
Apr 26, 2019
Wish there was a way to build up pain tolerance because you can't beat Whitney without pepper spray. Becoming an Alpha is tough.


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
oooh this will be great once it's implemented. but don't ya dare to forget robin ^^. that girl deserved some breeding love :whistle:
Robin deserves all the love.
The dock add-on is nice, but it feels a bit difficult to tap into unless I'm missing something. You can only work weekends and you have to be there early in the morning to actually work. Seems like there is a lot built in there to make it interesting though despite what I perceive is barriers getting to it. :unsure:
I wanted the dock job to pay out much better than the cafe, but I also don't want it to compete with lewd and dishonest ways to make money. I thought restrictions on when the job is available might help achieve both.

I'm open to changing it though. Thanks for the feedback.
There seems to be always a new update when I want to test out the latest version. Keep up the good work!
I'll do my best!
Hunger systems are incredibly tedious. I wouldn't even love this game as much now if there weren't any cheats to cancel out tiredness. If you were to implement a hunger system at least make the cheat a permanent thing that says 'never hungry'.

Any chance of adding umbrellas to the game so your clothes don't get ruined during rainy days? Also perhaps as something to poke people with when you get attacked.
Coats are planned, which will protect you from the rain. I'm considering umbrellas too.
Well you have some School holidays from time to time. For instance December is basically a school free month

So far i found the Dock works intresting although the demands for the passenger ship encounter are a little bit over the top i would say. I mean S in appearance...even with S in Seduction and maxed out beauty, you still have to wear quite revealing cloths to achieve that. I mean you would have to wear clothes not really suitable for working on the docks i would say. ;)

I really like the new hairstyles btw.
I agree. That seduction requirement is a bit high.
@Vrelnir Thanks for the update. Also, i would like to ask, what's your opinion about the incest? (after pregnancy will be added)
You're welcome. Incest isn't a fetish of mine, so I'm not sure if I could present it in a way that would satisfy.
idk if its just my game but my hair doesnt seems to change. In the cheats menu i usually have it set to 630. but ever since 1.30.1 it stayed at 500 until i gone to the hairdresser and fringe doesnt even seem to do anything.
Thanks for the heads up.
There's a...well not a spelling error as such but using the wrong word. During the dock work it says: "You're tasked with cleaning the peer.", peer should be pier. Peer would be referring to another person or the act of peering (looking).
I just want to say that I BREATHE THE AIR on the earth for these Robin scenes right now.
That's nice to hear!
any sex with Doren yet?
Not yet.
Is there any chance you will add the ability to rename NPCs in the menu that lets you change their sex? Most of the names are both male and female names, but some like Mason and Kylar are 100% male. Being able to change them to whatever we want would also allow us to rename NPCs to things like popular Yandere characters for Kylar etc; I think it would greatly improve your game :)

Any idea how soon/long it will be until you implement a missionary position for the PC? It could be used both for NPC Male Missionary as well as NPC Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl so you could get double the scenes out of it. Dolphins would make more sense with your body prone as well, I'm not sure a male PC and a female dolphin works doggy style lol. The earlier it is added the more appropriate position you can pick for future encounters, I can think of many that wouldn't make sense doggy style.

Some suggestions:

Make the slime encounter in the sewers repeatable, needing severe hallucinations to encounter them in the bath makes them very rare.

A slime you can tame and use for your own purposes (perhaps a single slime remained in the tub?).

I know you will be adding penis growth to parasites, so some Parasite related traits would be cool. The arousal gain is pretty debilitating, so maybe a Symbiotic trait where you lose more Trauma/Stress etc when you cum, or are overwhelmed by climaxing for fewer turns based on the level of the trait?

A variant slime parasite you can get from the sewer slime that is too slick for you to remove, which when Symbiotic would deal more Arousal with penis actions would be neat. You could grow your own family too, with more slimes splitting off the parasitic one after cumming enough times.

Slime "waterbed". Would work for both vore and non vore. Not into it myself, but sleeping on top of a slime is an enticing prospect. Could result in interesting Robin scenes.

