfish street? It seems like the only spot that hasn't got anything going on.
Also the bus station seems not to be used at all (except for releasing "Box girl" from the docks) i think you could add stealing opportunities here (for after robbing All the houses it becomes really grindy and hard to get skulldugery up) or more prostitution options here maybe?
What about more things to spend money on? You've knocked it out of the park on clothing options but some more utilitarian items would be good. Maybe an expensive bike or skateboard that can get you arcross town easier (all with nasty events that could pop up of course) something that can help move you through the forest quicker/easier (it's 20 clicks from end to end which is ruff with out the short cut from history class) little improvement (but expensive) items like that would be nice.
The ocean too i find abit lacking, underwater ruins and ships could make forsome fun oppotunities and provide more spots for lore and antiques, same for the forest. these two places (aswell as the alsylam) could be good spots for more weird stuff to happen (go full tilt on the alien/cthulhu suff here).
I don't have any questions here, i can see you are slowly giving the teachers out side jobs (Winter, Dorian and newly done River) and more school projects (Science and math fairs) Any chance for lewed teacher stuff? Also Masons Event could be a Beach Triathlon kind of thing based on a few events you have to practice for (like you do for the other class ones) Volleyball, running, swimming (all of which you have in the game already and give another reason to do them).
SAM i was thinking after he sees you doing lewed things with customers (the table dancing, undertable blowjobs, ally stuff etc) could try and blackmail/rape you in a storage room (Leighton style).
Anyway if ranted long enough i've got plenty of ideas but no coding skills but if you think any of these are any good let me know as i would like to discuss this kind of stuff with players/makers of the game which i should mention...
This game is the BEST. I've played it from about the start of this year and find my way back to do a new playthrough when ever a new update drops which is often (you have better support than most AAA developers) and i cannot thank or praise Vrelnir and the Crew enough! A "whats comming up next" or "what we're working on" page or something would be most welcome (i need then juciy spoilers) THANKYOU
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I have been thinking about setting up an overview of future content. Some thoughts on your suggestions:

I agree more should be added to Starfish Street. The arcade was added last update, but it's in need of fleshing out. There'll be other content related to the sea there in the future. The bus station, too, needs something more. It's just a place you can end up after being stripped on the bus right now.

I have a lot of plans for the sea, including underwater ruins.

I also agree there should be more to spend money on. More functional clothing is a good idea.

More lewd stuff with teachers is planned, including for Mason. They appear at the lake on weekends, but you can't interact with them yet.
Hey, would it be possible to get more bondage scenes in the game? Like the pillory?

Just a few ideas:
1.1. At the brothel, if you miss performances multiple times, Briar locks/ties the character up for a time letting the crowd do whatever.
1.2. Just have a pillory/hole in the wall that if a player is promiscuous enough to be put in, they can for a set amount of time to earn money.
2.1. S&M house. Instead of the guy being there, have some of the S&M stuff laying around that the character doesnt know what they do (if awareness isn't high enough). The character then starts playing around with them and gets trapped. Having to either wait for the home owners to come home or brave the outside in a precarious situation.
2.2. If awareness is high enough, the opition to leave them be and just steal stuff, or if promiscuous is high enough, use the gear and either get accidently trapped or willingly wait for the home owners.
I intend to include more bondage scenes. The prison update will likely introduce a bunch, though they'll be added to other areas too. Briar will already tie you up and force you against a hole in the wall should you whore yourself at the pub.
It's very enjoyable but there are a few things that i would feel are some nice QOL that could make it more enjoyable.

The lessons in school : Rather than 3 times per lesson being asked what to do, you get 4 base options, each one takes the full 55 minutes of class time, and the chance of events still happens as normal if any occur. Also, if you are in school, unless you are getting an event from going to class, it should take you to the class by default depending on the option you pick for class. The options i think would work decently like so :

1) Study : ++ Stress, +++ ( Subject ), + Status

2) Socialize: + ( Subject ), +++ Status, --- Stress

3) Slack : --- Stress, - Trauma

4) Skip : -- ( Subject ), + Delinquency, ( This puts you in school hallway letting you do what you want for the 55 minutes class would have been )

For the Swimming class: I feel the options should be a bit more dynamic based on what you are wearing/perceived as by everyone else.

