Yeah, the sell create thing is really weird... i don't understand it, so i sell everything... NOT GOOD... i got 2K quids for all and re-buying some of the stuff i sell made me spend 3K+ and i didn't buy all yet... not great at all. but heard this will fix the glitches in the wardrobe so i did it only because that.
the farm was weird, I thought you will had more control over it, you know like in COC where do things at WILL... I don't say it's bad, but this is actually a prison; I am going to call this place "THE RANCH"! you know like the place Dr. Phil send the trouble child's xDDD however my MC was disobedient AF and escape in less than two days! xD ...hope there ain't no repercussions
-other thing i was sort of disappointed about the ranch is, when you get tentacle rape by cathulu and he puts either the large or thick tentacle, you get text in red saying how painful that is for MC, and you actually see the pain increase in MC tab, but when a centaur puts his gargantua cock inside MC , we get NOTHING no pain, no red text, its like a normal cawck.
I am not saying this to make this a handicap move that happens every time, but probably only the first time for shock value , the rest of the times can be like MC is already used too it or his have gain a FEAT of "Tardisfinters" (for those who don't know the reference: its a Dr. Who reference, the Tardis was a phone booth but was larger in the inside, ) or something like that, meaning MC can now take large insertions with no damages what so ever, maybe pain but no damage... Just saying.
BTW, i got no clue... so got to ask, which event gives the bimbo cloth?
Can we get a way for male characters to improve Tight experience?
Can we get and alternative event with Kaylar over the marry one? one that is more according to the interactions MC and kaylar has and their love stat? ...Like a role play event o some sort? *wink* *wink*
Can we get a Futa MC?
Thanks! if you read up to here. I know my English not the best, it not my main, sorry.