Squids fall off you when you bang dolphins as if you aren't in the water anymore, I think they should stick around. Maybe add a bucket item to bring one home with you to your bathtub.

As others have mentioned, we really need an apartment you can move into with Robin and or other NPCs.

The only way I have found to screw Kylar is to get abducted by her, some consensual sex would be nice, as would not being carted off to jail afterword.

Is it possible to encounter the underwater ruin chick more than once? I only ran into her the first time I went down. If it is one time making it repeatable would be nice.

I would like some way to walk into Robins room naked.

The ability to have your way with people you defeat in combat would be nice, especially with certain annoying NPCs like Whitney.

A knife to stab people with, punching and kicking doesn't seem very effective and pepper spray is rare. Killing someone would increase crime substantially.

Horses. Female horses wouldn't need any oversized insertion consideration and thus would be easiest to add first. Speaking of oversized insertion, assuming the cats in game are housecats and not cougars that definitely should apply to them.


Water based slimes in the form of Jellyfish without stingers could work.

Is there a way to aquire the Orgasm Addict trait without cheating?

Addictive fluids would be cool, each semen and girlcum of each species human/dolphin/slime with the ability to make your own semen/girlcum addictive through some shady hospital experiment or drug. Getting named NPCs addicted to your cum to increase their lust and submission, with unique "getting a fix" scenes.

Learning hypnotism from a book in the library to hypnotize named NPCs to raise love and lust, raise or lower dominance/trauma, or simply screw them. Hypnotizing your evil landlady into letting you and Robin stay for free from now on would be fantastic.

Bang Robin options in her room.

Eden should totally secretly be into bondage, tie her up for a change.

Learn trapmaking from Eden, allowing you to set traps in the forest to trap random people, then have your way with them.
Thanks for the suggestions. There are no plans to allow changing NPC names, but it's been suggested before and I'm considering it. As for a missionary position for the PC, someone has contributed art so it may come sooner than I expected. Still not sure when exactly, as I want to focus on the clothing overhaul for the time being.

I want slimes and parasites to have a bigger presence in the game. The slime encounter in the sewers should be repeatable. There's a bug at play if it isn't.

It isn't possible to meet the character in the underwater ruins more than once. I'm considering developing the ruins further, and if I do the character may make a reappearance.

It does make sense that an exhibitionist PC would be able to enter Robin's room naked, with a number of responses based on Robin's stats.

Horses are planned. The cats in the game aren't cougars, but they're certainly larger than housecats.

You can acquire the Orgasm Addict trait by having 1000 orgasms. Masturbating is the easiest way, but be careful not to overdo it!
A wait system would be nice, to manually pass however much time you want with the risk of being harassed when you hang around one place for too long.

For the most part this hasn't mattered really, since in places where you want to be at a specific time, you have an option to wait there like in class, but there's no option at the docks right now. It'd also be nice to be able to pass time somehow in your bedroom, like working out or practicing dancing. Mainly because waiting for Robin to wake up can suck sometimes lol
I want to add the ability to wait on the town's streets, at least.
>Tries to do pure route
>Gets into the manhole for getting an item for the school project

>Gets kidnapped by some fucker
>Gets raped by the fucker
>Tries to resist for a long time
>Gets fucked for days

>Gets beaten and fucked for so long that gives up on resisting
>Somehow loses the fucker and finds itself in the ocean
>Goes lightyears away in the stormy ocean to end its
>Gets found by someone somehow in the middle of the ocean
>Gets raped by them too
>Wakes up on the land
>Gets raped by 8 more people

Solid game 9/10 just need more suicide mechanics.

Jokes on a side, i know pure route isn't the way it meant to be played but few things would be awesome to have, such as:
Reporting to police
Reporting to teacher/principle (school only)
A way to find special npc's at any time (if they are available)
Grouping (my character was quite lonely so im not sure if that's an option but it would be cool to have someone always next to you if they are available)
I enjoyed reading your story, thanks!