1) Go to <PC's perceived gender> changing room. ( If wearing boy uniform, you go to the boy's room, and vice versa )

2) Go to <PC's opposite perceived gender> changing room. + Deliquency ( make it know this will happen )

3) Wait for changing rooms to empty then enter <PC's opposite perceived gender> changing room

As for the Combat/Rape/Consensual events, while i like the ability to choose what each limb/orifice can do independently, there should be shortcut options that fit for quicker progression. ( manual/auto toggle, Manual does what it does now, Auto is as follows )

1) Fight/Struggle ( Fight if limbs are free, Struggle if 2 or more limbs are restrained

2) Resist/Endure ( Resist would cause you to try and pull away, scream, or otherwise all the resistive, non-violent options )

3) Submit ( Let them do what they want until they finish. Their arousal or pain inflicting goal is accelerated )

4) Escape ( If your arms/legs aren't being held or bound, you have a chance to run, Consumes a Pepper spray if available for 100% escape chance )** I feel this escape option should be available for the normal as well.

As for travel, I would like to see the bus option being the first travel option following the places you can enter or do on the current street you're on. ( if on home street, it would be option 3 following the knock on doors option )

In the forest, would like a sort of fast travel perk that isn't associated with history. If you live in the cabin or wolf cave long enough, it stands to reason you should know how to get there easier.

For anything around the Exhibition stat. Make each tier be reflected in the character portrait respectively ( if full Exhibitionist, you shouldn't be covering anything when nude or in lewd clothing.

Have a way to collect mushrooms/wolfshrooms/food in general to take with you to eat later, rather than a consume immediately.

For outfits, It'd be nice if it told you what was missing from the outfit set. ( and a way to keep certain outfits in certain places. Would be nice to not "forget" your school swimsuit because you lost it swimming at the lake, or to keep a spare uniform at school once you can afford one ) And to balance it nice, you only get 2 outfits at the start of the game, Pajamas ( why it's Pyjamas idk... ) and School outfit. You're an 18 year old orphan, doesn't make sense to have an everyday outfit right away.

Also, when making a worn set into an outfit, hide the individual pieces and make it as though they are all a 1 piece outfit.

Would also be nice if the missing items from your outfits could be listed in the clothing shop as a quick rebuy if you don't know what got stolen or destroyed. or don't want to do the auto rebuy.

Tailor should be able top repair under outfits for both sections. I've had a swimsuit where the bottom was torn off, either by event of selling underwear or otherwise, and the tailor only repairs the top half.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

You're not the first to suggest a change to lesson structure. I agree it can be improved. I also agree swimming should be treated as a special case. It already is in some ways.

High exhibitionism unlocks new attitudes which optionally stop your character from covering when nude.

As for your suggested clothing changes, they sound reasonable. The groundwork for a system of separate wardrobes is already in place, but I haven't made use of it yet. The idea is you'll be able to store a certain number of items at school, the asylum, and elsewhere. Probably less than at home. Along with other changes, I hope it'll make clothing more intuitive, which I feel is a problem with the current incarnation.
Items: I think some kind of Item system would be a good way to add some QOL into the game and be something to spend your money on. So here are some of my thoughts, feel free to add your own or discuss what you'ld like to see.
Hiking clothes - I know it's just more clothing but every time i go into the forest i expect my clothes to just disintergrate after 5 or 6 steps so some hardier clothes would be good.
A Compass - it could be used to help you move faster through the forest maybe 2/1 click or something.
Brass Knuckles - Now i wouldn't want many weapons in the game that you can get (no knives or guns) but some small things might be ok. I was thinking they might be a buff to your punching attack but be a crime to use and be contraband (i have an idea for contraband that have a chance to be taken by the cops in spot searches).
An umbrella (or rain coat) - for keeping dry (minior side note: i get drenched when Avery takes me to dinner. Is the resturant open aired. boo).
A metal detector - used in the forest to help find arrowheads and daggers and stuff. You could also use it at the beach to find loose change and junk to sell maybe.
A skate board/bike - A way to get around town quicker that can break and have to be repaired with events that can happen (the bus system is very good this could be just another way you choose to get around). Maybe the other orphans get jealious of your new bike maybe.
Sex toys - These could help in combat (not to whack someone with but to whack someone off) or be tied to exhibitionist/promiscuity events. Maybe some BDSM stuff too.
Vending machines - you've got the cafe but a VM at school, outside the hospital or the pub might be a good spots for a VM that gives 1 use "health" items.
The many Books, Potions or other items that increse your skills or stats you can use at home. You have pills already you can take, this is just the next step.
Anyway tell me thoughts about what you'ld like to see or whatever remembering these are just SUGGESTIONS and IDEAS not criticisms.
While I'm still unsure about a full inventory system, the idea of items the PC can carry in each hand is growing on me. An umbrella would fit, and perhaps a range of weapons. A metal detector sounds fun too.

