Vrel normally does the final merging of content (Purity and myself have done it when something NEEDED to be done asap, tho thats rarely needed), individual contributors will fix conflicts within their own code, but there are those like myself that can help if ever needed. While issues do sneak by (Looking at you to, first issues I've had to manually fix for a good while), most of the time they are caught by the few of us that do checks on others code submissions.Actually, Vrelnir doesn't merge anything, contributors set up git mergers which either LolipopScythe or PurityGuy handles (I wanna say lolipop, but not positive). Should be easy enough to verify, but if absolutly needed I can dig through old discord pm's with Vrelnir and post something (for some strange reason many people just don't trust random folks on forums. Go figure)
As for the the "huge list of features and content that has no direct crediting to a contributor", here's a full list for the last year (also since 4.0 convieniently). Month/year listed for ease of confirming.
3/24 - For 4.6, there's 1 (sensitivity shown in characteristics)
12/23 - For 4.5, there were 0
12/23 - For 4.4, there were 2 (temple quest to the island, and a shortcut to island.)
10/23 - For 4.3, there were 3 (another temple trial, 2 additional weapons, and a feat.)
10/23 - For 4.2, there were 3 (a loft upgrade, a bad end, and some feats)
6/23 - For 4.1, there was 1 (added a condom machine)
4/23 - For 4.0, there were a bunch, as there should be for a major upgrade.
Possible I missed something, only skimmed them since I'm not wasting much time on this, but in the 11 months since the 4.0 release, the only significant things Vrelnir's left uncredited are 2 temple things, a loft upgrade, and a bad end.
Note: Didn't go though the subversions, they're mostly bugfixes and Vrelnir hasn't done those for years
How much you make is a bit stat-dependent with VIPs; otherwise Listening in is how you figure out where the smuggling points are occurring.will helping robin with the stand once i take on her debt and we are lover(or not) increase the ammount of money she gives me to help pay said dept?
aslo i do nto see how the strip club bartender is a good source of money its $25 an hour and so far 8/10 times i get the person trying to force me outside inot a gang rape...
What kind of character visual mod is this?also i got a failstate bug? how do i report it?
View attachment 3494597
You need to be highly popular with your classmates for that. Once you select the Complain Option, everyone will join you.do we really not get an option to just punch the head teacher in the face? bitch you cant have my panties we both know this inst government sanctioned
OMG who would have thought the hardest part about romancing Whitney is trying to pass out....i cant go 30min without someone trying to rape me...just let Whitney kidnap me already!
yeah thats only for the boob inspection, all you can do is run away from the penis and pussy one(or just give her your panties)You need to be highly popular with your classmates for that. Once you select the Complain Option, everyone will join you.
With a high defiance you can punch them if they are bullying Sydney.
In a nutshell, the most notable for me are:Is there an abbreviated change log? Just want the broad strokes of what's added, not an itemised list
Squeeze breast, get milk.where is bottled milk?
Can't initiate that yourself annoyingly, gotta pray to rngesus for it to be initiated. Makes receiving oral quite rare.how do i get other people to eat my pussy? iv got 4 prom and im having consensual sex with Robin but i only get the option to eat her out not the other way around
and when im sucking her tits what is the difference between lick and suck