I want playing "pure" to be a valid, albeit difficult, playstyle. I wouldn't expect most authority figures to be much help.
Judging by how the game is, sentient cars could get added as an April fool's or some sort of "silly hyper rape" mode. It wouldn't improve the game, but it wouldn't hurt either considering what happens in this game.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, I know breast parasites increase the breast size of your character, but do penis parasites do anything other than slowly raise your arousal?
Penis parasites don't currently do anything but increase arousal. They'll influence penis growth in the future.
This post is longer than I thought it would be when I started it lol, so I'm breaking it into sections

Story progression

I don't know what the plan for the overall scope of the game is, so maybe all of this is out of the picture, but I know myself and other people are interested in moving out of the orphanage at some point and into our own place at least. I'm thinking of a few ways this could play out.

After a certain amount of weeks, you could graduate from school which is your prompt to also move out of the orphanage.
  • Depending on your grades when you graduate, you get different traits which encompass the current bonuses your grades give.
  • There could be a project for each class, similar to the science fair, that acts as a final exam and has an impact on your final grade for graduation, or maybe just a bonus trait or stat boost
  • If you have perfect grades and projects, you could potentially get a job as a teacher or staff at the school. If you have bad grades, janitor. Potentially anywhere in between; counselor, nurse, receptionist, principal, assistant principal, etc.
  • If you go the dissociation route with Robin, their grades could suffer and you could either help them graduate or let them fail
  • Different paths for Whitney depending on their dominance/lost/lust when they graduate. If they're still a bully, they could become a criminal or someone with authority. If they chilled out, they could be something else.
Dropping out:
At any point, or maybe only with a certain delinquency or grades, you can drop out of school.
  • This forfeits any bonuses you have from grades, and you won't get any traits from graduation. Maybe a drop-out trait.
  • You're able to do work at the docks or other future jobs during the school week, instead of being limited to the weekend.
  • Other characters play out the same way until the normal graduation date.
  • This opens you up to making more money, but your stats and bonuses suffer
  • If you had good enough grades when you did drop out, maybe have a GED type of thing at the school so you can regain at least some of your grades bonus and/or get rid of the drop-out trait
Running away:
Self explanatory, you run away from the orphanage and try to make it on your own.

  • You'll have to find your own place to live, or live in one of the other current safe houses.
  • Rent might be higher than orphanage payments, making it difficult to manage while still in school but plenty manageable if you work during the week.
  • Bailey tries to find you or sends people after you, potentially bringing you back to the orphanage under worse conditions than before
  • If you get arrested or hospitalized, they call Bailey and she takes you back
  • You could bring Robin with you, with potentially more repercussions for either of you getting sent back
Buying your way out:
Again, self explanatory, you pay off Bailey to let you go
  • The same as running away, but minus the risk of being sent back to the orphanage
  • Having no legal guardian, being arrested or hospitalized plays out with new events
  • If you can't manage rent, you'll be homeless with no orphanage to go back to.
  • You'd have to buy Robin's freedom separately
Fighting your way out:
Refuse to pay Bailey and regularly win in combat encounters until Bailey decides you aren't worth the hassle and kicks you out
  • No chance of being sent back to the orphanage, you're on your own, same as buying your way out
  • You can either buy Robin's way out, or break in and take her, prompting Bailey hunting her similar to if you had run away.
You're an orphan, it stands to reason that you could be adopted, right?
  • Again, I'm not familiar with Eden so I don't know if they'd ever even consider it, but still. You'd live with them legally
  • Avery could do it, and you could live a life of relative luxury in exchange for essentially being their plaything and living by their rules
  • Morgan might be too far gone for it to be feasible, but there might be something there.
  • Landry takes you under their wing and has you do regular criminal jobs for them
  • A new character that shows up at the orphanage specifically looking to adopt. Is the devil you know better than the devil you don't?
  • A character that Bailey whores you out to grows fond of you and buys you for good.
  • This opens up a whole new fetish area for those interested in it
Living on your own

