- Jan 17, 2018
- 1,147
- 779
$2000 max normal, $4000 max doubled.Is there a point where Bailey does NOT double her payment?My next payment is £2,000.
Doubled I take it is when I'm paying Robin's share?$2000 max normal, $4000 max doubled.
There is kind of a way...Yes, there is no "quick way" to lose TF points.
Nope.And yes afaik all TFs only ever drop by 1 at midnight. At least in the current version.
Better start selling your PCs bodyIs there a point where Bailey does NOT double her payment?My next payment is £2,000.
If you are paying just for yourself, 2000 is the max. Paying for Robin as well doubles your weekly rent, up to 4000 max.Is there a point where Bailey does NOT double her payment?My next payment is £2,000.
At the Orphanage with the spring unlocked i get ruffly 170-200 plants every 10 days.Better start selling your PCs body.
A couple of questions, is it viable to farm plants in all the locations (wolf cave, asylum, lake) in addition to the orphanage, or is it a waste of time. Also what can you do with the empty shop at the mall?
Consensual and profitable farm work is planned.Dunno if it has been asked, but is there currently an option (or in the works) to work at the farm willingly as a hired hand or whatnot instead of enslavement bad time fu?
Semi related: is there a tf or ability to be able to ride the R.O.U.S.'s (Rods of Unusual Size) out there with the masterful aplomb and vim a veteran heroine in a pr0n game aught to have?
At this point, either the P.C. has cracked under the mutlitudes of chaos and indignity, or they just look at the daunting proverbial horsewang, crack their knuckles, limber up, and say *"challenge accepted!"* I far prefer the latter.
Thanks for the ideas. I like the thought of options based on the environment.@Vrelnir - Very cool, I like the risk reward things, maybe in addition to weapons you could have environmental stuff to use like trying to throw dirt in their eyes if you are in the forest and places like that and try to run or fight, but if you fail it is so much worse for your MC.
Also the thing about bruises, would be a cool option to have a system not so much to show it, but have a minimum pain value to each injury you sustain, even stuff like being spanked in detention should be painful for multiple days to a certain degree. Every time you sit down a school it should make your character hurt so at some point you are forced to stay home or be violated because you can't do anything in fights.
Perhaps even have your MC addicted to pain, you get people like that in real life, have pain effect other stats in a positive way, or increase the pain threshold in fights.
Also a mechanic for your clothes to get dirty/stinky would be fun, make it so you have to wash your clothes which costs you money. If you go to school in unclean clothes you get bullied and thrown and thrown swimming pool or forced in the shower with your clothes on, stuff like that. Could also increase animals like wolves finding / fighting you.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been thinking of existing events where recapture sequences could be worked in. I'd originally planned for the PC to be marked as "on the run" following an escape from the asylum, but pushed it back for time.Speaking of permanent tattoos, shouldn't this one bring some sort of repercussions to the MC? I was exited when i see a wanted poster with the image of MC in a ally, i though either the underground brothel or the farm was after MC, but turn out was only the police.
My suggestion can be that maybe one of the "rapist NPC" or the "hooded people" turn out to be a hire agent to recover slaves and/or cattle so after rape (because they do that for fun) they will act like the police do in the hospital, so MC has the option to seduce, run or be capture and send again to one of this places ...I know is annoying, but there should be some sort of repercussion and this tattoos are a cause of stress for the MC letting him/her know that he wont ever be 100% free UNLESS! he/she removes the tattoos because this is what gives them away. AND even removing them will be a risk as Dr. Harper is in the obligation to call the farm or the slavish if he has to do this, so MC will have to run from them one last time (if any) after his tattoo removal operation has ended. thanks for hearing my suggestion!
Thanks for the transformation statistics! and I got a question: what does the "manifestation" stands for on each transformation?
for example my Angel transformation is at 75points (i understand that minimum to transform is 50) but my angel manifestation is at 6, what does this number mean?
The easiest way to reach Remy's farm is by investigating the van at the bus station.how do i get to the farmer?
Thanks for your thoughts.I would like to give a sugestion!
It would be nice to have another way to constantly increase arousal. I say another because tecnically there are two alreadly: the "lustfull" trait (that increase very little) and the parasites (that are a "no no" for those that don't like, but that also usually end up depleting the PC sensibility in a way that they too end up increasing the arousal very slowly). But i think it would be nice to have maybe a couple more.
