I haven't played this update for more than 5 minutes yet, and ALREADY I am LOVING EVERY thing about this one, even the LITTLE details, just FANTASTIC.
I'm glad to hear that!
@Vrelnir Is it possible to make it where if there is a group of people staring at you during a sex scene, you are able to have sex with as many as you want until you decide to end the scene?
Not right now, but it's something I plan to implement. NPCs during encounter don't have much independence from each other at the moment. They share an arousal bar, for example, and all cum at the same time. It could be better.
I just thought of a great idea that would work great for deviant players. The stray dog that pops up in the alley could technically be made into a type of "pepper spray" effect. Like if you give into the doggy let's say 5 times he will think of you as "his" and will save you once a week by calling out his name or whistling. I mean it would fit the deviant side and also give players one extra option to getting out of a bad situation. But to balance it out and make it fair you could make the dog randomly show up and force you to "deal" with him in public. Just an idea.
Thanks for the idea. I like it. I was thinking of doing something similar with the wolf pack, but restricting it to the forest. There aren't many human encounters there other than Eden though.
Pleased with the new transformation, only way it could be better is if I could be a birb or a fox.
Are there any plans for say getting caught changing while crossdressing during swimming lessons? Or things happening while swimming naked during lessons? It feels difficult to get anything to happen at school that isn't whitney.
More transformations are planned, though I think the cat needs some tuning.
Getting caught crossdressing while changing seems a natural thing to add. I've put it off because the code in the changing rooms is messy, and I'm expecting it to change with the clothing overhaul.
Does anyone know where I can play the new update? what I used before isn't loading properly anymore :/
There's a download link on the first page of this thread. There's a link to my blog there too, where you can also find the download.
(Sees patch notes)
(Tries new transformation out for size, first time trying out an animal TF)
(No way to turn subby moans into "purrs" and "meows" or feisty demands into "woofs" and "grrrs" and other angry noises)
(Can't even wag tail at other aminals to encourage them to mount the MC faster or actually show off those fangs I worked so hard to get)
(No scene yet where I'm running around on all fours while chasing after a squirrel or mouse while everyone else either laughs or looks on in stunned bewilderment)
(Can't chase my own tail, again to throw the rest of the world into utter chaos at the mere sight)
(Can't doggy-pee on a tree/fire hydrant/mail box post/etc. in front of another dog, causing it to tilt it's head and whine in confusion)
(Can't lick the cum off of me after sex as if to clean myself)
THIS...IS...AB...SO...LUTE...BULLSHIT! Just kidding, but really though; it would be nice to have some more diversity between human and non-human states. My 2 cents. Just some ideas I'd throw out there for shits and giggles.
There's a lot more that can be done to make the transformations unique and interesting.
You can lick slime off you while dancing as a cat. It's meant to work for semen too, but is bugged.
Tried this for a bit the past couple of days, and [expletive] this game is dark! This poor, sweet, and innocent character child goes through some horrifying, traumatic experiences / encounters. That "Trauma" stat is aptly applied here in this game. And there's no reliable way to fend off undesirables at all. I have to admit that the constant barrage of negative encounters or circumstances is waning my interest in the game. Btw, is there a reliable way to gain more Pepper Spray and stock up on them (without jumping through a bunch of negative hoops)? At this point, I just want to burn everyone's eyeballs out that even looks at the character in a strange way. It was extremely satisfying when it was used the first time... (Though I really wanted the character to kick the assailant super hard--enough to crack several ribs or collapse a lung, or whatever--when the douchbag went down.) Just saying. Lol.
I'm happy you found that satisfying!
The most important stats for fighting off assailants are physique, English and science. Physique makes your punches and kicks stronger, english makes apologising set their anger to minimum once per encounter, and science gives you damage resistance.
As for the pepper spray, there are three consistent ways to refill it. Buy them from the pub (expensive), befriend Kylar, or steal them from the compound. The latter also gives you +1 to capacity the first time you do it. There's another capacity increase in the old sewers, and two elsewhere that are quite hard to get.
It does not matter, even though I tried it legally I can not find it and I give up.
Does anyone know how to get the secret pass that gives out of the forest?
@stepidbesterd is correct, it's tied to the history skill.
If i recall correctly, you need to go to the police station for collar removal. But game is, later version may add many many features.
Also, i think i found a glitch, and i don't really know how didn't i seen this earlier. If i try to endure the headmaster's punishments, and then the headmaster is about to kiss. The next turn my sprite will turn to naked, even if i have clothes on (and usually i have clothes on, before it happen). I don't know if is there anyone else have noticed it earlier.
Thanks for the heads up on that bug. You're right about the collar too.