Renting an apartment/house:
You find a place to live on your own or potentially with Robin/Kylar/Whitney
  • This is a great place to implement the hunger system people have been talking about. Just make sure your house is stocked with food and you'll eat automatically assuming you're sleeping at home, or visiting home at least once a day. It can be assumed the orphanage was always stocked with food and you always ate automatically
  • Live in a run down shack by the docks, an apartment or house on Domus Street, or a mansion on Danube street. Each has the obvious price difference as well as a bonus to trauma/stress increase or decrease, and different events at each.
  • Worse houses could have a better chance of someone breaking in and assaulting you, better houses have a better chance of being staked out for robbery, etc.
  • Orphans come knock on your door looking for work, and it's up to you what that work is. It could be sinister, or it could be a service that actually helps you out somehow
  • Living with each NPC could provide a bonus. Whitney provides bodyguard-like defense from intruders, Kylar could boobytrap the place, Robin helps with stress and trauma.
A mansion or house could provide spare room(s), which provide utilities depending on how you use them
  • A hired servant or security if you're doing really well on money.
  • A slave if you either purchased them or captured them yourself somehow.
  • Renting the room out for income but the potential downsides of having a stranger living with you.
  • A room for housing pets, exotic or otherwise. Obviously dogs, but as others have mentioned you could capture slimes or squids too.
  • A studio for photographs, videos, streams, etc. You could go as tame or explicit as you want with this
  • A workshop for maybe crafting or improving things somehow. You could buy practice locks to safely improve skulduggery in this room
  • Home gym to easily and safely work out at home
  • "Dungeon" for more kink-heavy sex with people you could bring home
  • Transformation specific rooms
Furnishings for your house could provide different benefits or opportunities.
  • Computer - Cam shows, bonus with different room types, particularly the studio and pet housing. Meeting people online for sex or services. Stress reduction from browsing the internet or watching porn. Different types of porn for safe advancement in certain stats. Hacking?
  • Better beds for getting rid of more fatigue with less sleep, allowing you to stay out later or leave earlier if you want to
  • Decorations to add to stress/trauma reduction, or just for the sake of customization/role play
  • A better wardrobe, might play into the upcoming clothing overhaul. Particularly it'd be nice to have backup clothes in your closet so you don't have to go buy new ones every time one piece gets damaged
You can't afford rent on any of the home options, so you're out on the street fending for yourself
  • Food becomes a bigger problem, since there's nowhere to eat automatically. You have to seek it out on your own
  • Sleeping in public is a crime, you have to find a place to sleep or risk being arrested. Alleys, park bushes, the woods, the sewers, break into a closed store and leave before they open. All have their own obvious dangers
  • You can find someone else to spend the night with. Bar patrons, campers in the woods, knocking on houses for potential options, motel/hotel room for a fee
  • Begging for money with some obvious event possibilities
  • Other homeless NPCs, maybe a homeless campsite in the woods that acts as a (usually) safe place to sleep, assuming you can reach it safely and are on good terms with the other homeless residents
  • Robin or Kylar could potentially be with you to help out in their own ways

I think winning a fight, or maybe even just winning a fight before anything penetrates you, should increase your sense of control. It'd make sense that knowing you can fight back against anything you don't want to happen makes you feel in control of what happens to you

I've got maxed physique and good grades for more effective talking, so I've been winning basically every combat encounter I come across. I think there should be more incentive to win fights in general, right now it's just 'you don't get raped' for the most part, with a few exceptions.

Right now with the pain system, you've got the full bar to deal with if you're getting hurt. Enemies stop attacking you at "recoiling in pain" and the encounter ends with you escaping from the fight because they stumbled or whatever else. I think once you reach that point, you should be presented with the option of escaping or continuing the fight.

Escaping still has the obvious benefit of ending the encounter before anything bad happens to you, especially if you aren't confident you would last much longer. But continuing the fight could have other benefits, like gaining control, robbing the attacker, or forcing them into the submissive role of sex.

There could be other whole combat paths and jobs, too.

