Well, regardless of the other participants' numbers, gender and proclivities, your control of the sexual encounter pretty much boils down (or should boil down) to either scaring the other party off or consenting to such an activity that they are willing to consent to as well. The original poster was not complaining about the presence of fantastic creatures, zoophilic elements or girls with boy's appendages in the game, so these are beside the point.Along with tentacles, bestiality, and gangrape by schoolgirls with dicks?
Yes, that's exactly how I have sex in real life.
He was complaining about not being able to be the dominant sexual partner despite his character's trait and capabilities.Well, regardless of the other participants' numbers, gender and proclivities, your control of the sexual encounter pretty much boils down (or should boil down) to either scaring the other party off or consenting to such an activity that they are willing to consent to as well. The original poster was not complaining about the presence of fantastic creatures, zoophilic elements or girls with boy's appendages in the game, so these are beside the point.
Even with a dominant approach, you will either scare people off (meaning discourage them from further contact) or have consensual sex. Can you think of any other ususal outcome in real life that would not be rape?He was complaining about not being able to be the dominant sexual partner despite his character's trait and capabilities.
Believe it or not, some people aren't into being submissive sex toys in RL.
So yes, my joke still stands as a valid comparison.
I've had that bug as well and I think it is a fairly common one, since it happens because there is no check to see if a particular message was written by the same NPC who is reading it. Hopefully it will be fixed on the next update.So I had this bug happen to me a few minuets ago...
Random based on your "totem". But try the holycross.How do i regain purity in the pray room? is it random or do i have to pray there for hours till i get it? ...its hard to regain purity after tentacle rape so the prayer room is my only hope. It's also necessary if you are doing the bun cream job and have to masturbate which also reduces purity. (got to say this chef masturbation is for a purpose, is not a selfish act MC is doing cream buns so it should not be punish, ^.^U)
Talking in-game, could it not be added? The PC already can be dominant or defiantly use acts in many events that have been steadly added to the game over the updates. Like with the pillory you can now exposed a locked up peep and i would consider that as being dominant. And you can stare down harrasers in street events if you're defiant enough. So adding more of these elements to the "combat" in the form of controll instead of just violence i don't see as a big ask or would even be out of place.Even with a dominant approach, you will either scare people off (meaning discourage them from further contact) or have consensual sex. Can you think of any other ususal outcome in real life that would not be rape?
Besides, this game has been in development for so long that by now it should be plain to see that it's not yet another adventure in bending everyone around the MC to their lustful will, quite the opposite. Even with a very wide degree of freedom that DoL offers, which really stands out among other lewd games, it's the NPCs that are the more sexually active agents, thus the initiative is in their hands at most times, with the MC's progress boiling down to getting better at triggering or avoiding certain sexual situations.
I think the issue isn't whether or not it can be included, it's whether or not it should be included.Talking in-game, could it not be added? The PC already can be dominant or defiantly use acts in many events that have been steadly added to the game over the updates. Like with the pillory you can now exposed a locked up peep and i would consider that as being dominant. And you can stare down harrasers in street events if you're defiant enough. So adding more of these elements to the "combat" in the form of controll instead of just violence i don't see as a big ask or would even be out of place.
I of course would say that it shouldn't be accessable of the bat and you would have to "unlock" those actions either through skill growth or training or feats or something but i don't see the idea of it being added as outlandish and even Vrel at this point says it's coming at somepoint because it's one of the 5 big things peeps ask the most for. This game has evolved so much from when i started playing it that it's inclusion wouldn't shock me.
Ofc I'm a noob , I had started playing one hour before..lol what a noob! Giulio96 (nah, am kidding, i start playing the game like a few month old after it was release after fallowing a link in 4chan /d, so it's funny for me to see newbies coming and complain the game is too hard, sorry about that) Save before doing anything like going in the forest, more if you just started the game and have no clue about anything, in your first month you must focus on grinding academic skills at school, so go to school is a MUST, you need money get a job on the docks on weekends, cafe and also learn how to dance. Do not go fully sexcrazy, remember you are playing with a tender innocent person and your actions or the action on him/her will effect their mental state. someone said this was a PTSD simulator, Also you have to define how you are going to play, if you are defiant as i see, i guess you better choose a big body type MC or PC and try cat, or better wolf transformation so you have a huge bite to fend you off attackers.
more in the WIKI page.You must be registered to see the links
Ikr ? Lol .It seems you have a very interesting play style.
Meeting Eden on day 1 and go to the asylum within an hour? I think that deserves a new feat.
A lot to learn you have. You have already been pointed to the Wiki. Go there it's usually a bit behind but nevertheless quite good.
You cannot run around in Lewdville and try to kick buts. It's your but that's get to be kicked.
Most places are dangerous. The other places are usually more dangerous.
The whole point of the game is to avoid being beaten and raped or learn to cope with it. One way or the other.
As someone who has followed this game's development for quite some time now, I think it is safe to say that Vrelnir is definitely not inclined to include domineering actions in the encounters. He has commented time and time again on his blog that "maybe" in the future there could be something akin to it, but his main vision is for a submissive game and I 100% respect that... it is his creation after all....I think the issue isn't whether or not it can be included, it's whether or not it should be included...
...I just hope that he doesn't start implementing ideas based on popular demand. Unless of course he actually wants to do it anyway...
A total dominant play style would result in a completely different game. And it would not work out well (IMHO)I think the issue isn't whether or not it can be included, it's whether or not it should be included.
For one thing, it would be hard to keep things balanced once you gain the ability to take control in more than the small, personal wins that Lewdness stats currently allow.
For another, much of the game is built on the idea that the MC is barely scraping by, and is forced to go to greater and greater lengths to merely remain sane, let alone pay off Bailey. Giving the MC too much control might ruin that premise.
The next one who asks this question will be sent to the asylum immediately.will regular pregnancy ever be added or no?
In my examples i show that it has somewhat already been added in at least a limited way if not just to events. Should more be added? For varieties sake i hope so.I think the issue isn't whether or not it can be included, it's whether or not it should be included.
For another, much of the game is built on the idea that the MC is barely scraping by, and is forced to go to greater and greater lengths to merely remain sane, let alone pay off Bailey. Giving the MC too much control might ruin that premise.
Or maybe it could work, if Vrelnir's smart about it.
Definitely is a strong word. Also "maybe" is neither yes or no. And as this kind of Dom stuff has already been added in many events. I wouldn't say Vrel is "inclined" one way or the other, I'd have to ask them for a straight answer on the subject for their current opinion.As someone who has followed this game's development for quite some time now, I think it is safe to say that Vrelnir is definitely not inclined to include domineering actions in the encounters. He has commented time and time again on his blog that "maybe" in the future there could be something akin to it, but his main vision is for a submissive game and I 100% respect that... it is his creation after all.
And on that note agreeing with your fist paragraph, it never fails to amuse me that on every single thread of games that are focused on a certain niche (in this case submission), there is always people requesting that the dev should add "vanilla" stuff that you can easily find elsewhere in other games. They request stuff to be added that clearly goes opposite the intended focus of the game, which would dillute the experience as it would make the dev waste time on features that they didn't initially intend to make...
Is it that hard to understand and respect the artistic vision of a game creator? That if you want your vanilla shit you can simply go find it elsewhere in the millions of renpy and rpgm games?
You can easily just work a normal job at a cafe or on the docks to make money. So it's possible, but I doubt anyone would actually do it.I'd say "desperate times call for a lot of shady shit." Since I've found some options to steal.