Sex toys are planned.
Adding onto the forest being a clothes shredder, some more events for going to the lake with everyone after school would be nice. It seems weird that when we go the non-shortcut route to the lake, we'll almost always end up there naked and abused by wildlife, but the group very rarely runs into any kind of trouble.

As far as I know, running into a wolf is the only event that can happen. I feel like there should at least be an event for all of the animals that live out there, with different options to fight them off or run away. If you beat up a bear in front of all your friends, you should for sure get a boost to combat fame and status. Also a bear should maybe be a tougher fight than it is.

There could also be variations of the current things, like having to cross the river as a group, or getting your clothes snagged and the group maybe taking advantage depending on your status. With the relatively new kindness fame, there's opportunities for saving your classmates from that giant man eating snake, or helping the poorer swimmers get across the river, etc.

As for items, I love all those ideas and just want to add in a backpack/purse to store them. They could be an accessory part of your outfit, allowing you to carry items with you, otherwise having them be stored in your room.

A purse would obviously have less capacity than a backpack, be feminine, and it'd be easier for someone to snatch it and run. A backpack would have more capacity, maybe act as an extra layer that attackers need to take off before they can take your shirt off, but it would also essentially be a big handle on your bag, enabling attackers to occassionaly grab you and pull you back into a fight after you beat them, similar to the encounter in the dumpster.

The biggest QoL thing I'd like to see for a backpack is being able to carry around a spare change of clothes, so you aren't forced to sprint around town any time your shirt gets torn or you get rained on. Also it'd be a convenient place for exhibitionists to store their clothes
You're not wrong. There are a lot of fun shenanigans that could take place on the way to the lake. I imagine the beasts of the forest are more wary of groups, but that doesn't mean they aren't a threat. I don't think this comes across as well as it could.

A spare change of clothes is one of the reasons I'm considering adding a proper inventory. A slider to control the insensity of clothing degradation might be a good idea too.
I've been playing the android version a bit lately. I have an old android device (Tab), so I'm not sure if this is due to it being out of date or what, but I can't save outfits. I get an error (I can copy/paste them if you can't duplicate it on your device, vrelnir), the name of the last outfit in the list is changed to what I named the outfit, but its contents aren't altered. I also got an error when I tried on a few clothes at the shop and tried to buy them all at once. It purchased the clothes though, so I don't know what "went wrong." Oh and all of my clothes that aren't only one color (so for instance school shoes are black because they only come in black), and my hair (and probably my eyes - I haven't really looked closely) on the paper doll on the left are red no matter what I choose nor how they're described in text. They start off the right color with a new game, but quickly revert to red. They're correctly colored on the combat sprites though.

OH, I just thought of something. Are full moons supposed to be a scary red or is that just another quirk on my device? Because I just had a "blood moon" that jacked my allure all the way to "ravaged" when it's usually only "lewd" early at night and I was like "wtf is this shit?!" when it appeared, but it was only described as a full moon when I checked my allure effects in the mirror.

A couple of anomalies:

when breaking into homes on Danube street, when a cat jumps me, I get the option to move my mouth to someone's chest. Is that the owner's chest (who is watching from the couch and was not mentioned until combat) or the cat's? I don't recall getting that option with animals before, but I rarely encounter cats.

I've also occasionally had actions I was trying before I started orgasming during combat keep going, mostly trying to steal I think.

I thought there was a bug with Leighton's second science class "inspection" but I figured out it's because I was going commando cross-dressed in the short school skirt so everyone knew I was a boy. I reloaded, put on a thong, and was forced to flee the class. I guess my exhibition isn't high enough despite being at 3 even though I was able to submit to inspection when I wore boys clothes for the first one?

