1)I beg to differ on that, for a couple of reasons. The first one, fundamental, is that there is very little to none neutrality in gender. As much as the equalists in us would like it to be otherwise, gender differences are asymmetrical and the game's valiant attempts to make them symmetrical in some aspects, while (unwittingly) acknowledging asymmetry in other aspects make it (sometimes painfully) obvious. If this game at this stage of development was fully neutral in its treatment/representation of genders, then why:
2) the PC's debauchery (either voluntary or non-voluntary) will affect the female PCs body more profoundly, further sexualizing the features traditionally ascribed to women - bigger breasts and buttocks? I haven't played as a male PC that long, so I am not sure whether his butt and boobs will grow as his Purity drops. I assume their penis would, but other than that?
3) the NPCs, if not naturally equipped with penises, may be 'reinforced' with rubber phalli; couldn't a PC be assaulted by someone wearing a vagina dentata? That could then at least explain pain and trauma of having one's penis ruthlessly fucked.
4) the first batch of horses introduced to the Farm not that many versions ago were studs, not mares? Wouldn't be because the default NPC's anatomy is penetrative, in other words, phallic?
5) the two available sexual positions of the PC are decidedly receptive, which (will all due respect to all genders and their various expressions) are leaning to feminine more than masculine? As one of my male interlocutors beautifully expressed it, shooting himself in the foot in the process: 'it's not about femininity, it's about you being the bottom bitch regardless of gender'
6)one of the biggest sources of insecurity for males - expressed even in this discussion - is absent? I am referring to emasculation. I am not that versed in English, so I have to ask if there is a female equivalent of emasculation. The entire genre of gender-bending games exploit that theme to the hilt. DoL seems to shy away from it or turns it upside-down at moments.
7)and finally, why is implementation of pregnancy the most expectant (pun intended) future update? If implemented, will it be able for male PCs to become pregnant just like that, because this Town is where there be tentacles, ear-slimes and dolphin rapes?
8)Yeah, probably, though we may never find out.

I'd myself consider an expert handjob performed by a female on a male to be quite an assertive act. Of course it depends on context but it's one of those instances where a penis would remain stationary, thus not proving any significant driving force to the act. A lot of Dommes would use it to reward or tease / orgasm-control a male sub. And there's this scene in 'The Master' where Amy Adams' character jerks off Philip Seymour Hoffman's and there's no doubt she has him by the balls. It would improve the sex combat's realism a lot if higher levels of expertise with given body parts employed on your assailant's / partner's given body parts yielded different results on the Submissive / Defiant (or Assertive) scale: surviving an ass-ault with F+ anal skill could be an act of submission while an S-level, wilful, vigorous fucking back with your backdoor would grant you the title of Ass Kink and Queen

And that could be a way to 'win' this game the 'slutty' style. Which does happen in real life.

9)No need to explain the male gaze.

You play it the way that most players play it. Which is similar to the way most porn is watched: a male watches an anonymous woman getting fucked by a number of anonymous dicks. Only this game lets you be the director of that movie and decide how exactly X-rated it should be. 'Degrees of Lewdity' is quite an apt title.