Help Daryl when they're attacked in the bar, and completely defeat the attacker before security shows up, then you're offered this job
  • Fight off customers that take things too far
  • Monitor the crowd for the dancers, the same way security does for you when you dance
  • Get bribes to look the other way, like certain encounters while you're dancing
  • Make friends with the rest of the security team, which could be helpful in other encounters, maybe with Bailey in particular
Fight off the people in the woods when you pick up Landry's package, then word gets back to Landry and they offer you more crime jobs
  • Shake down stores for protection money
  • Bodyguard for deals
  • Break into specific houses
  • Attack specific people
Fight club:
Reach a certain combat fame, and/or get in a fight with a fight club member and win to be invited
  • Fight in different tiers for better prizes.
  • Winner gets money/status/fame
  • Loser gets fucked. Winner could decide between doing it themselves or letting the crowd do it
  • Take bribes to throw a fight
  • There could be fights against opponents who were forced into it for various reasons. Maybe even people you might know/love depending on how other stories play out
I'm not familiar with the Eden story, so I don't know how well this would work, but maybe beating Eden in a fight would progress their story differently, where they see you as an equal
  • Go hunting with Eden. Gain food and maybe furs to sell for money
  • Become more familiar with the forest, making it easier to navigate
Thanks for taking the time to write this up in such detail, and for structuring it so well. Some thoughts:

I want homelessness to be possible. It won't be any easier than making Bailey's payments though. It might be harder.

Working for Landry is planned, but I was going to limit it to high skulduggery levels. Perhaps it should be available sooner, and give jobs suitable to your skill.

As for combat, I agree that winning a fight should restore some control. Speech abilities become overpowered with high English, but I decided to leave it that way until there are more options in combat.

I've wanted to add an underground arena for a while, but I kinda think the combat side of the encounter system should be better developed first. Maybe I'm wrong. It would be fun to make.
Say, how is the modding community for this game? i mean i wouldn't be surprised if no one ever touched it because the whole game is a single 153757 rows long html file (you mad man) and 1089 png files. But regardless i would love to see peoples take on this. (or at least a base level mod maker)

I have to say tho im in love with the gu.. ui. Good job creator!

Also does anyone knows a game like this (simple and accessible ui, short paragraphs at a time, moderate or better depth in detail, school setting) H is not necessary i can live with just romance but i don't have any problems with H either.
The game is split up into many files for editing, and then compiled into a single HTML file for use. So it's more managable than it appears. I can give you the link to the repo if you like.

People have modded the game, though many of them are out of date. Someone posted a graphical mod on the Discord yesterday that makes the character sprite more feminine.

I'm glad you like the ui. Most of it came with SugarCube though, so I can't take credit!
I think we need rent, just because if we didn't have it, money would be mostly useless and there wouldn't be much to aim for each week except for personal goals, which would lead to a playstyle of just going through a checklist of content that you want to see
Aye. If the ability to stop Bailey's rent was added to the game, it would be replaced with something else.
how about adding a married couple named NPC's where the MC can ave sex with one or the other and or both. (note with the other with or without the other knowing/as well as at the same time for a threesome)
I'll consider it. Some of the teachers must be married. As @katmandomo says there's already a place you can be lewd with couples, though they aren't persistent characters.
the new featur with hair is cool, but when in "actions" (where you se 'yourself' get fucked there is vanilla hair), alsol if you could customize a little bit more your body appearence to look more like a normal girl would be great, bt kind of cool game btw
Thanks! More customisation for the player character is planned.
I'm new here just figured I'd register to review and comment. Btw i found this at if this isn't the right place to play it my apologies.

Holy crap this game is amazing. It's a fun twisted adventure trying to survive a chaotic city but i did notice some things that hopefully could be added

1. Finding a way to take out Bailey. Making orphans pay rent is kinda shitty. Escalating it every week creeps into my "hiring a a bald barcode tattooed guy to pay Bailey a visit." Territory. Take over the orphanage and you dont pay money you make money. Or just free everyone of their debts. Either way.

2.Rimming and Anilingus playing as a lesbian character the interactions are a bit lacking. Plus they could be useful for humiliation.