A couple of questions/suggestions:

Have you considered making high arousal betray cross-dressing boys via their erection tenting if they don't wear lower underclothes? Or even girls with high arousal getting too wet and starting to leak down their legs if they're commando? Does high arousal have an effect on allure? Maybe it should, to account for visible boners/nipples/wetness/flushed cheeks/steamy breath trope/etc? ^_^

Naturally, a common trope in hentai is that raping someone to orgasm makes them enjoy whoever or whatever it was doing the raping more. Have you considered orgasms raising deviancy/promiscuity? Or if you don't like the idea of forcing that on a player, maybe making submissive actions during combat raise deviancy/promiscuity a tiny bit; like 1 point or 0.1 point per round they take a submissive action, or however you calculate it and feel is balanced. That would make it a choice on the player's part to go along with it, even when attacked, and I feel like it would make other actions (like neutral and bratty ones) more important for me if I'm trying to stay pure instead of submitting to speed the sex up like I've been doing. I was just thinking that, unless I intentionally get caught by the wolves and grind deviancy at their den, it just doesn't come up often enough playing in the city. Are dogs supposed to sometimes attack me when they lead me into alleys? Because not one has done so. It's always only ever been wallets and then a happy woof and leave. I thought for sure choosing to please the dog that confronts you when you're hiding while exposed would raise deviancy since it was "consensual", but that doesn't appear to have done so either. The only actions I've seen in the city that raise deviancy when it's at 0 are teasing dogs on Domus street, but maybe I'm missing something. I have seen jellyfish in the ocean raise it, but I don't do a lot of swimming there so maybe I need to do that.

I have to admit I haven't figured out all the systems yet so maybe you already do some of those above. Do promiscuity-unlocked actions during sex raise promiscuity (and do deviancy actions raise deviancy) when they're used or do they only boost control? If they don't already, maybe make them do so if they meet the same requirements to boost control? I feel like along the same lines, the option to displace your own clothes during sex doesn't appear to be gated by exhibition nor give the same control thrill when performed. I guess I just feel like any action on my part to pleasure my attacker should corrupt me a bit more, and maybe you already do that in the form of awareness or purity but I haven't sussed everything out yet. ^_^

Can we get a link at the top of the page during combat to go to the bottom of the page instead of having to scroll? On PC it's just a page-down away but on a tablet, during rounds when I don't plan to change anything (like when disabled by pain or orgasm), that scroll is slow and gets tedious.

Thanks vrelnir, and I know I had more ideas but I can't remember them all right now. I'm enjoying exploring and discovering your story on my own so I haven't read the wiki or any guides.
You're welcome! Thanks for letting me know about those issues.

As Midge and Schnipo say, the red moon isn't a bug. All full moons are blood moons in this town.

I have considered making arousal influence erections, both mechanically and visually. There's a little bit of the former, but the PC is basically perma-erect at the moment. This has the benefit of being simple, but others have asked erections to be simulated better too, and I'm warming to the idea.

There are no plans to ever cause promiscuity, deviancy or exhibitionism to increase without a decision from the player. The one possible exception is exhibitionism rising while you're wearing no underwear, which is a situation that can be forced on you. This will change in the future though, once the town is better fleshed out with exhibitionist opportunities. That said, there's a definite lack of low level deviancy actions in particular, making it hard to get it off the ground.

The "rape them until they enjoy it" trope is a popular fantasy, but isn't represented by the promiscuity/exhibitionism/deviancy system by design. The awareness/innocence bars represent it better, albeit in a warped way.

Promiscuity and deviancy actions during consensual encounters will raise their respective stat, as long as the level of the act is high enough.

I can't argue that a "go to bottom" button at the top of the encounter page wouldn't be a valuable quality of life improvement. It is a bit awkward when I play on my Android.
Y'all suck. Great game though. If any the contributors or Vrelnir could add some xmas tales as well, that would be nice.

