I hope the creator one of these days allows the funtion after reaching max love with either avery or alex, that you be able to live with them, much like with eden cept more willingly.
be like
"Tell me, how is your time at the orphanage?"
player can choose to be honest, half honest or lie.
if love is high enough avery would then after telling her the full truth say
"Well, we could easly fix the amount of money you are forced to make, i prepose that you could live with me, i can make some...arangements to have you with me permenently living with me. However you'l still need to pay me x amountin compinsation as well as" *oogals at you glancing up and down* "other things, how does this sound"
then the player can either agree or not, not agreeing drops love down tramendously and increases rage a moderate amount, if the player chooses to agree they will then be promted at the opginage when they wake the nextday, by baily, to pack their things,someone will be by to pick you upat x time" if you then have love with robin she'll cry and be sad and ask if she will see you again (unless you choose defalt male, but i never do always futa for me
) to witch you can be honest and it will pritty much say idk, you can cheer her up, break up with her, or just leave without a word, or lie. to witch what ever you chose will affect robbins outcome, you'll live in an unknow area of the city and can only get to the town you know of by driver avery has at certain times of the day same with getting back, i'd say 6-7am and 7-9pm would be good. you can then stop by the ophinage every sunday if you wish to make payments to baily for robin, if you miss payments you'll get the robin missing thing. you'll then have to fook avery every time at night and have to attend to things when she asks you, you can also ask her about working for her depending on your skulldugery depends on what she says, you'll also need to have completed the mckey mission, to then she will say prove to e your worth something to the company i run, at a high enough skull duggery, you'll then visit landry and talk to her then ask her to talk to mckey and explain your need, she foes so and passes on the message he will help you (i know we know not of gender on this character shush) in exchange you have to help him, you'll then do a task for him that takes B+ or higher skullduggery and then once finished mckey will give you a usb flash drive (again) and a laptop, you will then be promted and have to learn all the viruses and coddinghe put on there, depending on you accedemics in english math and science depends on how fast you learn, you should go into this hopefully with A's at least, witch will cause it to take 3 days (this is fiction, i know codding and such takes longer SHUT IT xD) once you do you'll have 11h to make a prodject to prove something to avery, then if good,witch it should be if you do it right, she'll hire you at 300 a task, witch instead of paying you, she just takes it off of the x amount you owe untill 0, then she starts paying you. the better the project the moremoney you'll make. watcha think of this one :3
idk about alex tbh though xD