Let me be clear that i mean something that woul *really* increase arousal. Like, you can't even give 3 steps before cumming like crazy. Yes, that could be anoying to some, and that's why i would give 3 suggestions:
First: a trait. Maybe some evolution of the "lustfull" trait. To be quite honest, i find a bit punishing that one of the traits you gain from fucking too much is that your arousal increases more slowly. Yes, it gives a boost to stress once you do orgasm, but by that point i don't think you will be even having problems managing your stress/trauma, so to me the traits sounds more like a punishment than a reward
Second: a toy. Like i said, many people would find cumming every step to be annoying, so something that could very easy be equiped and unequiped sound a good way to manage it. Put a toy inside and your arousal increases like crazy. Take it out, and everything is back to normal.
Third: a tattoo. Maybe both prior suggestions are a bit extreme. In one it would me a permanent feature of your character, while in the other you could just take the toy off at any moment. So maybe something in between. A "lust tattoo" (maybe a womb one, yes please?) that increases your arousal like crazy (maybe even with a "corruption" bar like the slimes! In fact, it could very well act like the ear slime to those that don't like parasites), but you can always spend 3k to remove it (so not as easy as the toy suggestion).
I'm glad you're enjoying it!Man, I am really glad I found this. Been playing it on and off for almost half a year now.
Thanks for informing me. The tree branches can phase through clothes at the moment in order to get to your knickers, which is peculiar.Noticed a few oddities with swimsuits (female PC, starting school swimsuit):
- When you "get dressed" (for example in school or at the lake) and were wearing an outfit with no underwear you keep the swimsuit on instead of going commando again. Currently makes no sense as the PC never protests or gets molested when changing into the swimsuit in the first place, which requires you to get buck naked whether you're wearing underwear or not. I would also like a proper "locker" style clothing customisation menu at the forest lake, even if it remains restricted to the pieces you (implicitly) bring with you.
- While walking through the forest wearing my swimsuit due to the aforementioned issue the swimsuit bottom "snagged on a branch" and "was torn off". Maybe I am thinking of the wrong type but I was under the impression this was a one-piece swimsuit which wouldn't just come off below the waist. After obtaining a second one I am now able to mix&match which looks janky but maybe it's actually supposed to be a two-piece set after all, otherwise that's a weird layering bug. So far I have also been too dumb to figure out how to get the bottom half fixed at the tailor or replaced (the clothing store only seems to sell a full "school swimsuit for girls" suggesting it is in fact a single piece of clothing)
- This might apply to all underwear but during the above snagging incident my PC was also wearing her starting white sundress. I suppose she might be lifting up her skirt or something but even then how do you manage to snag your underwear so badly it gets torn off???
There are no plans to extend that event, but I'm open to ideas and there's room for similar scenes elsewhere.Hey, my favorite event so far is the one in which you suck a woman's breast for money and she strokes your dick. Do you intend to extend that event?
Horses are at the Farm which you can get to in 3 ways. Not pay Bailey enough times and eventually you get sold off, help move boxes for a shady person in a street event(random random), or check out a van at the Bus/Train terminal. Don't know why the wiki aint got stuff about it might not be updated on that.I see that horses are in the patch notes, but I find no mention of them in the comments and nothing on the wikis. Have they been removed or something? Is the area they're in unreachable or something? Is there even a way to encounter one?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to combine beastial transformations, so cat/cow hybrid is not possible. However, it is possible to combine beastial transformations with divine transformations, so you can very much be an angelic/demonic cat.Had a thought, figured I'd make with the asking. Is it possible to combine transformations, to a degree? For example, in regards to working on the farm the obvious go to is being milked and moooving the sexy times along in a bovine fashion, but the thought of giving up the delicious headpats from the fellow orphen as a kitty seems terribly unlikely meow.
I thought that the 'horse' label was misplaced when I was humped by a centaur. Never saw any actual horses.Horses are at the Farm which you can get to in 3 ways. Not pay Bailey enough times and eventually you get sold off, help move boxes for a shady person in a street event(random random), or check out a van at the Bus/Train terminal. Don't know why the wiki aint got stuff about it might not be updated on that.