You can't be dominant, you can be defiant. Dominant might go and trample some people underfoot, defiant will not be trampled under foot. Its not "Fuck You!", its "No; FUCK YOU!". The game has to presume that the MC, is basically good, and not a tyrant, or bully, for its narrative to function. Which is fine by me, not every thing needs to be for every one, and it so happens that defiant is one of the foundations of my being so cool.
I disagree, but that is because IMHO when you make an "open world game" any such hard limitation of player agency is poor design, its like fallout not letting you kill kids even if you shoot the in the face point blank with a Plasma gun, it breaks immersion and is a glaring hole in PC's logical ability.
I personally think that it doesn't' make sense that a PC with a Large body size and maxed physique is literally incapable of "turning the tables", even on petite townies or classmates.
Some people will say the PC is still just young teenager even if they're "large" to which I wonder what exactly "large" body size is supposed to be?
I was 6'0 with a deep voice and a beard at the age of 13, towering over classmates, most teachers and my own farther so that is my "measuring stick" for a "large" teenager.
If the game wasn't open world, didn't have a character creator and player physique stat this wouldn't be a glaring hole in player agency/Player Character ability.
What I don't get is the desire for pregnancy so much. Its intensive in terms of development usually and often its just a number, instead of a narrative. Children need care, they're vulnerable, and cost intensive. You're hardly in a good situation to be having or caring for one. I feel like they'd be best tied to "endings". Become a permeant part of the wolf pack, marry so and so, assume control of orphanage, but just as many as you like with as many as you can, seems silly and disconnected from the setting. *shrug* I hope there's a-lot of balance and revisions yet to be done in addition to content. I'll be here for it all either way.
For me personally this is also a part of immersion, given the shear amount of fucking the PC does having literally 0 pregnancy content breaks that immersion.
As for children needing childcare and being expensive, doesn't seem like something the "setting" cares about given Bailey's existence so it doesn't make sense for the PC to be infertile, even if you try and explain it by Bailey putting contraceptive in the orphans food, but that fails if you live with Eden, Wolves, Great Hawk etc.
But I lean towards a "simulation" based approach to game design in general, where you design a world/setting, decide the rules by which it works and then allow anything that should logically be possible even if its highly improbable, a one in a million chance is still a chance.
Its why Dwarf Fortress is still my favorite colony builder, that hard simulation based approach is in my
subjective opinion, objectively superior.
Edit: when it come to open world experiences, if you want to do a narrative experience make a visual novel and tell a story.