Suggestions(i forgot some char names):
- orphanage woes - the chief torturer of orphans says no party and gifts on xmas. A confident PC or Robin declares you'll make your own party, with blackjack and hookers. Get some limited edition sleeping pills from somewhere, cake from the cafe and booze from the bar, drug the pimp for the night and have some innocent if not better some orgytastic fun with everyone.
- exchange presents with your romantic targets - the store has some black friday stuff for sale, so buy gifts for all your cherished ones at lowly expensive prices, as it always is in the holiday spirit. ( PC dressed in ribbons for Robin or reverse, a chain and collar for Whitney, a bottle of chloroform for Kylar, a 4k digital camera for the principal, flagellation whip for the chastity nun, tranq gun for the hunter, some soap for the sewer dweller, a taser for the good doctor and so on)
- if nice, Santa gives a nice present in the night; if naughty, Krampus gets down and dirty with your behind
- if nice, PC randomly hears Ho! Ho! Ho! when walking around town that night and good stuff happens; if naughty, PC randomly hears Hoe! Hoe! Hoe! when walking around town that night and bad stuff happens + flying sleigh shadow in the background gif
- xmas bonus anywhere you work
- sexy santa/elf clothes at strip club/brothel
- that job thing where someone rings a bell asking for donations, but with some lewd options as well
- job at random house/mansion where you're hired to spend xmas eve/day with lonely kid
- and stuff
Thanks for the festive ideas. I would like to add Christmas events and situations, but it will likely need to wait until next year. It would take a lot of focus, and I'd like the groundwork to be more solid. I might add something small though. Like a costume.

Santa punishing the PC for being on the naughty list is too good not to include at some point.
Found a typo when dancing in the brothel, Leighton offers me money, I go to the room and ask Leighton to join in and player character says View attachment 473786 .
Thanks for letting me know.
There's a typo and some gender confusion in with one of River's events at the Soup Kitchen:
I really liked the "dead eyes" that was added a couple updates ago. But now I have had a chance to play, it seems that is only text in a scene. So it's not a trait and there are no extra elements to it? Can anyone confirm?

Also I hope the masochist trait gets rebalanced. Even when trying to get it (to see what it's like), takes forever and endless amount of scenes to reach lvl 1. Also would be happy if someone can elaborate on how advanced masochism affects your game. Or is the only feature that a portion of the pain is converted into pleasure? Tried to cheat for it but that seems to be bugged
The "dead eyes" appearance is triggered by the "Visibly Disturbed" trait, caused by high trauma.

As for masochism, it converts a portion of pain into arousal. High levels just increase the effect. It used to render you immune to pain when the stat reached maximum, but that proved a little OP. It still has a large impact, particularly when stacked with science.

Raising willpower is difficult. This is by design to an extent, as not every character is supposed to achieve high willpower. Helping Winter at the museum gives a decent weekly boost, and there'll be more ways to increase willpower in the future.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
They are a token apperance at the moment, ruffing up kids for their lemonade money, random "pat downs" and some undercover pimping stings, but i feel like they could be used more so here are some IDEAS and SUGGESTIONS.
Now i think a Holding cell and a fine/ticket system could add some potential for hijinx. For example you get caught at the hospital for having a high Crime stat or you get stripped searched and they find stolen goods, at the moment they throw your ass into the pillary for 24 hours or "pat you down"(missing the thousand of dollars worth of stolen goods) and maybe steal your clothes. With the HC and Fine system they could issue you a fine to pay off or take you to the HC for 6-12 hours(with various police/inmate events) or still throw you in the pillary. And even a Community Service thing(if you can't or don't pay the fine) where you have to either do jobs at houses for no money but it reduces the amount of time you have to do for the CS that week or work at the soup kitchen or pick up trash at the Park or Beach or Lake.
THE POLICE STATION: At the moment all that happens here is you can get a collar removed, turn in evidence against a certain someone and an event linked to a teachers path(they also added a criminal thing todo here which is quite good). some more things could be a youth programme where you can spend time to reduce your Crime level and maybe some Stress or Truama, pay fines(as mentioned above) or even turn yourself in to clear your Crime level for a punishment.
I like the ability to sneak in as a crook and all the events that happen after that so good job there.
Side Quest: You could become an undercover agent/snitch and do a mission for the cops to bring down Landry(removing him/her from the game).
Anyway please respond with your thoughts, ideas and suggestions, i like to hear from other players and devs. It seems there is a Prison being added at some point so maybe some of these things might be sorted out. this post is more for the "in town" stuff.
Another thing i just thought of you could get deputised(maybe after doing above Side Quest) and get a "badge" that can be used to initiate Dom stuff in combat(i've seen peeps ask for some "turn the tables" and become the aggesser type of things this could be an option). "You will respect my AUTHORITY" - Eric Cartman.
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