Yeah, I read that on the front page but I played this a few years ago. I hoped we would get a chance to become a badass chick(I am a guy but played the game as a young lady), that could kick some ass. Not hating on the game, just not my preference. It is a shame, I like pretty much everything but the idea of always being a victim. That is why there are so many games out there, some for everyone. I wish I had the equipment and talent to create my own dream game but alas, I am on a fixed budget and coding gives me a headache(done some in my younger days).
While you never be the aggessor is true, the later one isn´t. If you play as a large char is quite easy to fend of anyone if you not going into the fight with a disatvange. A large defiant char mit maxed body, will, Since grade and hardened Masochist/Sadist can easy fight of 4 persons often even 5, only need pepper when staring with a disatvange (pain already high or arused). And you also get some badass affect from it, when your fighing off the attackers of your farm you dont even need to fight they run when they see you wen your figthing fame is high (it also effect some random encounters). When you have also have a bite transformation its even more easy, Whitey is fended of in the first round with the bite kicks an punches. Also the money upkeep its easy only need to pay when he comes with 4 other persons and you are low on pepper, after paying once its starts again with him alone so just pay every 4 week as you wanna keep you pepper for emergys as that encounter is planable (just wear a mouth-mask when you still a oral virgin when you sleep and have fended him off, if you wanna keep it for sure).
So the only way to "loose" when you got there by playing it save is at red moon with ivy, or when you pass out and already bound and its a 3+ encounter (here also bite saves you often). But that is very much avoidable. You can also keep all your viginitys. Sure at first you need a chastety belt anal shild and mouth mask, but if you reach the point i mentioned its not needed anymore.
And to get to that point rember fame is everything to make the game hard or easy.(well and the body size of course^^) Cover your face with hands, or wear a mask when you gonna loose at the start of the game because your in a bad state, but also remember to put the mask off when you in a good state to win the postiv fame. And make use of the cast belt, anal shild mouth mask so save all virginitys. As positive fame offsets allure witch desides with encounter with only high good fame offsets all your beauty and even the nights are save(if you dont go out there naked covered in fluids or with fetish clothes). I made the fame feat " Shining Reputation" before it was possibel to alter fame by
Mickey's (ok with a bit of saves i made a save every time afer paying/fending off and had to revert to it about ~10 times twice doing nearly the whole week again to get it).
Sure its a bit boring to play the virgin route, but I like games where its hard but possibel if you learning the game mechanik. Well including the new feats only 6 are left after that i will try to get to that point with a normal body, the downside kylar is very much needed for it as i will need many more pepper.