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I do agree some criticism is being way more agressive than it should. Specially taken into account that the game is nearly made by one person only and doesn't ask for invest to get to his stuff. Yes I know Lollipop Scythe and others from time to time also help, don't get me wrong, you know what I mean. Don't worry, I didn't forgot you

Although the way criticism was made was wrong, some of OP facts are still fairly recomendable. And please, don't confuse this with new content. We all want new stuff, but time is the enemy is the enemy of perfection. The game is fun because of his mentality when creating the game and created a somewhat big playerbase, let him do his stuff. We all want stuff (insert pregnancy meme here I guess), but be patient and don't mix it with criticism.
About the criticisms on the comment above, I do must agree with the text and options. Don't get me wrong, I understand it's original and it isn't that easy to change without transforming the whole fighting system. However, I do agree some options need to change, or the effects. It's true that sometimes we get to use spam the same option in a fight. While changing that is hard without adding option, I beg that you please add more text diversity into the game at least. It would change so much in terms of fighting experience. Examples are like adding options of talking (or moaning) when talking, different expression when both cum at the same time, difference on moans, ways to express minor consent after being forced (like brainwashing or corrupting RPG for example), ways to speak about partner actions (asking to be rough, more gentle), etc etc. Also the diversity of options on submissive mode is way more noticeable than on defiant mode for example. There are so many examples I could mention and I wouldn't shut up. And yes the adding name instead of "he" "she" could give a bit more, but it isn't as critical as what I mentioned above imo.
Of course some of those may even change on future patches the more content is added. And I'm pretty sure Vrelnir wants to add more content fast to please the one who want pregnancy, to be a stable addition and use the options the game gives. I also want pregnancy, I won't deny it, but personally a minor overall on character dialogue and interaction would be important before adding more content and map places. I do believe you would have less work in the future but hey, who I am to talk, I have 0 experience in making games.
About the less raping options, this isn't a Sims game. The goal of the game is how you work with the lust on the city. That's the whole point of the game. If you want to separate that and make more harassment stuff then on that case I would agree. But this isn't a game to chill a tan on the beach and take a drink at the coffee before going home. Well with the latest version you even serve a special kind of drink, but that's a different case.
I wouldn't dare saying horrible writing if that the game wasn't so popular. Inexperienced might be the better option. If there is room for polish? Of course, but I wouldn't call it horrible. I mean this isn't one of the Machine Translated games. You probably are forgetting this is a mini html game, like a side job for the creator, which fortunely exploded in terms of popularity. It wasn't ment to be that exceptional job to milk the patrons. But the care of being fun is still very present, and the presence of him (or her sorry if I'm mistaken) in forums shows that, and the development and reception of criticism is being made with care. I understand you're used to labeled games, but even if you don't like something try to not to be rude. Probably not you goal, but having several mentions of "horrible", "heartless", "tedious", "lack of flavour" doesn't help to accept your criticism open minded. Keep in mind the last version is
v0.2.8.2, and last one was v0.2.7. I guess that shows how "chilled" the game is being developed. The game is clearly in develop and was a mini fun stuff that exploded because players actually like it.
On a sidenote, I hate that trend on RPGs you mentioned of having a magical item that fix the clothes on map. There is a purpose of losing the clothes and fighting for the clothes. Asking for that clearly shows you didn't play the game enough no offense. I understand I'm a bit suspicious on this though because I like to play with my female character naked and ready for action, but who am I to judge. Spread love, not hate.
I guess your whole critiscim was based on those RPG or Renpy games, who were drawn as a fund to get some money. This isn't, it's a fun little project which developed into an atual popular and fun game. Keep also in mind, that many of those games lose playerbase overtime (not speaking about big titles of course). This one despite all the (mostly polite criticism) it receives the playerbase still remains. Because players and devs recognize this is a for-fun project that will take time to please everyone, and even the playerbase engages in making and defending criticism from time to time. Just be patient.
Sorry if I repeated a bit myself up, but was getting out of words to give a complete answer.
When i want to start the game it says.... Access is denied... why?
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