3. I don't know if it's because of my characters size but no combination makes her strong enough to fight off a human.

4. A shop to buy stuff for our room. Even if we cant see it it's nice to know we have swag.

5. A way to get rid of the leash. I get the collar but you only leash your pet when you're holding the leash or keeping them stationary.

6. More with creepy sewer mom i think i stayed with her a day before she passed out and i eventually got washed away. Probably should go find her again some day.

7. Watersports? *Shrug"
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

I agree that lesbian interactions are lacking at the moment. NPCs can rim you, but you can't return the favour. More stuff to buy is planned, as there isn't much else to do with money once you've gone a handle on the debt.
Hey Vrelnir, are there any plans on adding more to the transformation theme of the game? Just out of curiosity, as I would be neither disappoint with a no nor overjoyed with a yes.
Also, a fantastic game so far, keep up your good work!
Thank you!

It isn't a transformation-focused game, but there are plans to add more transformations, as well as improve existing transformations.
Wish there was a way to build up pain tolerance because you can't beat Whitney without pepper spray. Becoming an Alpha is tough.
The science skill gives you pain tolerance, up to 50%.

animal idiot

Jul 6, 2018
I like the additions to the hair. Will there be a ponytail/twintail option in the future?
Also I don't know if this was asked or not, but will there be a harem-esque option as one of the "endings"?

In the event where you catch Kylar in your room sniffing your underwear, will it be possible to lead them into having sex? Also I don't know why but the event only seems to happen once.


Mar 18, 2018
I want playing "pure" to be a valid, albeit difficult, playstyle. I wouldn't expect most authority figures to be much help.
Yeah don't worry about me i just like to make my first playthrough into a hell. Also at the time i didn't understood what i was dealing with, now it looks all better and balanced :p
I can give you the link to the repo if you like.
Na fam thanks for the offer, im fine for now. mods probably going outdated with every update, i can't keep up with that.
People have modded the game, though many of them are out of date. Someone posted a graphical mod on the Discord yesterday that makes the character sprite more feminine.
I would love to know about the discord server, i really got addicted to your game, in fact i tried to make a launcher in c# for managing the characters and the saves better today. Sadly my lack of knowledge on html make my project impossible, so i only have the concept :/ (if there is any html understanding fellas hit me up)

Also this is probably reported before but, even though i closed any sort of fantastic/beastialitastic things when i dive deep in the river fishes are coming to have a taste of my ass.


Apr 26, 2019
Can Bailey ever truly be paid off ? Granted I've only made it through one week so maybe after a couple months there's a final payment but i figured I'd ask.

Edit: I saw that if it gets removed it has to be replaced. Might i suggest by getting our own place possibly with Robin, Kylar, or Whitney? Perhaps each roommate treats you differently. Whitney makes you degrade yourself for their amusement

Also is there a way to get me and Robin both as Whitney's "girlfriends" I don't want things to get confused since robin is a sweetie and I don't want to break her heart.


Nov 3, 2018
Yeah don't worry about me i just like to make my first playthrough into a hell. Also at the time i didn't understood what i was dealing with, now it looks all better and balanced :p

Na fam thanks for the offer, im fine for now. mods probably going outdated with every update, i can't keep up with that.

I would love to know about the discord server, i really got addicted to your game, in fact i tried to make a launcher in c# for managing the characters and the saves better today. Sadly my lack of knowledge on html make my project impossible, so i only have the concept :/ (if there is any html understanding fellas hit me up)

Also this is probably reported before but, even though i closed any sort of fantastic/beastialitastic things when i dive deep in the river fishes are coming to have a taste of my ass.
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Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
Can Bailey ever truly be paid off ? Granted I've only made it through one week so maybe after a couple months there's a final payment but i figured I'd ask.

Edit: I saw that if it gets removed it has to be replaced. Might i suggest by getting our own place possibly with Robin, Kylar, or Whitney? Perhaps each roommate treats you differently. Whitney makes you degrade yourself for their amusement

Also is there a way to get me and Robin both as Whitney's "girlfriends" I don't want things to get confused since robin is a sweetie and I don't want to break her heart.
rent max out at 2000 or 4000 if you pay for robin and have to keep paying.


