Tried this for a bit the past couple of days, and [expletive] this game is dark! This poor, sweet, and innocent character child goes through some horrifying, traumatic experiences / encounters. That "Trauma" stat is aptly applied here in this game. And there's no reliable way to fend off undesirables at all. I have to admit that the constant barrage of negative encounters or circumstances is waning my interest in the game. Btw, is there a reliable way to gain more Pepper Spray and stock up on them (without jumping through a bunch of negative hoops)? At this point, I just want to burn everyone's eyeballs out that even looks at the character in a strange way. It was extremely satisfying when it was used the first time... (Though I really wanted the character to kick the assailant super hard--enough to crack several ribs or collapse a lung, or whatever--when the douchbag went down.) Just saying. Lol.