Those are my genuine feelings, though!

Edit: So, there's a reason that when I comment here I often ooze positivity towards this game's developer. My negative feelings towards other creators are amplifying my positive feelings towards this one. I'm so used to dealing with bullsh*t. It feels really nice to have a hard working creator who doesn't seem to have any desire to screw me over. Really makes me want to root for them. Anyone who's had to deal with EA's nonsense should relate.
EA is just one example. There's tons of similar creators. Not just game developers,
modders. Have you seen what some of the Sims 4 guys try to charge? Some for something as simple as a recoloring. It's ridiculous. Then I find this guy. Working hard an their game, letting people play it for free, showing consistency and reliability. It's a breath of fresh air. Frankly, sometimes I almost feel teary. All the terrible creators make this guy feel like a saint. If only I had money, I'd be one of their supporters in a heartbeat. If I ever make a game or something (which I've considered), I'm going to emulate this type.