I pretty much like those sugestion there, and speaking of sugestions i find one in 4chan /d game thread:
i wish a scene where MC wakes up by a oral giving Robin...
I mean base on Robin's lust (which is always very low for some reason) ...MC waking you up with Robin performing a fellatio o cunnilingus will be AWESOME! also because this will be very hard to get gaining a stunning amount of benefit will be appreciated as well:
---Trauma ---Stress +++Control
i don't think is hard to code, it could be like the wet dream, but in this case will be Robbin performing oral to MC and he wakes up cumming in her mouth; Robins Lust is VERY HARD TO RAISE, so this happening maybe even more rare than the red moon. but in any case a nice touch and maybe show how much Robin loves MC.
Question: Can you go futanari?
So while creating my character I noticed that you can only choose male and female, I also checked if you can have a penis while female and I couldn't. So is there any way to have a futanari MC? Like carrying all the packages, boobs, dick , pussy and all.
for now your best bet is start as a male MC
Midge what? This question is hardly ever asked, as far as i can tell... maybe i am not fallowing the thread closely... but I am glad to see someone else other than me asking it once and wile, the pregnant one is like in ever page, that is true. To think i wouldn't want to see pregant MC... but don't tell anyone.
Anyway, a futanari character is extremely hard to code as what Vrelnir said when i ask many moons ago as each gender have their specific pronouns and also once you show the penis every NPC identify you as a boy. So as far as i can tell the more content the game gets in the less likely we will get a futanari character. T__T
But if miracles exist and we one day get one, all i can tell is a Angel futa will be nearly impossible to get unless you live forevver with a chastity belt as how easy will be to lose virginity. a demon one will be easy to get i guess... I wouldn't mind to play the game in ultra hard with a angel futanari. xD
I think i suggest once to make the futanari a special transformation you can combine with any MC currently has, and let the people (NPC) identify MC as what gender stat was , start as a girl be a girl futanari and if started as a boy a boy futanari (bet most will start as a girl though) so this will solve the pronouns game.
what can make MC a futanari? well guess this depends on the transformation it currently has and it must be grinding so no accidental futanari can happen.
For devil, get raped by cathullu 50 times the 50th time you will be asked if you want to become futa.
For angel, Pray to become futanari 50 times, that is 50 hours of praying!
wolf, IDK... something ! same for Cat and Cow. My two cents!