For me, I'd think that's the problem here with pregnancy in this game. We get to take care of their anal babies, sure, despite the fact that Bailey doesn't want the orphans to keep pets, but that's because for some reason, Bailey either doesn't see or even hear them, so they don't know about them, or they think that this is the our way to make our money (they did say that they don't care how the we're gonna pay them, as long as we pay them).
Also, letting the orphanage take care of your kids? I don't think the player character will want that. They might even hesitate to even do that, because they know how much Bailey treats the orphans. They may even try to protect their baby away from Bailey. If only there was an alternative way rather than giving up their kids to Bailey, like getting Robin to take care of the kids for us, like Kylar does with our anal babies. Bailey doesn't care much for Robin anyways now that the player is paying for them instead, or maybe selling the babies to Harper instead so they could find a better home? If Bailey does find our children, it may potentially increase our debt to them, primarily because we don't want them to get the same fate as us, or worse. This could make the debt more interesting than just capping on 4000, or can make a bug that could make our debt very increasingly impossible to play.
For the fur-babies, there's the pet shop, but if we want to keep them, maybe we could drag them all the way to Alex's farm, convince them that we could have keep them there which could potentially increase farm yield. These are just my thoughts on the matter though.