If you make a new stance like standing or sitting or whatever if you want it to be up to the quality of the rest of the "combat" in the game you will have to make the base sprite and every piece of clothing to fit that
That is a *lot* of work for a simple mechanic of resisting before getting to the floor. All of which people will just spam the number keys to skip after doing and reading literally 2 combats in the game.
asking for an entire sprite rework along with a host of entirely new positions and situations is basically asking Santa for a unicorn.
Well yes, the sprite rework would do the game good (and it does with Beeesss). Too bad there's no encounter sprites replacement (in fact, there was a mod for this, but it's for the version long past).
And yes, lots of sprites are much harder than fewer ones. Not sure how much harder than inventing, implementing and ironing out the game's insides, considering there are contributors though. Well, making games
is hard.
But 2 poses available being 'lying on the back' and 'standing on the knees' don't do the game justice. Considering I watch at my MC that's lying on the floor while kicking assailant's butts (especially in style since I discovered DOL+), that's definitely 'lacking' state of affairs. So to answer the initial remark -- yes, stances can influence the game in a major way and having those drawn and animated would do it good.
And yes, I do want stances influencing encounter posture and options, I want for it to be animated, I want other persons to be drawn as well, I want graphics for different states of MC and different encounters. And I'm totally not ashamed of that. Will it ever be done? I don't know. But that doesn't mean I should lose hope.