Apr 26, 2019
rent max out at 2000 or 4000 if you pay for robin and have to keep paying.
Get an apartment with Kylar and Robin. We help her in her Yandere shenanigans.

had the funniest day. I got vored with robin by a snake and my character was like "this world is out to get me." Then we get to school and the boys are forced to have their penises measured in front of the girls. Looks like I'm not the only one in town having a bad day.


Apr 26, 2019
I can't tell if Kylar is crazy enough to believe that any adoption agency would allow someone as crazy as her adopt. Or if the world is so much a crapsack world trope that the adoption agency would say "Here's your future fucktoys have fun" either way we know she's not going to adopt she's going to murder parents and steal their babies. *Sighs* Kylar we talked about this.

"Maybe we can be married in the forest my parents can..."

Ok now my curiosity is piqued. Is she an demon, an incestual hillbilly forest baby, a werewolf?
Ediyt: my requests

Kylar- Marrying Kylar. Not just marrying her but getting an accessory . A collar? A Ring? A brand? I want a way to show we've embraced the chaos of her insanity.
Above and beyond just saying we're the cake thief. Maybe helping her get rid of Bailey and we get a new head of the orphanage who ages us out and we have to find a new place to live . So basically tldr Kylar bonding beyond what's currently there.

Whitney similar to Kylar except in a more bdsm way maybe a collar only Whitney can remove.

Robin the sweet innocent version of kylar and whitney events. Maybe a ring accesory.also want to eat gehr ass

Morgan . Being able to develop some sort of actual creepy pseudo mother daughter relationship. Where we can leave the sewers but come "Home" after.

When we move out different "costs" for different places. An apartment with a pervy landlord is expensive but cheaper than a "i just care about money" landlord. Whitney makes you live in a dog house. If Kylars parents aren't a Norman Bates mom situation they make us service them for our rent they make Kylar do it too.

Rooming with Robin has them getting clingier and a job you know is too dangerous forcing you to have to protect them more.

A hardcore bdsm club to make us even stronger and more dominant.

Qazex Saw

Feb 6, 2018
Coats are planned, which will protect you from the rain. I'm considering umbrellas too.
Is it bad that the moment I heard 'coats' the first thing that came to mind was wearing nothing but a coat in order to wander around flashing people without getting raped every other step?
That said, some option to lower the chances of being attacked by doing something would be nice. Maybe you could do 'favors' for the police and have them actually do their jobs 'sorta' for you for a week, or have a contract with the brothel that requires you to work X times a week, but has random bodyguard people protect you randomly.
Sometimes, I want my character to just flaunt herself in public, but 78% of the population being rapists kinda makes that tricky to do, even if you discount the character always sneaking around when exposed.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
Can you have sex with Robin when you are playing a female?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, playing as a female you can have sexy times with Robin both het and lesbian. The conditions are the same as having sex with Robin as a male MC.


May 13, 2017
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, playing as a female you can have sexy times with Robin both het and lesbian. The conditions are the same as having sex with Robin as a male MC.
What are the conditions. All I can do is play or watch him play his console. And go out once a day.


Apr 26, 2019
What are the conditions. All I can do is play or watch him play his console. And go out once a day.
Basically in week one before Sunday Robin will say she's worried because she can't make payments go to Bailey's office and take on her debt and she'll Eventually ( next couple days) send you a note confessing she kniws you took her debt and she likes you . Go to her room and kiss her and you'll be a couple with new sexier options and she'll sneak into your hed every night almost. You can also stay in her room after bed time but post sex youll return to yours youll be able to fuck her in a movie theatre or a bush on the way home
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Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
What are the conditions. All I can do is play or watch him play his console. And go out once a day.
look at Robin's stats in the SOCIAL tab i think you need 5 Love to get what StonerEv talked about. (Note i think, thats what i had when i got the event also if robin has 2 Lust you can have sex with them)


Apr 26, 2019
Ooh here's a fun idea. Taking the Wolf pack to Savage Leighton or Bailey. If we became Alpha it'd be fun to strike fear into our enemies.
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